Here are the latest 100 comments

Cogerhet - Half-Life: Field Intensity - 9 hours ago
All I have to say is that the mapping is better than Valve's. Yes, this may be a controversial opinion, but some areas in Half-Life just felt a bit... bland or out out of place at the very least. Some examples would include the ruined buildings in Surface Tension (Same texture, basic geometry) and fan in Blast Pit. Of course, I don't blame the Valve team since they quite literally made Half-Life, but all I'm saying is that never once did I step back in this mod to consider how weird the map ...
Cogerhet - Half-Life: Field Intensity - 10 hours ago
Some of your points are actually fair, such as grapple points being stuck behind railings that new players might be unsure of how to get past (especially since such a problem was nonexistent in OP4 to my knowledge), but others seem quite off the mark. For starters, the 'indefinite resource regeneration' they mentioned was in the NPC Balance List since it was intended at first to be like that. They later realized it made the boss quite a pain to deal with and so they attempt...
skarano - Introduce Yourself - 1 day ago
counter strike source...
Robolovsky - Resourceful Protagonist - 3 days ago
I realise that this is a ten year old post but I'm just playing this for the first time and agree with many of the comments here. Just for the record though, there is a crowbar. If you want to see where it is, just watch the excellent walkthrough on YouTube by Bolloxed. Play it from 7 mins in for the full reveal. Like many others i missed this and out of frustration at all the boxes that needed flattening, I gave myself a crowbar using 'sv_cheats 1' followed by 'give weapon_crowbar'. Well justif...
Commando\--/Booce - Back On 2rack: Vertigo – Map Labs Presents - 4 days ago
I'm in this!...
Resonant_Fire - TWHL Tower: Source - 4 days ago
It was alright, there were some levels that felt completely unfinished and had a feeling of, is that really it? Fallen Angel was probably the highlight of the mod. It's a one time play through kind of experience, I found myself growing bored by the end....
Dmitry - Hidden Evil - 6 days ago
This mod is hard because of the shotgunners. Maybe if the designer would put less damage for shotgunners out be nice. I still can't believe enemy shotgunners are smarte than MP-5 while the player is smarter with MP-5 than with a Shotgun which on Hard hardly kills in one strike anyone. He also placed AR grenadiers in thin corridors. Unlimited enemies has a weak spot, you can place behind their spawn position and finish them with the shotgun. Still I think the game is lack of explosives or more HE...
vancanucksfan - TWHL Tower: Source - 6 days ago
This throws an error when I run it that says "Could not load library client. Try restarting. If that doesn't work, verify the cache". I confirmed that I do have "Source SDK Base 2013 Singleplayer (upcoming) installed. Anybody have any ideas what might cause this error?...
Dmitry - Heavily Armed - 7 days ago
If T button doesn't work try to change areas several times. Sometimes works on the first change sometimes not. Or just spawn in a different area and try it again. It depends. Beside of rockets, MP-5 is still a good weapon after all. There're two side areas, I think you can play through all areas in one go. Their placement can be altered of course, it's never the same route. So a nice arcadic version of half-life it's like playing half-life back in 1991....
RedZombie18 - TWHL Tower: Source - 1 week ago
This was a fun experience that lasted me a few hours. While there are a couple of "floors" that are rough around the edges, there are plenty of great ones! A nice mix of puzzles, combat and even one strictly narrative based. Fallen Angel by Xinus22 was probably my favorite, mainly due to the fact it was purely unique and had an intriguing story tied to it. Overall was fun and enjoyable!...
Dmitry - Hard - 1 week ago
There're great diversity of actions. Maybe game do not follow a general idea, but modders usually do not have enough tools to make a nice story. What he made is too put too many enemies in general and not too many health. Create a sudden death situations without alternative strategies, there's usually one way out and if everything works fine. Difficulty in the last train is very high. A chopper around a vagon is very smart, the last section with rocket launcher and the sniper is like a dead cany...
Robolovsky - Hardware Upgrade: Remastered - 1 week ago
It is very easy to get to the other side without using a pipe to cross the cave. When the walkway collapses you can jump down into the water filled container, then jump out and run over to the ladder that has been dropped down for you. Then you just climb it and go into the nearby room where you can see the screen which shows another rebel behind the force-field. There is a button there but pressing it just brings up the message about getting rid of the strider first. No strider so no more progr...
Hec - Tune Two: Crossfade – Map Labs Test Tube #13 - 1 week ago
I am honestly unsure what to think about this competition as a whole gaming product. At first, I thought most entries were much more coherent and logical than the first "tune" competition. I felt at least in this edition we have the songs in which all the entries were inspired. But then I had this strange feeling of the last entries being way too much abstract and surreal, and not precisely linked to the songs as some entries had only instrumental pieces used as inspiration for their map...
Filthy McNasty - Hardware Upgrade: Remastered - 1 week ago
Very weird mod....
Radial - La Habana Libre - 2 weeks ago
A fun little romp through a unique environment. Really liked how well it was able to convey the location change without much custom assets. Also uses the classic gameplay rule of "go to 3 things to interact with a bigger goal thing" to good effect....
Radial - So Much For Freeman - 2 weeks ago
I'm sure this is a great map as seen through the very positive reviews, but unfortunately as others have reported here it is currently nonfunctional in current base HL2. It's been almost 20 years, so no doubt something has changed along the way that makes this the case....
Dmitry - Grunt Match - 2 weeks ago
It's a walk in the park. Go to the open and shoot everyone on Easy or hide and snipe everyone on Hard. Up to you....
Ade - Half-Life: Field Intensity - 2 weeks ago
I don't know why, but I seem to be the only person in the world that had major issues with this mod. I cannot recommend the version that is on this website. Try the latest moddb patch to maybe fix some bugs and issues. The moddb page doesn't even mention 'indefinite resource generation' in the bugs list, but NPC balance list. So they either knew about this game breaking bug and deleted all comments and references to it, or they did not fully fix it. My playthrough is on Twitch.tv with the handl...
agreenman - Avenue Odessa - 2 weeks ago
Tense and thrilling, this was a lot of fun! Jason Gimba always delivers. Great scripting. This one had quite the epic feel. Liked how the sniper sequence flipped the script into a defense battle. Felt fluid and satisfying. Cubbage was a coward, as usual. Bro can say whatever he wants, but he alone has to sleep at night knowing he'd be dead without me. Level design like this is always tricky to get right. Continue to push the player, yet lead them naturally through a chaotic landscap...
Dmitry - Gman Island Part 2 - 2 weeks ago
Very nice mod. I enjoyed how the spider killed GMan once and for all. After that the battle were friendly between the Spider and Freeman. It was friendly because Freeman is an alien his wife is A Vortgaunt and he has two kids in his house in the outer space living in his room: headcrab a & headcrab b. That's all for now, I hope someone else created this idea, the gordon is actually a mother spider of all aliens and GMan were just a businessman....
Anon_2024367 - Gateway 2: Shadows of Death - 2 weeks ago
I enjoyed this one. The part with some corridors running away from aliens were nice. They have a nice ability to put the player against any corner and do not allow you to move anymore. Meanwhile you are not moving they strike with 2 pounches and if you still there they keep pounching you until you are down. Much better than the Vortgaunt from original game. They are like Mortal Combat warrior. I would like to see the alien kick the player out of the ring too as well. This mod is kind of creepy....
Dmitry - Gamestar - 2 weeks ago
Welcome to black mesa, we arrived in chopper landing area, got inside the mountain wth some scientists doing whatever they want. Then we got to a second chopper area, then come back, and got to some sort of maze with a lot of iron door which seems to be a prison. That prison do not seem to be far away from the labs according to the location and military are quite close to scientist labs. Boxy level....
Luke Traitor - Hardware Upgrade: Remastered - 2 weeks ago
That was me btw...
Anon_2023890 - Hardware Upgrade: Remastered - 2 weeks ago
The only thing I'm okay with this is the combat. Puzzles and level design are poorly made to be honest. Some of the areas are blocky and amateurish, the puzzles make really no sense like putting an eyeless skull to an eye scanner. How does that work? There is one part where I have to destroy the strider to proceed to the next level. Unfortunately, it didn't spawn because of the certain trigger. How do you spawn it? Do you climb the ladder to reach the other side of the catwalk, do you keep the c...
Luke Traitor - StriderVille - 2 weeks ago
A very fun short mod here. I enjoyed a lot on destroying those striders. Outland Route [recimage id=4] So many HL2EP2 vibes. I'd say this one is easier than the actual campaign where you have to defend multiple structures. This, you may be overwhelmed with hunters, and two striders but don't worry. They're pretty easy to deal with, thanks to the rocket launcher. But ofc, I didn't know ending the map is by going to the radio so I kinda spent mor...
Zalkonian - G String Beta - 2 weeks ago
Need help installing this mod. Beta version wont start though Steam after moving mod to steamapps/sourcemods folder. How to fix this?...
Zalkonian - G String Beta - 2 weeks ago
Need help installing this mod. Beta version wont start though Steam after moving mod to steamapps/sourcemods folder. How to fix this?...
freemn404 - Local-Motive (Classic) - 2 weeks ago
Great storyline, Good characters, and I love the introduction....
MeriMemes - Combine Attack - 3 weeks ago
The truth is that I liked him despite his spam of enemies...
MeriMemes - Tinje - 3 weeks ago
It's fine for 10 minutes but outside of that it's pretty meh...
MeriMemes - Nuclear Bunker - 3 weeks ago
Honestly, I found the solution when I talked to one of the citizens, it was very obvious... I guess it's because so many different games use these types of tricks....
DannyBelgium - 2024 General Chat - 3 weeks ago
Thanks,it works :-) But I do not really see an added value in comparison of the original HL 2. But it is amazing to go back in Ravenholm...
Dmitry - Freeman’s Fight - 3 weeks ago
It's still possible to complete on Hard. But some floors has too many freaking soldiers, dozens and dozens just in one floor. It gives a Hive Gun as some advantage, but still maybe some more grenades would be nice. One of the good things is that stations are removed and all health and armor are all pick-ups. Still if you sleep, you may say good-bye to play it on hard. It is quite frustrating to eliminate so many grouped soldiers by 1 meter between them. The last levels seems to be more relaxed l...
Dmitry - Freeman’s Escape - 3 weeks ago
The beginning of this mod has some appearence to "Construction" Mod released in the same year. At least the initial ladder is very similar, the beginning, preatty else is different. But the aspect is generally different. Both developers are different, but the beginning is near the same....
Dmitry - Freeman Escape - 3 weeks ago
It has some stealth strategy, just crawl and jump over laser trips and your reward is an soldier showing his back. Sadly we can't keep eliminating them one by one from the back because they will be warned when you get close to the bunker. The mines can't be triggered by shooting bullets or explosives. It's the first time seing this. Inside the track has lightning button. Did he installed that button inside the truck?? And that mounted turret, wow, how many bullets it misses, it is like shooting ...
Dmitry - Freeman - 3 weeks ago
There's not enough health and patience to play on Hard. It's like when someone gives a shotgun against soldiers, it's like the developer tries to screw your life. A charged shotgun do not always kills a grunt in close on Hard and if you have to hunt them from far away, well, maybe you could make them hold on shooting back. But they shoot back, so no way to play on hard....
Dmitry - Failure - 3 weeks ago
So Nihilanth captured you. But how on earth Nihilanth is captured by scientist in the labs, I do not get. Supposedly it is a boss, it can't be captured by destroyed. Well, someone captured and you came here destroyed one of the crystal and he is finished. Probably the easiest boss ever in Half-Life, just stand still and shoot the crystal, with enough bullets it will crack and blow up Nihilanth completly. It was never too easy....
Dmitry - Dismember - 3 weeks ago
Spook the scientist and barney sitting over laser trip is dead like meat while the other Barney is just seat and watch how he partner died without knowing what to do? So if I spook a scientist with a crowbar, I am not guilty of Barney's Murder? It seems I am not, I am not guilty, the judge sentenced I am innocent, thanks god for forgiving me for such a rude action. I didn't saved him because I couldn't....
Dmitry - The Desert of Doom - 3 weeks ago
Do you want to make aliens and humans fight each other? Play this, make them fight each other. I hope to have a control button to order where to place units to see the Alien-Human battleground. Sadly this button is missing and you will need drive your enemies so they battle to see who goes to hell in thirst place. Gargantua is so strong, it destroys all human grunts entirely himself. It gives a sensation to be indestructable....
Dmitry - DarkForce - 3 weeks ago
Dark Force happens in a Dark Ambient. Your crowbar is a black empty MP-5 weapons. Most of enemies are mostly soldiers, which is dark, because they are dangerous. Everything happens in Frozen Lands, dangerous and dark places with insane cold. Some cliffs are dangerous and you can fall easily from them to the ice water, that is dark. Sometimes there're too many controllers in a small room, this is really dark and dangerous with even dead cliffs and electrified water. An alien enclosed in a tube un...
Dmitry - Conundrum 2 - 3 weeks ago
Welcome to the world of tomb raider. You are in the mountains, lava is your prime enemy. Do not touch it, the HEV suit melts down in the lava pool, so don't make yourself a hero, and try to swim in there. Anyway, if you would be immune to the lava heat, it won't be possible to come back to the ledge from where you fall down and there're too many of them from which you can fall pretty easily. HEV suit do not allow you to climb back the cliff, so one wrong jump and Gordon must be revived again or ...
Dmitry - The Cupboard of Doom - 3 weeks ago
The cupboard is doomed and snarks are alive, black mesa experiment was nice, they were transformed into another creature. Still jumping and so on, but they don't have eyes so I don't know how the hell they can know where you are. They smell foreign energies or something?...
dougjp - 2024 General Chat - 3 weeks ago
Sure can. I see the author made a not obvious assumption in the readme, which states: " Unpack into Coterminus's 'custom' folder. The Town chapter should appear under BONUS MAPS section of the main menu. " There is no "custom" folder! He/she must have assumed we previously installed add-on mods. So just create this folder in Coterminus, and put it there. When you download and unpack the Borealis mod, you will see it's readme says to create a 'custom' folder....
DannyBelgium - 2024 General Chat - 3 weeks ago
Coterminus 1.1 works but I do not see The Town in the bonus maps, only some test maps. Could you help ? Maybe the folder "The Town" should be placed in another folder than "Coterminus" ?...
vancanucksfan - Hardware Upgrade: Remastered - 3 weeks ago
It's a decent little mod, with a few rough spots. There is a spot where you have to climb up a ladder and get a door to open. It only opens for a few seconds and I fell out of the map there several times. The solution seemed to be to clear the boxes blocking your ascent with the gravity gun, go back to the previous map, then go back up the ladder and open the door and hurry up....
Luke Traitor - Nightmare House - 4 weeks ago
Nightmare House is one of the greatest classics in Half-Life 2 custom mods. It is also one of the earliest stages of horror maps and I remember playing this on Garry's Mod. Now I can't say and think much of this one for now, I'll leave this a full review soon....
dougjp - 2024 General Chat - 4 weeks ago
With my further comments, you will get 3 for 1 :) Play Coterminus first, then go get the Borealis Mod for Coterminus too. Both also excellent. https://www.moddb.com/mods/coterminus/addons/borealis-for-coterminus...
DannyBelgium - 2024 General Chat - 4 weeks ago
Thanks. I see that it is a mod to be installed on "Coterminus 1.1". So I will first install "Coterminus 1.1" and after I will try “The Town Mod”....
Dmitry - Contest 2 Maps - 4 weeks ago
Very nice maps, I was enjoying them a lot. Especially in the one I have nothing to do, just sit and watch. I am still curious how a guard can kill a rat with just farting or at least make the rat dizzy for a time. It seems there's not enough toilets in the country and the fatigue to go inside is insane....
Dmitry - Contest 1 Maps - 4 weeks ago
A good place to spend some time observing good ideas of creation which are more based on cinematographic skills and puzzles one after another. Verc map is not working past the intro and it never worked. In my opinion a train has to move very rapidly so the plane approaches and stay at the same heigh and the speed would be so high that you wouldn't hold on up there over the train. I mean jets has a minimum speed to be able to float, if not it drops down....
NA7 WhatsApp - Nightmare House - 4 weeks ago
I loved the creepy atmosphere and the jump scares in this map. The sihlouettes really added to the tension, and the sound design was spot on. Well done, RTSL!...
daXepicXdude - The Boss LVL – Map Labs Presents - 4 weeks ago
TLDR: This modpack is pretty sweet and you should definitely try it out, there are some pretty impressive entries here, and one that I'd ask that you give a chance for the novelty of it's concept. Corialis: Loved it, the fight is gimmicky but in a good way, this is a boss fight format I would love to see in a fully fleshed out mod Storm Drain: Neat lil' platformer adventure, I found it to be hard, but the controls are tight and cool, hopefully you'll do better than me at this, lol Ironc...
geezer1857 - Combine Destiny - 4 weeks ago
Played it for the first time and found it to be a very good engaging story. I liked that it was long because it kept we involved throughout. Play it now. I doubt that you will be disappointed....
MrThejoshmon - Introduce Yourself - 4 weeks ago
Hello, I'm MrThejoshmon, I've been playing Half-Life for years now and I have played many mods and maps over those years. I have come here in hopes to put reviews/comments on what I have played and hopefully will later play, almost like a tick list of completed maps....
Ade - Hardware Upgrade: Remastered - 1 month ago
Oh, thanks, I had forgotten the spoiler tags in the 2nd one. The BTC members, or some of them including me, are still available individually. But the tag will only act as a reference (resume like) and does not have to be used in credits if the member wishes to be mentioned....
Unq - Hardware Upgrade: Remastered - 1 month ago
Sorry, simply didn't see your comment that was held in limbo. So I restored your original and removed the latest for clarity. I did not know the BTC even existed at all anymore?...
Anon_2021064 - La Habana Libre - 1 month ago
Amazing map! (This is a real keeper) Would you port it to Black Mesa?...
Anon_2021063 - La Habana Libre - 1 month ago
Amazing m...
Hec - The Wrap-Up! – Map Labs Test Tube #10 - 1 month ago
OK! As a whole, this was a great mapping challenge competition. After many lousy ones, this one felt like a big puff of fresh air. Most entries were enjoyable and most of them clever. Yeah, nothing much more to say or think I guess, this is a Play it Now....
Pogo Pogo - HalloweenVilleThree - 1 month ago
Ominous Presence [recimage id=2] Playtime: 10 mins Escape an prison or insane asylum(?) p.s. if you're stuck in the first room remember to look up ;) There's No One Around And Your Phone Is Dead [recimage id=2] Playtime: 6 mins A funny game version of an old meme about Shia Leboeuf. Avoid the male npc evil guy. Shadow Walker [recimage id=3] P...
Pogo Pogo - HalloweenVilleTwo - 1 month ago
4 short maps, easy to play and a quick experience Nyctophobia [recimage id=2] Playtime: 8 mins Nyctophobia was a weird archaic map with an interesting mechanic where darkness hurts you while light heals you. very confusing layout however. If you're stuck, look harder for doors that blend in and remember windows are breakable ;) Incident [recimage id=2] Playtime: 5 mins Pretty short map, co...
Dmitry - Construction - 1 month ago
You are in construction yard, the building is not finished and there's a chopper on the roof, it is kind of strange. Still those grunts came here for unknow reasons hunting someone like you and since the building is under construction there's barely items and weapons in the level to the point you have to fire at everyone with en empty finger. That AR grenadier he is pissed off, he haven't stopped to launch his stupid grenades one after another and all through the door like I am standing there in...
Dmitry - Case Closed - 1 month ago
In this mod you are engineer, so your mission is to destroy the rusty barrles. Beside of that, your mission is to eliminate a big army of soldiers. How on Earth an engineer can do that? He's engineer, for the god sake, his ability are based on repairing things not running around complex and faciing the army. Where are his ability, he can't even deactivate laser trips with his hands. He can't open closed doors. He can't repair ventilator. Well, so why he is an engineer? Just to wear an orange sui...
Ade - Hardware Upgrade: Remastered - 1 month ago
Check out my playthrough here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZRMYWxG-E0 . Plot wise, it's not super clear, but my take was that as a user, we go through a website, but in an abstract manner, and fight baddies via different roles: guest, member, admin. The mod itself is not functionally finished, needs more work. Level transitions, AI (facing wrong way), NPC placement (in locked places), story, visual language, and gameplay elements such as blue AND red laser inconsistencies - these all need...
Luke Traitor - Tunnel Vision - 1 month ago
This is as good as any other Dr. Orange maps. I recommend trying Access Point too. Well idk if this has a story but this is pretty much a run & gun map with a little puzzle. Combat is easy, I didn't die once. Mapping is fine, idk why people say it has lack of detail. Now when will Access Point appear in this site?...
Anon_2020142 - Hardware Upgrade: Remastered - 1 month ago
v enjoyable right pace interesting coherent environments...
dougjp - Hardware Upgrade: Remastered - 1 month ago
Yes I've played every SDK required mod that exists. Completed everything to the end this time! Thanks so much for making this remaster, very enjoyable! Back to the original problem, it probably wasn't the video resolution or the first download. My guess is the trigger didn't happen in my first method because when the walkway collapsed, I was able to jump down into the bin filled with water, get out, walk across to the ladder and climb up past the girl still waving across the way. And the t...
ArctixSnowPup - Hardware Upgrade: Remastered - 1 month ago
Is your SDK 2013 Set to upcoming? I downloaded it myself and had no problems at all and I completed it too....
dougjp - Hardware Upgrade: Remastered - 1 month ago
Further info. I have deleted the mod and am downloading again. I will play today on the default video resolution and let you know. I'm doing this because I also recall difficulties triggering to get the suit at the beginning, so I'm thinking I didn't get a clean download and/or unzip....
dougjp - Hardware Upgrade: Remastered - 1 month ago
I have replayed many times from the previous autosave. What happens is I go to the left until the ramp collapses. I see just after that, the vent collapse behind. Two different things I've done at that point - I have jumped into the water in the bin below, and used the collapsed vent to start walking across to the other side (there is NO pipe visible going across, I found that way by accident). Still no strider appears. I changed my video resolution to my native 2560X1440 and perhaps that...
ArctixSnowPup - Hardware Upgrade: Remastered - 1 month ago
Very strange. How did you get there without hitting the trigger? There should be only one way to go and that's using a pipe to cross the cave to the other side....
dougjp - Hardware Upgrade: Remastered - 1 month ago
Really enjoyable, however I'm at the point where it says destroy the strider first, but nothing I do/nowhere I go triggers it to appear. Am I missing something?...
dougjp - 2024 General Chat - 1 month ago
Hi. No idea about that link, it doesn't sound right because the one I got is updated and doesn't have any such requirements. I only use moddb (or here, obviously) for downloads. Here's the link there, which says its " A ported and updated version of the Town mod previously released for the leaknet engine "; https://www.moddb.com/mods/coterminus/addons/town-mod-for-coterminus...
JupiterLocus - Forest Train - 1 month ago
A very satisfying mod! The level design was very reminiscent of Valve. I had no problems with ammunition or health. The enemy placement was great, although I feel like the zombies in the final fight were unnecessary. I really loved the amount of hidden crates, makes the map really worth exploring....
Dmitry - Battle For Life - 1 month ago
There's no way to install it through steam. But I found another file in MODDB which works on Steam. Still multiplayer sucks. It's like you choose a team and have to kill members of your team to make a kill count. And if you kill memebers of the opposite you are desqualified after 3 consecutive kills. And eventually opposed team can kill you any moment. There's no point to play with Bots....
DannyBelgium - 2024 General Chat - 1 month ago
Thanks to give us info about the best mods to play. "The Town Mod", do you means this one ? https://hl2-beta.ru/index.php?action=downloads;sa=view;down=334 They says : "You will need HL2 Beta patched with Mega Patch and LeakNet." What are this 2 patches ?...
Dmitry - Back to Xen 2 - 1 month ago
This Mod is Long, This Mod has too many Grunts Playing on Hard was a terror, the last part was horrible, I still live, I don't know how The Four Secret Locations: 1. Take the ladder down to the bridge over the acid water, after the bridge turn to the right and break the planks. 1/10 Hard 2. In a Grunt Area, take a large elevator (no railing) to the second floor, go inside a dark vent and turn to the right taking the longest vent ...
Coralilac - La Habana Libre - 1 month ago
Thanks, Hec! I'm glad you liked it! I'd love to do more with a Cuban or South American theme one day. Setting maps in unique locations is an idea I've always loved, helps to set them apart a little....
Dmitry - Azure Sheep - 1 month ago
AZURE SHEEP IS GREAT It's a mod that likes to combine different styles The compound was created as a police departmernt and the idea is taken from Blue Shift. When we get to the bridge, it is where Half-Life starts with its planes, cars, troops, Gordon Freeman and so on. He also designed an area where Gordon Freeman is capured and showing how he ended up in a trash room, he was actually unconscious. Then we have another area ...
littlepip - Half-Life: The World Machine - 1 month ago
Short and sweet. Interesting visuals, inspired by 2001: A Space Odyssey. The combat is fun, engaging but not too challenging. The art style is interesting to see in the GldSrc engine, though theres constant alarms. They never stop blaring, but you can adjust to it after a while. Definitely a must play!...
littlepip - Half-Life: Echoes - 1 month ago
Played this around a year and a half ago and recently started a new playthrough of it. Absolutely amazing, I would say even better than Blue Shift....
Hec - La Habana Libre - 1 month ago
This is one of those little shiny diamond maps, I agree, maybe, it is not the best fit for combat or thrilling FPS action, indeed the whole mission of the map can be done by walking and not even in a rush, so it is possibly better if You play it on "Hard", the whole mission it also feels linear but realistic all the way. The main thing I like the most about this cool map is the nerve to do it, set it on Cuba. Suppose anyone recognizes my recommendations on this site. In that case, they will ...
Alkimos - Half-Life: Field Intensity - 2 months ago
Absolutely amazing from start to finish. This makes Opposing Force look fan-made in comparison, with how good the production quality on this is. Or in other words - this feels like an official expansion. I suppose the only negative is that you get HD model weapons forced onto you, but that's just a tiny issue. Great story, multiple character camoes from other expansion packs, very long playtime, great map design, good voice acting... If you haven't yet, you should absolutely play this...
littlepip - CSS SCI-Fi 3: Hardwired - 2 months ago
This mod is a fantastic concept with decent execution, however it is marred by technical issues. I can only assume this is because of that Steam Pipe update, i think it was called. First, the installer didn't register that CSS was installed, then the game would kick me out of maps and back to the main menu, which had a tedious fix that took hours Thought that worked, when the issue suddenly popped back up, so I couldn't finish the mod. The gameplay was fun, mostly just your standard SMOD affair...
Unq - Penetration - 2 months ago
There you go, I happened to find the exe on my hard drive, apparently downloaded the day after this post went live. Hope it works for you....
Hec - Freeze – Map Labs Atom #5 - 2 months ago
Well, not too much to say about this... The only thing I can say is it's ironic I played this "frozen" theme when there are pretty "hellish" superb-hot temperatures in my country, so that was quite weird. Entries were playable overall but not outstanding, and I guess being an atom entry, the map play length is short and quite straightforward. So yeah, I guess is the perfect stuff if you want to get distracted with some HL2 maps for a few minutes, but that's it......
Alkimos - Half-Life: The World Machine - 2 months ago
These maps have some flaws, but are overall fun to play and visually quite impressive. + Decent playtime + Good use of colored lighting + Very detailed environments + Mostly fun combat - Partially confusing map design - Some lights blink at a rate that can be uncomfortable - A wide variety of annoying sirens play throughout the entire mod - Textures are used/tiled weirdly in some spots - Especially in the final combat encounter, which i...
Luke Traitor - Penetration - 2 months ago
So when's the link gonna be fixed?...
Dmitry - Alien - 2 months ago
You are ALIEN's PRISONER Your Mission is to escape the alien ship But you must kill the marines because there's no way to convince them to go with them...
Dmitry - Accidental Life - 2 months ago
The most interesting part is the ceiling laser which targets you wherever you are in the room. The switch with pass card seems to be the end of the level since it doesn't open any door anywhere....
Luke Traitor - ForestVille - 2 months ago
Forestville, a good concept with a good visual for most level designs. I played this like a number of times. Cabin Fever by David Newell [recimage id=1] An arena where you get to fight a horde of zombies, nothing to say other than a very amateurish map. Gravity Falls by Alastair Toft [recimage id=4] This one is pretty decent with a good visual and level design. The combat is okay, not too hard...
dougjp - 2024 General Chat - 2 months ago
Another one to keep track of is the HL2 (not Ep2) Mod "Coterminus", which in turn can have add-on mods based on HL2 content. One such mod that is a must play IMO is The Town Mod. The graphics, layout and gameplay are truly excellent. You won't hardly recognize it from the original, so it will mostly feel like a new map. And I'm patiently waiting for Black Mesa Blue Shift Chapter 5, supposed to be out sometime this summer....
geezer1857 - Precursor - 2 months ago
I have started and stopped playing this game many times over the years because I kept getting stopped at the end where you have to the final intense battle. Once I figured out what needed to happen, I was able to move to the end to completion. I will definitely plan to play it again in the future and recommend that you do too....
Meerkat - 2024 General Chat - 2 months ago
Dont leave m8 it is your addiction. I have played almost daily since purchasing Half Life and I gobble all of the mods up just as eagerly now. Huge thanks to all mod makers who keep us fed....long may it continue :)...
Bytespired - 2024 General Chat - 2 months ago
This is great news....
TolisXTRM - Half-Life: The World Machine - 2 months ago
This mod was a very pleasant surprise and it was the HL1 fix I needed! For starters, I loved the mod's atmosphere and architectural design. Despite what the description says, this version of Black Mesa is unlike the one we all know and love; this time you'll mostly navigate through dark, wide, dimly-lit corridors that'll definitely remind you of sci-fi movies of yesteryear, mainly Alien and 2001 as stated by the other reviewers above. It's all implemented very well in my opinion and the level...
Dmitry - Warzone - 2 months ago
VERY REPETITIVE MOD It upgrades enemies and weapons Some weapons are crap, sniper for example is weak and there're just a few shots, RPG is almost inexistant in the level This mod will allow you to use DISPLACER CANNON quite a lot. If you know how to use, it will make a fresh air on hard. Memorize too many amount of enemies is quite hard anyway. The game crashed on floors 6, 10 and 11. On floor 6 and 10 try to avoid si...
vancanucksfan - Back On 2rack: Vertigo – Map Labs Presents - 2 months ago
Sadly Norton Antivirus quarantined 2 of the files in this mod on my computer. It's too bad because I wanted to play it. I know how to override this but would rather not do so....
Dmitry - Retaliation - 2 months ago
One of the Best Opposing Mods I played I think you UNDER RATED this mod, HOW DARE YOU, it has a high variation scenarios like in the movies, maps are big, and all well made I still thinking you don't play too much James Bond at all If you like James Bond movies, this is your mod. You will feel like it....
Dmitry - OpFor Postal - 2 months ago
I killed too many scientist They behave like a rabit running left-right like possesed demons Even if aliens are not here, they look like possesed by them. That's why they are evel, aliens created them to... SHOW THEMSELVES THROUGH THE SCIENTISTS...