An Island that has disappeared?
Nightmares that occur during your waking moments.
Can you solve the mystery?
Basic Details
- Title: Spherical Nightmares
- File Name: hl2-ep2-sp-spherical-nightmares.7z
- Size : 104.97MB
- Author: David Lundvall AKA WizardExt
- Date Released: 27 February 2013
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Installation Instructions
- Copy the Spherical Nightmares folder into your SourceMods folder.
- Restart or start Steam.
- Half-Life 2: Spherical Nightmares should now be listed in your Library tab.
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The playthrough below is provided by Custom Gamer.
See more of his playthroughs on this site: VP: Custom Gamer
The video below is provided by Jim Partridge as part of the Critical Jim event.
WARNING: The screenshots contain spoilers.
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Total Time Played: 46 Hours, 19 Mins
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This is a very competent mod. It looks great in many places and generally flows very well and there’s no doubt you should play it.
The trouble is that I am left feeling slightly disappointed. Perhaps this is because after 5 years of development I expected more, or perhaps it’s because the mod feels a little too formulaic.
Now, I had the chance to beta test this mod and left it to the rest of the BTC. along with other testers, so what may follow may sound a little churlish.
The first point is that the story starts with a really interesting scenario. Some sort of experiment or project to make an island disappear. The sphere around the island is well done and the starts sets up the mod.
The problem is I don’t really know why I am on the island and why everybody seems to have disappeared except me and the Combine. Okay, I can live with that. but who is this fellow I see in the black and white sequences? And why am I following him?
Then during the middle of the mod he doesn’t appear for quite a while. Is that because David felt the routes were obvious and no help was needed?
More could have been made of my place within the story and those sequences. Let’s look at the ending, which was a total let down for me. There’s no resolution, no explanation and for a brief moment I thought I had been thrown back to the beginning.
I would have prefer to have jumped into the “portal” and appeared in the middle of the ocean, as if I had managed to escape the sphere.
All in all it felt like a wasted opportunity.
Now let’s talk about the actual gameplay and design.
There are some really nice areas and there’s no doubt a lot of work has gone into this mod, but as I mentioned earlier, it feels too formulaic. I get into an area, here some upbeat music and then the Combine arrive, running past a lot of conveniently placed exploding barrels.
Rinse and repeat. Fun once or twice but as something greater it felt empty.
I would have preferred building up the first exit to outside via more glimpses through some windows or wholes, with the “shock” of coming outside being a major battle ground. It was almost wasted by going out on the balcony.
I know I sound pretty negative about the mod but overall I really did enjoy it, I just feel it’s only 4/5 finished and by finished I mean polished.
There were no glaring bugs, a few small issues, but as a whole it’s just not there. At least, that’s how I feel.
It does raise a question about whether people should be advertising that these mods are in development and I recognize that modders get a lot of motivation from showing there work.
To me, it’s like having a personal trainer with you in the gym, the results are great but shouldn’t we be able to do it on our own?
Really enjoyed this one! Great environments with fantastic combat scenarios.
Combat set-ups are some of the best I’ve seen in Half-Life 2
Good looking maps
Good variety in both the environments and enemies
Took too long to really get going imo
The story gets pushed to the side very quickly once the action starts
Got stuck in a few areas while looking for the way forward, typically this involved finding a well hidden vent entrance
1 Hour, 45 Minutes
“been a very long time not playing a mod (in fact, the last I’ve played was Black Mesa).
Fortunately, this release is really good. The modder said it took him 5 years to do this, and I can understand why.
What I mean is that this mod has no new content, but… you will go on with 1/2 hour of exploration, tenseful, with some puzzles… And then all hell will break loose with 90 minutes of non-stop action against headcrabs, zombies, Combine, in every kind of HL2 map you can imagine, indoor or outdoor. There’s always some kind of challenge, of course it starts easy, and then it becomes more and more difficult, but NOT frustrating, so you’ll really enjoy that wonderful trip, in fact I only died numerous times in a map, the one with 3 hunters, but besides that, as I consider myself an “average” player, the rest is just pure fun. I especially enjoyed the tram-ride. Reminded me of H1 (or Black Mesa).
Too bad the story exploded after the interesting beginning and some newspapers on a wall, the ending reminded me Calamity’s ending, with that [spoiler] seemingly time loop [/spoiler].
Overall, very nice job, this guy has some wonderful skills!!!
2 Hours
I’m not in the mood to write a length review, but I do want to say that this is a very well made mod and I highly recommend it.
1 Hour, 15 Minutes
The mod looks great the environments are very atmospheric and the story is told in flash back sequences which work quite well as it is interesting looking at the environments before and after and is implemented quite heavily at the beginning the flashes at times feel like they happen too often but they set the tone very well.
Health and ammo placements are stingy I don’t think I was at 100 health at any stage in this mod, then again maybe I’m just a noob. Anyway this was gleefully tense at times but unwelcome and frustrating at others, especially as some encounters lack a decent amount of cover to deal with certain enemies and some weapons could be better placed, some you get in the middle of combat and with Half Life auto switching weapons this leaves the player vulnerable.
Environments while pretty are sometimes feel a bit awkward to navigate in a hurry and there are invisible walls some places that (while I can understand why they are there) could have been left out. Additionally it is often not clear what is required to progress the Half life visual language is not used as much as it should. The puzzles in this map seem to boil down to fetch quests and feel very much like filler and the pace generally doesn’t curve so much as it does jump
Overall it’s a really decent mod, tough, let down slightly by unclear routes and uninteresting puzzles still one of the better mods out there.
1 Hour
I really liked this one. It seemed pretty average at first, but after playing I would say it’s well above that.
The environments are varied and pretty well crafted, the combat is well paced, the level design around these combat areas is well done and it gives alot of tactical possibilities depending on how the player prefers to play.
The story… well it isn’t very deep and barely explains anything at the end, but it is there and some nice details went into it like the newspapers or the holding cells at the start. It’s better than no story at all, but I would have liked to know why you were being held prisoner on this island and who was running the whole thing (I’m assuming the models were of combine soldiers just because it wouldn’t be very easy to replace the models.)
While in general the mod was very good there were somethings that stuck out.
You barely ever use the pistol. It is given to you very early on and right after that you are given a bunch of different weapons and there is no reason to ever use the pistol. I didn’t shoot one bullet before I got the hold of another weapon.
While I really applaud the use of music (which not very mods do well), the combat music was way too repetitive and not suitable for such small encounters. The music went off very quickly and two minutes later it was starting again. Should have definatly used some other music pieces for combat encounters, but the ambient ones were well used.
The jumping puzzles were fun and entertaining but most of the time I went straight for them. This is a problem with alot of mods and even full games. Don’t show me the solution before you show me the problem.
Most of the time the mod was just begging for some sort of stealth. Specially in the “screenshot 76”. The combine were already shooting at me before I even had the crossbow in my hands. I would have loved to aim it, slowly at the combine on the platform and shoot him right in the head, and watch his body get pinned on the wall. Now, I am a mapper/modder aswell and I know that the game has no stealth mechanic available to us, but in these “specific” situations a combination of “ai_relationship” entities and a bunch of triggers around the place are enough for a simple stealth scenerio.
That is about it, the mod overall was very good and I’m hoping to see another one, preferably with a bit more story.
1 Hour
FYI about stealth: another easy way to achieve stealth moments is to surround the player with block brushes covered in the block_LOS texture…then turn them into func_brush and then name them. then once the player attacks a Combine, makes a loud noise, or walks outside of the block_LOS brush, remove the brush from the world with “kill” I/O.
This can also be used to keep rebels from seeing/attacking headcrabs and Soldiers that might just be part of the scenery or simply too far away for your storytelling preferences…ie you want the rebels to be stealthy along with the player.
All of this circumvents the ai_replationship, which can get messy very fast!!
I’m not exactly sure what your method is but, by what I understood it doesn’t give the same effect. In your situation, the moment the player walks out of the brush the combine attack him, even if they would not actually “see” him. The only situation this would be effective is if you have the NPC’s be completly still.
I did some experimentation with stealth a couple months ago with the ai-relationship and triggers that allowed for stealth scenes with patrolling combine. Firstly create how many rooms you wish, each filled with a trigger. Then a combine patrolling around the rooms with a neutral attitude towards the player. Once the combine enters a new room, enable only the adjacent room triggers, that if triggered kill off the ai_relationship, thus making the soldier attack the player. Obviously this wouldn’t work with very complex rooms or structures without some serious planning and trigger work, but it is much more powerfull than your way I think.
You can also do a sort of “noise distraction” mechanic with the bugbait. After triggering the correspondent entity (can’t remember the name of it) it would make the combine move towards the specific room. Add a math counter and you can even make the enemy become aware of you if the player abuses this mechanic so that it can become a bit more realistic.
What I have got no idea for is how to detect the player making a loud noise. With your method, how would you detect the player making a sound, say for example, firing a weapon in a way that doesn’t hit the combine ?
Well what can I say… that really brightened up my sunday afternoon,a good old fashioned half life 2 mod the way they were meant to be done
… the only negative point I can think of is it wasnt long enough… but im sure with davids skills at mapping he will continue this mod or create another outstanding creation ( hope I dont have to wait another 5 years )
seriously though this was amazing … best parts must be the tram ride ( which brought back memories of how it all started with the black mesa tram ride ) … and the firefights with the combine …. I notice some said they were too repetetive … however I didnt think so
what does amaze me is how mappers/modders dont lose interest when creating a mod over a five year period so david must be congratulated for seeing the mod through for that length of time
I havent give a personal favourite to any mod this year,however “spherical nightmares” deserves this … its a outstanding mod which was a joy to play .. and as I mentioned earlier its a shame it wasnt longer …
well done david … I look forward to more of your work …. !
Where to start? At the beginning I guess; I loved the buildup in this mod, the flashbacks and environment set up the mystery really well. Scattered throughout the early levels are a variety of clues which I thought was a great way to enhance the story – it’s a shame this didn’t carry on all the way through, but I’ll get to that later. The grahpics are really nice too, some places are not extremely detailed but more than enough polish has been added, especially with the more destroyed areas. I also love the sphere effect in the skybox, it gives a good overall theme to the maps. I will have to have a look at how it was achieved!
Initially the gameplay starts of slow and simple, but the very scarce supply of health forced me into some more tactical thinking. There were only a couple of places where the lack of supplies became frustrating.
Anyway, around the middle of the mod the gameplay really becomes an issue for me. It gets to the stage where this is the all that happens:
Enter arena -> Exciting music plays -> Combine come in -> Kill Combine -> Music fades out -> Run to next area
This exact pattern must have repeated at least a dozen times through the course of the mod, and it just got really tiresome and, well repetitive. It could have easily been broken up with some more puzzles, exploration and even some more detail on the plot. (The plot which was set up goes away entirely until the very end of the mod.) It’s sad because that was really the only problem I could see with the whole thing.
The ending itself was pretty cool and a nice idea, but without any set up or context in the preceding areas it seemed pretty meaningless. And why was there a teleport in that random garage anyway?
1 Hour, 30 Minutes
I agree with MisterAddy about the repetitivness of the battle sequences. Where I disagree with MisterAddy is that was the only problem. There is an issue with repetitivness of battle areas and enviroments as well. The enviroments themselves (although somewhat different) seemed very “samey”. One section was just like the last section. One large (storage garage/indoor large area that looks like dry sewers?) after another, after another…all dark, and all seemingly connected by vents which was also a repetitive feature. There were puzzles constantly which served to slow the pace to a crawl.
What little story there was, were basically flashbacks which kinda got in my way as I tried desperatly to move forward a bit quicker in spite of the puzzles. After the half-way mark I began to get bored.
Construction was well done. The author took a lot of time to construct these maps, as much attention to detail is appearent. But some areas had things seemngly out of place. A shed indoors and stuff like that. Ambient sound was good, and the author did a fair job of throwing some different kinds of battles at times, forcing a slight change of stratagy every once in a while.
I liked the new soda machines and fishy signs and that kind of custom stuff. But the whole thing was too damn dark, and too run down looking! Cynder-block garage looking areas with trash stroon about…in a way it was like an extended version of the low rent section Ravenholm. By the halfway mark I was urning for some sunlight, just a little damn outdoors, and dont wait till the very end to do it! The Ravenholm bit for that long was really depressing me and causing me to start to lose interest.
Is it worth a play-though? Yes, if you dont mind those issues I mentioned. For example, someone who likes puzzles (I dont) might have a field day in here. It is a basically well constructed mod, with some issues.
I give it a mabye.
I see what you mean, although I disagree that there were too many puzzles. I do think I was maybe too generous with my score though.
You can always change it you know. An orange “think twice” would give the ratings pie and ratings bar, kind of a rainbow effect lolz.
I have to say I really liked this mod. The dark atmosphere, the story, the detail. I got a sense of Lost but on a previously inhabited island. There were a couple areas though that just felt like a jarring change.
Everyone here seems to say the story went by the wayside.
I would say
[spoiler]The whole experience is an infinite loop. You are remembering the people who used to live on the island. I also think that the man is yourself, just in another run though. Might be clear off base but that’s my theory.
I would defiantly recommend this mod.
Oh my god, whose orders are you defying by recommending this? What kind of a meanie would tell you not to recommend this? 🙁
Well needless to say IE 10 has poor spellcheck and I definitely did not review my post well.
I enjoyed most of the mod, although there are a few things that I didn’t like.
-Most fights were balanced, but a bit repetitive. Each fight has no real “personality”, the only thing that changes is the area where it takes place.
-An exception to this was the part with the emplacement guns. The limited ammo prevented you from firing at random and you actually had to place your shots well.
-Nice puzzles!
-There were some cool moments, like the point where the Combine block the transit system and attack you.
-The explosive barrels felt very artificial, and made the Combine soldier AI, which is quite smart, look stupid, since they often took cover right next to a red barrel.
-I’m happy the Hunter-Chopper didn’t take 56 rockets to blow up (In HL2 its default life is 5600 HP which infact means 56 RPG rounds).
-Lots of custom textures which gave the mod a very fresh feel.
-Very detailed environments.
-Breathtaking outdoor visuals, especially the balcony and the last area.
-The great visuals, however, felt a bit “wasted”. One of the things which pushes you to advance in videogames is the open sky as a reward. Here, you are trapped inside a building but you get a fantastic visual from a balcony which you are not even required to go to. That view should have been left for the player to see when he walks outside the first time.
-The plot has one problem: it is useless. You play for one hour and a half only to realize that it was all a dream and that you actually didn’t do anything, you are still prisoner of the Combine and you will never escape from the island.
-As I mentioned earlier, giving the player a reward for completing the game is a great way to keep his interest high, but here the reward just disappears right when you expect to earn it.
-The plot felt like a wasted opportunity. It could have had the best ending in the world, with you making it to the ocean, and earning freedom. Why wasn’t it done?
-What do the black and white parts mean? What do they represent? Alright, I’m in some kind of asylum (I think) and I’m seeing flashbacks of when crazy people was still there. But what was the Combine doing there then? Why are they still on the island?
Despite the delusional plot, I still recommend playing it. It has stunning visuals, great mapping, great attention to detail and pretty solid gameplay, and you will probably enjoy most of it, except the ending.
I’d say 4/5.
Very well crafted mod. Kept me interested till the end.
2 Hours
Wow, a really nice mod!
The atmosphere and the created environments were really awesome, I especially loved the abandoned harbour after fighting the hunters.
The story was interested, but I couldn’t really accept the abrupt ending, something was “missing” – I thought that there was some kind of showdown/leaving the island/something left to do, and I was kinda disappointed with the scene, but that’s the only bad thing I can find.
Really much thought and planning was put into the layout and the design of the maps, many sall details and the art scene helped convey the image of a huge facility embedded in a mountain, located on a disappeared island – the skybox was wonderful!
The action sequences were set up really well, much diversity and environment-based combat was involved.
The only bug I noticed was when fighting the pacjk of hunters after leaving the mine, above the harbor: the first hunter’s flechettes launched me up on the roof of the tunnel above the harbor when I just jumped down from the small cliff, and from where it was really easy to just pick the hunters one by one.
Really great mod, I certainly hope to see more of you in the future!
2 Hours, 30 Minutes
Great mod realy enjoyed all of it and some good puzzles to work out instead of just shooting everything
4 Hours
This was an excellent mod. I loved the setup of the disappearing island and the subject evaluation reports that were left lying around. Overall I found the puzzles pretty easy and the quality level high. There was lots of “fun” ammo lying around so you could dispose of your enemies in a variety of ways (my favorite is to throw the gas can).
A few very small things that could have been better:
– I experienced some lag in the map where you fight with a group of soldiers and a turret
– I got stuck when I tried to jump out of the tram car that was disabled
– The author seemed to love using doors with fake locks on them. Sometimes they looked like real locks so I tried to “use” them but nothing happened. This got annoying after awhile.
Overall these are minor things and this is definitely fun to play!
2 Hours, 20 Minutes
So close to being a Personal Favorite, it didn’t make that mainly because of the fighting sequences becoming repetitive, in the sequence they happened as mentioned by many others already. However I thought they were very good for most of the mod. The standouts for me were the graphics, lighting and variety of scenes together with the puzzles.
Boy! this is a really nice, and good mod!!
I guess the fact was tried in the PP Beta testers collective definitely worth the effort!!! So many things I liked about this mod.
First the fact it tells a story as you play the mod, so I missed those kind of mods like that, then in this one, you will have a great story maybe quite short, but within a great scenario, in fact you can actually see the[spoiler] island inside the sphere[/spoiler] which is great, I think it was really cool as soon as I saw it in the outside.
Second, the mapping. It has a great quality and the details are in there, also the views are beautiful, the developer(s) integrated the indoor parts along with the outdoor maps just perfectly.
Third, this mod feels like an absoulte HL2 universe piece a million percent, i’d love to see more mods polished so well into the HL2 universe. The island the coal mine which was the main resource of whealt and set up a lifestyle to the inhabitants in there, the roads, and the obvious destruction after the CMB invassion was great, and this is a great example of how to put stories INTO the mods, the environment was great, the G-Man sights make of this a great little sweet story to play.
Fourth, and maybe the main point. The battles were TERRIFIC!!, I love battles that way, I mean, battles in scenarios that allow you as player to have strategies and beat the combines in many way, the mounted guns part was a delight!, then the Hunter battle was lovely I really loved that one. Maybe only one weak point of the mod was that they deliver the AR2 at the nearly end of the mod, perhaps a more equal weaponery distribution would come better.
Finally, well, I conclude that this is probably one of the greatest mods in 013, and should be nominated to the PP mod of the year, is really good in playability terms and is entretaining as hell.
PD. Maybe, if the story gaming plot would have guided me into the CMB structure that produced the sphere I would give this mod a Personal Favourite, well this mod makes a little HL2 universe from its own so maybe they can continue in soome other mod, the story into the CMB facilities that are placed in the heart of that mistery island.
Boy! this is a really nice, and good mod!!
I guess the fact was tried in the PP Beta testers collective definitely worth the effort!!! So many things I liked about this mod.
First the fact it tells a story as you play the mod, so I missed those kind of mods like that, then in this one, you will have a great story maybe quite short, but within a great scenario, in fact you can actually see the island inside the sphere.
which is great, I think it was really cool as soon as I saw it in the outside.
Second, the mapping. It has a great quality and the details are in there, also the views are beautiful, the developer(s) integrated the indoor parts along with the outdoor maps just perfectly.
Third, this mod feels like an absoulte HL2 universe piece a million percent, i’d love to see more mods polished so well into the HL2 universe. The island the coal mine which was the main resource of whealt and set up a lifestyle to the inhabitants in there, the roads, and the obvious destruction after the CMB invassion was great, and this is a great example of how to put stories INTO the mods, the environment was great, the G-Man sights make of this a great little sweet story to play.
Fourth, and maybe the main point. The battles were TERRIFIC!!, I love battles that way, I mean, battles in scenarios that allow you as player to have strategies and beat the combines in many way, the mounted guns part was a delight!, then the Hunter battle was lovely I really loved that one. Maybe only one weak point of the mod was that they deliver the AR2 at the nearly end of the mod, perhaps a more equal weaponery distribution would come better.
Finally, well, I conclude that this is probably one of the greatest mods in 013, and should be nominated to the PP mod of the year, is really good in playability terms and is entretaining as hell.
PD. Maybe, if the story gaming plot would have guided me into the CMB structure that produced the sphere I would give this mod a Personal Favourite, well this mod makes a little HL2 universe from its own so maybe they can continue in soome other mod, the story into the CMB facilities that are placed in the heart of that mistery island.
2 Hours, 5 Minutes
Well with the steampipe beta update, I get this (engine) error:
“can’t find background image materials/console/startup_loading.vtf” 🙁
but apparently the revert works, now reinstalling ep2
Fingers crossed! I’ve had this missing vtf problem before, it came up when selecting widescreen. I seem to remember just copying another vtf (renamed) which got it at least running again with video in forced-safe mode (-safe launch option), then when running, in video options selecting widescreen which overwrote the vtf with a new one.
However judging by the way steampipe screws around with many things, your error may be just the tip of the iceberg! Going back seems the safest bet, your Beta Testing status now includes “steam beta Guinea Pig”; good luck..
I’m going to image my hdd before I even consider trying steampipe, as I don’t trust them an inch. Even though I’ve carefully set all my games to no sync, and do not update – as I expected valve are completely ignoring my preferences as many exe’s and dll’s are being overwritten almost daily, judging by the file info. What a huge surprise – not.
Well it worked 🙂 Am I the first one to revert to non beta ep2? lol
Now for the review! The intro is outstanding, I think we can all agree. And I always love a mod that succeedes in messing with view angles (like in R&D when you’re on a falling structure)
The elevator lever still not indicating what it does.. but it seemed I didn’t need it?
Found a bug in that neat skybox 🙁 under the right angle, the sun disappears..
It’s only the authors fault for making it so darn nice and making me look at it for so long, yet tryin to avoid the too bright sun.
Perfect level change(s throughout the mod), as I go down in the canal again and can’t backtrack, but looking back the level is fine; and perfect autosave as well, it cant mess with anything. A lot of mods fail at these chapters and he nails 2 birds with 1 stone.
The tunnel fight is nice, bit too short tho. Onto the train ride, in which I see GMan again for some reason, and has an unexpected stop. The fight there is nice again but too short.
And yet another pleasant dead end that just adds a bit of space in every map and a little more to explore, sometimes holding goodies even.
The level of detail is nice.. and I can say that again, in a lot of maps.
After the explosion on the track and after killing the visible combine, music not stopping is a giveaway of the fight not being over, so the pattern established so far maybe isn’t so wise to be used every time, but it is..
All the custom pics and messages are a v nice touch.
Oh idk what u did but I dont think this was here before, or maybe a recent ep2 bug.. going underwater after the hunter fight and looking up, the water is all pink checkers.
Omg a moving barrel in the battery puzzle area 😀 nice touch. Telling player that the steam hurts by killing a fast zombie, also good in a mod!
Fkn holes in concrete walls are an amazing touch hehe
The sun was buggy in the last map as well, it’s a shame but weird I didn’t notice it while playtesting.
For a short to medium mod, imo it’s very well made. And for the dome sky alone it will always have a special place in my hl heart 🙂
1 Hour, 15 Minutes
Good stuff, this. The environments are all very well done. As others have said, the story sort of gets set aside after the first fifteen minutes or so, only to be picked up again right at the end to tie everything together (-ish). There were a lot of physics projectiles lying around, so I ended up barely using any weapon aside from the gravity gun. There was also a lot of mid-range head-on combat against Combine soldiers behind cover – that seemed to be sort of a recurring theme.
1 Hour, 30 Minutes
Classic HL2 and great fun to play. Yes, it was slow to start, but I thought that was made up for later. Combating the three hunters took me a while to figure out a strategy. Difficulty was set right for medium. I guessed the ending from the title of the piece. There are other mods in the hall of fame that I hold in less regard to this one. I highly recommend it.
2 Hours
I mean, just… Wow. Though I did have to resort to changing out my gameinfo file (should be noted: I would love to see those downloaded txt files available HERE instead of other sites linked here, because we know from experience with Fileshack that that is never a permanent solution…) to play it at all, once I did…
Everything about this mod is amazing. The mapping is just incredible. The location itself – omg do I want to know more about this? Yes, yes I do. If there was ever something I’d love to see a follow up or more detailed information behind, this is one.
I think my only disappointment was that I did have to resort to god mode in order to get through the chopper area alive. I only had 30 hp when I reached that spot, and 5 or 6 times trying over and over to reach health kits frustrated me too much.
The fights were a little few and far between, but they were all quite intense and lots of fun. I don’t think there was much ‘lather rinse repeatisms’ among the fights, because the venues changed enough even within specific areas to be fun and unique.
I give extra-extra props for having Gman available so often in this mod. I love him, and obviously someone else does too. 🙂
Wish there had been an achievement for finding Gnomes. And/or finding the ‘rainy day’ graffiti. Just enough exploration but not so much you got lost doing it. The flashback sequences were creepy and well done. Every map … I want to use in Gmod to look around at leisure now. A really well made location from start to finish.
The musical selections and timing were all kinds of perfect. Lighting cues and motion to trigger your eyes going to a spot – all dead on. I didn’t feel that I was going to need twitch-response platforming anywhere, even when jumping puzzles were there to be solved. I did almost get stymied in one area with the barnacles, but did figure that one out almost by accident. (If the boxes look like stairs, they probably *are* stairs…)
Such good work. Very well done, I have no idea how I missed this one when it was newer. Glad I played it.
3 Hours
Well, as much as I enjoyed this mod it could have been a lot better. It looks better than it plays, that’s for sure. Too often, I managed to avoid the fights by hanging back.
As has been said already, there were too many vents and too many “steps” to climb to reach those vents.
The music started exactly as the soldiers came running in and I know that’s how it works but if felt exaggerated here.
I spotted the Gman four times in the first half but none in the second. I don’t know if that was because he got harder and harder to find or whether he stopped appearing.
You should definitely play it but with a little tweaking it could be fantastic.
1 Hour, 37 Minutes
A good mod with some very clever ideas let down by some missteps around combat and repetitive vent crawling.
Looks wise the mod does everything to a very high standard. I feel some of the larger outdoor spaces were wasted by what occurred in those areas. Many outdoor areas feel thrown away with the grand visuals not being accompanied by engaging gameplay.
As per my Critical Jim walkthrough, much of the combat in the mod is let down by the fact the player isn’t drawn into the combat spaces enough before the action begins. This leads to the player sniping from a distance on many occasions and therefore no dynamic action occurs.
The excessive use of vents to connect play areas is rather tiresome also.
Too many fast headcrabs and manhacks makes Jim angry.
Great concept for a mod overall however and the story justifies the strangely connected areas. In any other mod it would just be weird.
I also discovered this was David’s first mod so huge congrats for a great effort at the time!
1 Hour, 20 Minutes
half life mods and maps are a bit like scouse ( a british type of stew/hot pot ) …. they are allways better the second time around … and “spherical-nightmares” is one of those mods
david has done a amazing job with this mod and has pushed the hammer editor to its limits …. and it was a joy to play this mod from start to finish ….
i liked the way he used the faceposer to give the gman some different expressions … and the tram system was nice ( as you tend to see this more in half life than the second ) ..
i would normally mention negatives at this point but theres none that i saw so well done there …..
overall a amazing mod that will stand its time …. i will be playing this one on a regular basis and thats a promise !
40 Minutes
I think I gave this a play it now before, but I’ll do it again. The one thing this mod has going for it is replay-ability. I remember playing this twice when it first came out, and the third time around I found even more secrets and tid-bits of story. And the combat encounters don’t get old. I was playing this on hard, so I died alot, but each time enemies reacted different, I played slightly different, and the results were different. This mod is great because it offers you alot of choice in an encounter, even if that choice isn’t necessarily the most exciting. There’s also some nice scripting with the introduction of enemies that you wouldn’t notice the first time around (two elites at the end come to mind). One criticisms I will admit, though, is I noticed soldier’s cover schedules failing alot (thus the charging the player that Jim experienced in his stream). I think this is partly due to the density of combine that can sometimes happen during an encounter. Along with some issues with node hint types and assaults. It’s not awful, though. Especially on hard mode, when a combine soldier with an smg rushes you and your shotgun is being reloaded, you’re gonna have to make some tough…choices.
1 Hour, 30 Minutes
The ‘facility’ the player begins in is a original setting, and genuinely interesting enough to explore and observe the mysterious happenings as you journey through the island, and what a journey it is. Enough of the environment is visually appealing to keep one engaged.
Every detail was properly set up to the traditional ‘Half-Life’ formula, you begin with no weapons, slowly build up an arsenal, certain weapons like the Magnum and Crossbow are presented in the right settings, and every action scene was followed by a break to explore and resupply from hidden crates, and observe the intricate environment, I’m a sucker for rainy atmospheres, thus, this mod gets an A+ for environment and atmosphere.
The occasional puzzle had to be the weakest points of the mod, whether it be using the gravity gun to get through a blocked door, shooting a destructible Combine computer to get through an energy field, shooting boards off a door… They’re original, albeit oddly presented and go against the usual Half-Life 2 player’s mindset, for example, most people view the computers and useless unless Alyx uses them, or wooden boards should be broken via crowbar, etc,. Thankfully, you’re going to be doing more walking and observation than puzzles.
Another issue I had, and Critical Jim pointed this out in his stream, the majority of enemies you encounter is Combine, albeit it makes sense how Combine would be largely present in the ‘facility’ setting, and likewise, zombies in tunnels, Hunters patrolling outskirts, etc,. The combat felt a bit too repetitive, however, every environment the player is in provides some sort of unique advantage, be it mounted guns (with limited ammo to prevent camping), or explosive barrels for tightly crowded soldiers, so I want to say it’s semi-repetitive, as each battle provides a new way to fight the Combine. (I love Manhacks so long as the player has a Gravity gun to use them against the Combine, not quite sure why others hate them with a burning passion).
This is actually the second or third time I played the mod,and I recall enjoying it especially for its sinister atmosphere, from the ‘missing’ island, the ‘brainwashed’ people trapped with you, G-Man providing a cameo or four, a barrel moving on its own from behind a corner, even an odd door that will not open unless you use it made the mod all the more unique.
Normally, I don’t address the plot as one of the major factors of a mod unless people try to seriously implement through things like voice acting or deliberately stopping game-play to address it. Spherical Nightmares only does this through intro/outro and ‘flashbacks’ of a citizen escaping the island as you follow his footsteps, because the mod does not deliberately address its own plot, I find it’s more open ended of an ending, nonetheless fascinating.
Whether or not you’re turned off by repetition, this mod is one of my all-time favorites, simply for the amount of detail and loyalty to the Half-Life 2 formula of level design, if you can get past the occasional flaw in game-play, there’s no reason not to play this mod.
1 Hour, 20 Minutes
Very Nice Mod. Runs under Linux without big Problems. Only the SW Parts are note SW but with color and a white line accros the screen…
One of my favorite mods. The design goes beyond what most do, the gameplay was fabulous (when the battles existed, which was rare for some time). Visuals couldn’t have been better.
2 Hours
Definitely worth playing this mod. Well paced, most of the combat encounters are enjoyable. You aren’t overwhelmed with enemies straight away and you gradually gain more weapons, in classic Half-Life style. I’ve only played through this mod once, but I’ll definitely be giving it another playthrough in the future.
Man, what a marvelous mod!
This mod is sitting on my HD in the same folder as: The Citizen, Minerva: Metastasis, Eye of the Storm, Strider Mountain…..etc.
Keep up that good work!
Yes, I absolutely LOVED this mod. Such an engrossing adventure and one I utterly enjoyed so much. Adventure is the word as well, because this didn’t feel like a loose bunch of similar maps with a segregated setting or action scenes. It felt totally professional and with more than enough surprises to catch you out. The darker areas were perfect – ie without those constant annoying pitch black places. And these parts of the game gave me the jitters! Brilliantly done.
Everything else was of a different genre, love anything outdoorsy and industrial – all equally as good too. I didn’t care for the Hunter scene myself, hate those buggers! lol. But at least I did it with enough health left over to carry on. The map designs throughout is brilliant and I feel it was made for the adventurer that loves to explore. The ending was an anticlimactic affair but everything else about the game was perfect, for me.
Negatives? Hmm … let me think…. Ahh yes! I’ve found one : I wanted more and was extremely gutted when it was all over. Extremely gutted.
This is another personal favourite for me. I won’t be deleting it any time soon! If you enjoy a good storyline with beautifully designed maps that intrigue and are just itching to get exploring then this is for you. One of the best mods I’ve played. 9.9/10 — I’d have given 10/10 if it was double the size. Never happy lol
BRILLIANT mod. Download it!! 🙂
Has anyone tried solving the ball puzzle? I can’t grasp the logic behind it. If I put balls in in a certain order it plays a “Yahooo!” voice/sound effect, but I can’t see anything resulting from it.
Try looking at the video walkthrough in the main post.
Both videos pass the room by like it’s irrelevant, and I don’t think it is (it may yet prove to be, but that’s why I’m asking).
I’ve gone through the mod twice. Once the proper way and once in “detective” mode. Haven’t found another place like this one.
Here’s a video of what I’m seeing
Depending on the order, you might get a green or a red ball, still haven’t found any logic behind it.
can you send me a save from just before that point?
The door appears to open after a few tries. I don’t know if it’s related to anything I did before it, I just rushed to the spot.
I need a save before the door unlocks. Or I don’t understand your problem.
It’s not a problem. What I’m asking is if someone knows what purpose (if any) the ball puzzle serves.
I never played this before because my PC at the time could or would not run this mod at all! I found this on another certain mod site we all know and loaded it up along with the requisite append for, well we all know why.
It worked and plays perfectly well now on PC Append Mark 2!
This mod is another slice of HL2 action. It looks great and the areas have a lot of depth and detail with some good lighting. There are a lot of gravity-gun goodies for those ready to ignore their guns and this was quite the change. I for one rarely bifurcated Combine, but what fun it turned out!
The darker lower levels had a serious issue for me; too many damned fast headcrabs! On near full health they rushed me as my torch faded and I was bitten to death before I could act. Wow I had never seen them as such a threat before; genius!
This mod fools you into thinking the combat is light and then bam, red screen!
I liked those quiet moments after the combat. Like a terrace where you could hear the waves on the cliffs or the best area on the docks in the rain and storm. HL2 always lacked atmosphere but here it’s great.
Outside I came across a gunship that I didn’t have to shoot relentlessly for ages hoping it would die before me, and this I loved! More realism is always appreciated.
The levels followed an up down inside and outside pattern that was interesting if not a touch repetitious, but it always kept me interested so who cares, I didn’t!
The strange flashbacks in grey and the constant appearances of the G-man leant this mod a different air and hinted at the usual ending for the stranger mods.
I had one crash after the Hunter fight as I opened the pistol ammo box, luckily it was a recoverable game only crash and I was quickly back in. Ignored that ammo and headed for the docks.
Pipe jumping and duct crawling filled this mod like any great HL2 adventure and after my long wait I was pleased to be so impressed. I tested if to see if it worked and ended up playing through to the end, a straight three and some hours.
This would be a Personal favourite but it lacked a little something, just what I couldn’t say, but it is a damn good mod!
3 Hours, 22 Minutes
My previous review said something was lacking for a personal favourite review and I now know it was just my terrible tactics in those dark fast headcrab infested tunnels that let me down; this time it was much easier. Those three hunters being the exception on that little coast road, but this time only one red screen and zero crashing!
This mod is actually an exceptional piece of action related gaming and I was quite surprised when it ended, disappointed even! I was just having so much fun…
I never heard of this mod before, but when I played it, its pacing in both combat and story surprised me.
The combat was with good pacing and solid. This mod is hard, by the way, you will rarely get any armor.
The story took me away when it was revealed what is this “Spherical” name in the mod was talking about. As I appear to be retracing someone, somebody’s footsteps, it all was clear in the end.
2 Hours
Really nice mod. I like both the scary atmosphere of some places and the bright atmosphere of the other places. Combats are not too easy but not too hard, their difficulty are well set. The mod is not too short but not too long. Awesome!
2 Hours
Fix: Difficulty played at hard -> medium
Everything look very good for me
+ puzzle not too complicated
+ neet design
+ good atmosphere
+ well balanced fights
there is nothing really tremendous and it could have even the benefice of some great cutscene but for me it’s simply great through the mix of everything and the fluid gameplay.
Part of my favorite for sure
Using Gauge
1 Hour, 20 Minutes
Looks great. Plays ok. Like a great looking steak that you still need to put sauce on. Not many bad guys till the third map. Seems like a lot of maps to accomplish very little.