
for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

24th August 2011

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

Finding yourself falling through a vent, you need to work your way to a Combine portal.

This will provide the means for your escape.

Don’t rush through, as there are many twists and turns, plus caches to find. Good Luck!

Basic Details
  • Title: Sile
  • File Name: hl2-ep2-sp-sile.7z
  • Size : 27.97MB
  • Author: Sharpentine
  • Date Released: 23 August 2011

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  • Copy the sile folder into your SourceMods folder.
  • Restart or start Steam.
  • Sile should now be listed in your Library tab.

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Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

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Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Video Playthrough

The blind playthroughs below are provided by Custom Gamer. See more of his playthroughs on this site: VP: Custom Gamer

Reader Recommendations
Avoid It!
Think Twice
Play It Later
Play It Now!

25 recommendations, average score: 4.92 (out of 5), standard deviation: 0.07 (what's that?)
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Meta Review Data
Statistics based on 6 comment(s) with meta review data.

Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 5 Users

Time Taken:
Average: 1 Hours, 1 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 50 Mins by brianthesnail
Longest: 1 Hours, 30 Mins by agreenman
Total Time Played: 6 Hours, 5 Mins
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Phillip says Play It!Play It Now!Personal FavouritePlay It Now!Personal FavouritePlay It Now!Personal FavouritePlay It LaterPlay It Now!Play It Now!Personal FavouritePersonal FavouritePersonal FavouritePlay It Now!Play It Now!Play It Now!Personal FavouritePlay It Now!Personal FavouritePlay It Now!Play It Now!Play It LaterPlay It Now!Play It Now!Personal Favourite


  1. Phillip says Play It!

    It’s nice to play something other than HL1 mods, as much as I love them, they do tend to merge into one megamod.

    Anyway, this is a good looking mod with some nice set pieces, but unfortunately, it looks better than it plays. In my opinion it lacks a balance and controlled flow.

    Firstly, it’s non-linear, meaning it’s easy to miss stuff. I was playing at the same time as a developer and it seems he missed half of the first map. That’s one of the reasons I don’t like non-linear maps.

    Secondly, there were so many left/right turns I actually got dizzy. I am not exaggerating, there really are way too many of those turns.

    The outdoor section looks great and was fun to play, although having a mounted gun at the top makes it very difficult to use, you have to move to the side, which is not the same fun.

    I have the feeling this wasn’t beta tested enough.

    The final sequence was fun and well planned.

    All in all it’s a fun mod but I think I have summed up my opinion with my earlier comment: it looks better than it plays

    1. zonbie

      Oh so now we have to deal with “Phillip’s Six Word Review”? Instead of the “Five Word” version?

      1. I could remove the It if you want.

  2. Duke

    Right, I’ll get on it…catch ya later…

  3. Duke

    Ok, it’s good…but to be honest, I’m completely lost…nice environment and all…well, nice in a HL sort of way, wouldn’t want to live there…but I’m just going round and round….must be a way out somewhere, could use a map….

  4. Play It Now!

    Great to be back in the HL2 universe. Overall this mod looks good but Philip’s comments about it being non-linear are very true. You have to explore a lot sometimes to find the way out of an area, but I didn’t mind it. The action was pretty intense at times and the ending is a little bit anticlimactic, but overall it was nice to play

  5. Personal Favourite

    I think that I could have only awarded a PIN for this, but really I had no issues with any of it through the whole play, and I enjoyed the whole thing.

    I didn’t have issues getting TOO lost, but enough that I backtracked and said, “hm… what am I missing here…” and found my right path again soon. I think perhaps my only negative is that there aren’t ENOUGH enemies, though they were all well-placed and fun to fight.

    The mapping was very nice, I saw a total of only one graphical error (a black square on the grass in the outdoor area, on the upper level near a bunker room), and the use of lighting was in general okay until it became fantastic. The flashlight-only room and its puzzle was excellent, I felt like I was really doing well when I figured that out. Nicely done.

    The battle leading up to the teleportation was actually far more enjoyable for me than the Nova Prospekt battle for the same reason. The additions of sparks to show each of the phases that the tport engine went through was a very nice touch and kept me aware of the interaction around the room.

    Suddenly, HUNTERS! πŸ˜€ That was awesome.

    So all in all I think I enjoyed this mod a LOT, it was well-crafted and not boring, I’d increase the spawn quantity or something but aside from the frequent bouts of few enemies, this was superb.

  6. Play It Now!

    We start the game and see repetitive corridor. That doesn’t make me feel optimistic. Before starting a new game we can notice a funny moment: the chapters are called in honor of walls” colour.

    The design is good. At first we don’t understand where we are – some corridors filled with litter. And then we see that it’s an abandoned prison. The battles are also good. We have many weapons, it’s nice to have a choice.

    From time to time we meet environmental puzzles where we need to find a way to continue our advance. One of them is a search for RPG and rockets under the fire of a gunship. The gunship is already a trouble, but the author decided that it’s not enough and changed the RPG so we can’t carry more than one rocket with us. And I didn’t find the crate with rockets anywhere, which is even worse.

    Twice there will be interesting moments where we will meet a combine versus zombies.

    When we take the stairs down to zombines, the music will be so loud that it’s distorted.

    Maybe that’s just me, but I found the elevator in the room with the generators only after exploring it with noclip.

    When we get to that repetitive corridor, we see that the author understands its monotonousness and distracts our attention from it. Adding sparks to the teleporter is a very professional move.

    The ending is very spectacular and rewarding.

  7. Sorry for double posting. Got an server error message while posting…

  8. Personal Favourite

    What a wonderful mod! I’m lost for words. And if I had words my tongue would have comed in the way!
    After finishing Sile I had three thoughts in my head:

    1. Logging in to PP and leave some nice words
    2. Drop Sile into my hall-of-fame folder
    3. Get down on my knees and beg Sharpentine for more…I want more!

    The mod is suiting me as a glove. Cool ambience. A kick ass gameplay. Nice environment. Nasty ambushes. I had very much fun sneaking around in this mod and attacking enemies from above/behind. I hoped it would never end!

    On a footnote: Typically, during an intense battle against combines, the batteries on my mouse died! Can you believe it!…. I actually caught myself in running to my kitchen for new batteries!!

    Keep it coming our way, Sharpentine!

  9. Aazell

    The good

    This mapper has a very good understanding of the hammer editor. Everything is put together very well and it all works.

    Lots of action for your money. Hundreds of combine to blow holes in!

    Mapper uses loops to get the most out of the areas he has created.

    Mapper not afraid to play with bigger NPCs like the gunship.

    Most areas well designed for its purpose.

    The outdoor areas are nice but underused.

    The zombie areas are well thought out.

    The Bad

    Its just bland… and its a real shame cos its obvious that this guy has talent with hammer.

    Its one long string of combat with no real puzzles or usage of the physics engine in half life 2. You could produce the same map in any other first person shooter. Theres nothing very half life going on here…

    The areas all look the same so when you do complete a loop you end up heading in the wrong direction back the way you came. At some points I thought I was heading back on myself but actually I wasnt. It needs different coloured lighting to differentiate areas from one another. Some landmarks would also be helpful to help players get their bearings. More player signposting.

    The hunters entrance really annoyed me. No warning.. and hugely difficult to take them down while more and more combine shooting you from behind. Its just too much and not playtested enough.. its not fun. That area is a great arena layout and it would work much better if it were a hunter only battle.

    Overall comments

    A nicely put together map that is fantastic if your just looking to shoot a bunch of bad guys and open some doors. Its fun but lacks spark to make it special.
    Still well worth playing… perhaps I just have high standards…

  10. Play It Now!

    Nicely laid out and continually interesting. Some good intense fire fights, but not too overwhelming to stop it being fun.

    More please!

  11. Personal Favourite

    SITE is a very polished mod with no issues that I came across.
    In fact, I’d say it plays as well as it looks!
    The creepy start had all the right amount of tension and menace with some hard combat thrown in. I must say the textures of the corridors was exceptional, some of my screenshots look like paintings! Bravo for such work.
    The Combine definitely seemed to be on the right pills! They did not appear to want to get shot at all and were quite fast on their feet! This was obvious during the intense prison combat.
    Now that place felt very familiar!
    I liked the open feel to this mod, linear games can make you feel like you’re on rails, whereas here your encouraged to explore.
    The open area was the highlight for me. A huge array of pipes and gantries to explore, on many levels and a convenient lull in the combat to give you time to do so. Great!
    The gantry gun was a little difficult to aim, but I managed to bag the Combine in my usual haphazard fashion.
    The Combine gunship was a nightmare as I did not find the RPG on my first two runs, and those Combine were a real pain! Third time lucky and I downed the beast, took a couple of snapshots and ran on.
    Back inside for monsters and bullets, just because I wanted the lift!
    A dark creepy section again leads on to the long corridor fight, which was fun.
    For the next corridor you arrives via the under floor grating with a variety of exits, but which one do you pop out of?
    Choice is fun.
    Lastly, all that was needed was great ending for this mod and that’s what you get! Starting with a flourish of violence and some extra-unwanted friends, the exit beckons and after your gunplay its off you go. Good job there were ample supplies!
    Fade to black………….
    This is aces all the way, fantastic work.

    PS. Good ambient sounds.

  12. Jl

    Great up unil the end. Could not get past the hunters! And please, when making maps, keep the soundtrack s to a minimum. It’s annoying to play a map, only to have the ambient sounds drowned out by some cheese music.

  13. Play It Later

    I don’t do detailed analyses “cos I’m not smart enough. However, this was good in parts, not so in others. I found myself thinking, I’ve been here before, and wasn’t sure if I meant in this mod or a different one. In other words, too much sameness. As others have said, I too thought the ending was a bit too heavy. I don’t mind a battle, but give a guy a chance. Overall, not a bad crack.

  14. Hec
    Play It Now!

    Really well done mod!!, maybe quite empty of combat in some areas I know!, but the end is a blast, I mean is so cool defend urself till the elevator that leads to the portal beam is open, is good because is simple and there’s a fight the CMB classic story, those hunters at the end are so cool too I mean that’s the perfect formula to make a really hard ass end battle in a close space like that!, I felt really good to after ending this because I end up just with 1 of health!! old bloddy Gordon Freeman style, I mean, u have to bleed to know if a battle is good and hard!! and this sure it was! but so delightful.

    Also the tectures and that mixture of an industrial lot and a prission was so well achived in this mod I liked that style and layout, which is cool because there are onlly 2 maps but so well used, and it feels like for the variety of areas the player is moving within the mod, it feels like there were so much more action and exploring in them, I mean it feels u play in so much more than just 2 maps!,

    So c’mon and play it now u wont regret about this!, and I hope to see forward works of this really good modder!.

  15. Play It Now!

    Very nice. I didn’t think it was truly non-linear. Yes there are pockets that you can miss… but the pockets aren’t excessively deep.
    Great map!

    1. Yes there are pockets that you can miss… but the pockets aren’t excessively deep.

      Somebody I know missed nearly half of the first map.

  16. Personal Favourite

    This one is so good, but not the best around, however I had to sneak it into the PF category. The only problems were the dizzy repeated 180 degree hallway direction changes and the ending was a zero – a letdown. Otherwise there were some good battles and nice puzzles too.

  17. Personal Favourite

    Not too easy, not too difficult,
    Just fantastic!!!!
    Loved every minute (so far), I took a pause playing to compliment this mod!

  18. Personal Favourite

    This is a polished quality mod that makes a player feel like Valve was in on it! The enviroments drip with atmosphere. Everywhere I went, I just wanted to pause and just take in the eye candy. The enviroments were pretty much just two, a prison, and an outdoor section. However, within the prison there were several sub-enviroments ranging from actual prison cells, to sections with heavy machinery, to storage areas. All beautifully constructed. The author does a nice job not keeping us in any one enviroment too long, so the player doesnt get bored.

    The mapping here is very well done. It is a linear design as are most HL2 productions, but there are an unusual amount of dead end routes to explore, and off paths. None of these are well hidden, so they are not secret places, but are easily missed if the player rushes through. A player really never gets lost, but if not paying attention can get turned around and end up going the wrong way for a while. To me, this makes it even better!

    The battles are truley fun. There are many battles, mostley with combine troops (though zombies and headcrabs also appear in this mod), and they generally come all together, several at a time. There is usually a nice long period between each battle for a player to get his wits back, plus scronge for some health and explore ahead for a while in peace. In other words, this game does not have the dreaded “combine-ites” that many mods have where wave upon wave of Combine attack. This game has thoughtful, well timed and well-placed battles that can be difficult, but are truley fun. And the player has access to all weapons including the Gravity Gun and Crossbow, something that many mods lack. The author also give’s the player different kinds of battle challenges throughout the game.

    I’m having a hard time figuring out the con’s with this mod. Mabye the indoor sections could of used a few less “tight areas” where the player is going through mazey areas of halls connected to rooms (though the mapper takes the player back out to open areas pretty quickly). Mabye it could of used a few puzzels, or another trip outside. But these gripes are miniscule and make me feel as if I am trying too hard to look for problems, where there really are next to none. The bottom line is that this game is truley fun, and a pro-production.

    If your still wondering if you should download the mod, stop wondering! Just download it.


  19. Kyo
    Play It Now!

    This is a good mod! There are a few nicely staged battles and the two maps are of consistent, solid quality. The layouts have a tendency to loop back on themselves, possibly to a fault, because it’s easy to get turned around. I do feel the maps tended to drag on a bit – while it’s cool to pass through areas you’ve already been to and you can tell a lot of thought went into this, you don’t feel like you are making much progress sometimes. There’s no in-game story or objective to speak of, so you feel like you are wandering. The combat does a decent job of leading you forward, but it contributes to the dragging because outside of the handful of major encounters, it’s always a couple Combine here, a couple Zombies there. The enemy placement is fair, however, and several of these minor skirmishes have welcome verticality to them.

    There were two points where the “rules” of the game are changed. An encounter involving the RPG inexplicably requires you to picks up just one rocket at a time. A puzzle later on arbitrarily forces some props to be unpickupable to make you use a couple specific props. None of this is major, but I didn’t see any reason behind it.

    Most of all, I enjoyed the author’s sense of environmental design and level architecture, especially when it departed from the standard Nova Prospekt theme. All the little alcoves, support beams, inset windows and remarkable shadow work added detail while still maintaining the overall look of Half-Life 2. Most of all, the detailing is consistent throughout the whole mod, so thumbs up to that! The outdoor areas were also pleasing and the few environmental / platforming puzzles were well executed and not contrived at all. One thing I would suggest for the future, though, is adding angled clip brushes around the edges of the supports to scoot the player around them if they are hugging the wall.

    Overall, I recommend this fun little mod. πŸ˜€

  20. I have already favorited this mod above, but want to add something. One thing I love in mods, is “freedom”. I like to go places I shouldnt, if I can find a way to get there! “Route exploits” I think they are called. Well, this mod allows that. There are places in the mod a player can get to and what’s better is there are shortcuts if a player can figure out how (without cheats). But the best route exploit I have seen to date exists in this mod. I’ll say it below….

    [spoiler]After you begin the game, you will go through a few rooms and come out into a prison area. Look to your left, and you will see a prison walkway above. If you can figure a way to get up to that walkway (it can be done without cheats), you just by passed the entire first chapter! When I did it, I couldnt believe it! πŸ˜€ I just had to come here and say something. I’m the type that like to find shortcuts and secrets, and then go around and tell everyone what I found! Crazy way for an adult to act, I know. :([/spoiler]

    1. but what is the point if you missed a whole chunk? Did you go back and play it?

      1. Well, the point is finding the shortcut! πŸ˜€ It’s kind of like finding a secret place, you know? But I played the whole game with no shortcuts the first time. I always look for route exploits and secrets my second time through.

  21. Play It Now!

    The first half was very open, it was quiet difficult to find your way. However, I didn’t get too lost and managed to get through alright. It both looks good and the gameplay is good. The combat is fun, although a little too easy because they seem to come 2 at a time while you have plenty of supplies. The final battle was also very easy, although fighting the hunters was very fun. There was not many puzzles or thought needed for this mod, just the simple old put a crate here to get into this vent or press a button to open a gate etc. but all in all it was very fun, I recommend you play this now!

  22. Play It Now!

    Tight action in an environment that felt real and a bit claustrophobic… To me, some of the above criticism is actually a plus. The mod is non-linear, but at the same time it is hard to get lost. The enemies are few, but placed in an interesting pattern – it is a bit challenging in “hard” even without hordes of useless enemies like in so many other mods.

    The best part is how well-made all areas of the prison are. Everything feels real, inhabited and interlinked like in an existing structure. The environment was so detailed, that I almost could feel a story developing, even in the absence of one… And that would be also my biggest criticism – there is no story, only action! If you can live with that (and I definitely could) you are set for an hour of hot game-play!

  23. Personal Favourite

    I really liked this one! There is enough complexity to keep you on the ball, and for me, a perfect balance of combat & thinking. Don’t understand the ‘too many turns” comment – it was a complex layout, far preferable to the one-long-corridor, or 3-big-rooms style of map. Dizzy? Really?! Not a chance, each twist to be eagerly explored, shotgun first! I was really getting into it by halfway through, and was still there right up to the end! The outdoor scene was a welcome change of pace, and also thank goodness, a proper ending too – so many of these mods just fade to black, or you just die, or worse receive some hugely irritating, banal text before it simply quits.
    There are several points where the usual solutions don’t work, and plenty of nice touches, and a few novelties too! The general feel, for me, was of a finished, functional, fully engaging mod, great fun to play. I’ve played a few, and this is one of my favourites, right up there with Metastasis and CSS Sci Fi. Well done Sharpentine, I look forward to your next release (hopefully)!

  24. Play It Now!

    As always I go thru at least one full play (unless im just incredibly stuck or lost somewhere) before coming here to read the comments and as an explorer Im always stacking stuff up to reach somewhere, whether im actually suppose to be there or not is another story, however in this mod by doing so I did miss alot of certain areas. I, like Blue Lighting above states like to find unconventional ways of getting something done so I had to give this a replay to play a full area game. I really liked everything about this mod. I think there was enough combat and action to keep it interesting and fun. while I never got lost or had to think to hard as to where I should proceed it did have a slight dizzying effect with alot of turns but within the closed environment and close quarters thats to be expected . I really enjoyed the gunship battle and the fact that the mod continued on for more action after that. A lot of mods have that type of battle for the ending but it was nice to be able to regroup after it and move forward. well worth the dload and play. Thanks Sharpentine well done !

  25. Personal Favourite

    ive actually played “sile” many times,so I thought I should show how much I enjoyed it …. this is a well thought out mod with a good variety of gameplay including some puzzles ( or parts that make you think ) and plenty of firefights( but not over the top )
    the start is clever the way you fall from a vent which brings you to a area very similar to Nova Prospekt,but the author has done well to give it a different atmosphere … its very easy to get lost during the first 5 minutes,but the exit to the next area has been cleverly placed
    the outside area is excellent and again everything is well placed and action is there but not too much …. I did get stuck on the first time I played it were I couldnt get to the walkway from the pipes .. however you need to jump around 3 ft before the walkway which will allow you to reach
    I could go on .. however “sile” is a 100% half life 2 mod …. it has everything you expect from a mod and a bit more ….. and its one of the very few mods you can play again without getting bored ….
    I only hope Sharpentine continues “sile” with a second part or extends the mod ( like others do such as slums ) .. I look forward to more of Sharpentines mods or maps… a talented guy !

  26. In order to play this mod you have to modify the gameinfo.txt as follows:

    name “Sile”
    game “Sile”
    title “Sile”
    title2 “”
    type singleplayer_only
    icon “resource\icon”
    homepage “”
    developer “”

    SteamAppId 420
    ToolsAppId 211
    AdditionalContentId 220

    game+mod |gameinfo_path|.
    platform |gameinfo_path|.
    game_lv hl2/hl2_lv.vpk
    game+mod ep2/ep2_english.vpk
    game+mod ep2/ep2_pak.vpk
    game |all_source_engine_paths|episodic/ep1_english.vpk
    game |all_source_engine_paths|episodic/ep1_pak.vpk
    game |all_source_engine_paths|hl2/hl2_english.vpk
    game |all_source_engine_paths|hl2/hl2_pak.vpk
    game |all_source_engine_paths|hl2/hl2_textures.vpk
    game |all_source_engine_paths|hl2/hl2_sound_vo_english.vpk
    game |all_source_engine_paths|hl2/hl2_sound_misc.vpk
    game |all_source_engine_paths|hl2/hl2_misc.vpk
    platform |all_source_engine_paths|platform/platform_misc.vpk
    mod+mod_write+default_write_path |gameinfo_path|.
    game+game_write |gameinfo_path|.
    gamebin episodic/bin
    game |all_source_engine_paths|episodic
    game |all_source_engine_paths|hl2
    platform |all_source_engine_paths|platform


  27. Play It Now!

    I would have to agree with Phillip for this mod: It looks better than it plays. While the combat wasn’t all exciting, it was still fun to play at most parts, especially the final sequence. The design was pretty good, though a few rooms looked empty and the hallway felt “too long.” Anyway, this was a good mod with some nice basic visuals.

  28. Play It Now!

    The map design is pretty nice. I got confused sometimes but soon found the ways. I like that there are many close-quarter combats so that I have many chances to utilize the shotgun, which is my favorite HL2 weapon. Nice mod!

  29. Play It Later

    It was a fun experience and at the same time it didn’t bring something refreshing… it’s just kill to progress mostly action in a quite repetitive environment.
    There were some nice touch here and there like some ‘secrets places’ but for me it misses some puzzle action and an audio environment that get you deeper in the gaming experience

  30. Play It Now!

    The indoor areas look like they were abandoned but they cleaned up first. So it’s kinda bland indoor. Probably why a lot of people complained that it all looked familiar and frequently got lost. Game play is good with the exception of the end. Not a fan of enemies from all sides. I hide behind the teleporter and used it for cover. Venturing out just alerts them.

  31. Personal Favourite

    Super eerie soundscape. Spooky prison vibes.

    Loved the warm take on Nova Prospekt.

    Combat is tough! Telegraphs foe movement, but still catches you off guard. Shotgunner ambushes and twisty-turvy arenas lead to enemies making great use of cover and flanking maneuvers. Genuinely keeps you on your toes without feeling unfair due to plenty of health caches.

    Really knows how to toy with the player. You’re running into a new area expecting an ambush and ooooh what’s in this room– was that a grenade whizzing by my head? OH SHIT GET DOWN

    Lighting and shadows are well done. I loved that room with two dentist chairs and an ambush. Not sure why, but it feels nostalgic.

    Inventive environments. That outdoor area with all the pipes was wild. I really should visit more hardcore industrial sites. Do they actually look like this? Anyway, the helicopter makes you look up to organically reveal this area. Nicely done with nice scripting all around.

    Skyboxes had an HL2 vibe, but more vibrant with warm white sunlight flooding across the landscape. I can feel the sun on my skin.

    I like how there’s a random jail cell in the boiler room. Solitary? Surely listening to that droning hum all day constitutes cruel and unusual punishment.

    Normally I don’t like such heavy use of the same map because it gets maze-like and feels like a corridor fest. Sile is not entirely without fault, but it does an enjoyable job of keeping the player engaged and moving. Nice use of fencing to allow the player to look out over the path of bodies left behind.

    Lots of satisfying little nooks. A few crannies here and there. Great for cover, great for the mind.

    omg the title screen fight was badass. This game just pumps you up with music and encourages forward movement, run ‘n’ gunning to your heart’s content. Just let the game take over and guide you.

    First the white map, then the blue map, then the green map. All different shades of the same experience. Loved it.

    Combat just felt so high stakes and rewarding. I really enjoyed the defense sections.

    Weird and unsettling ending. I didn’t need that, but I’m glad I had it.

    Overall a stellar mod. Can be a little dizzying at times, so buckle up and let the game tell you where to go. Enjoy the ride.

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