The streets are dangerous place. One squad member will accompany you to where you need to get to.
The problem is, you don’t really know where that is.
Therefore, you must check every door, every alley and every possible route for a way forward.
Somewhere on the coast, you final challenge awaits.
Basic Details
- Title: The Lost City
- Filename: hl2-sp-the-lost-city.7z
- Size : 10.60MB
- Author: Ha1fer
- Date Released: 19 November 2005
Gauge Users
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Manual Installation Instructions
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- Copy the maps folder into your …\Steam\SteamApps\common\Half-Life 2\hl2\ folder.
- Launch Half-Life 2
- Open the console and type map lostcity01 and now press ENTER.
WARNING: The screenshots contain spoilers.
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Meta Review Data
Statistics based on 21 comment(s) with meta review data.
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 12 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 25 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 15 Mins by Hec
Longest: 1 Hours, 20 Mins by artaxeus
Total Time Played: 8 Hours, 50 Mins
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 12 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 25 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 15 Mins by Hec
Longest: 1 Hours, 20 Mins by artaxeus
Total Time Played: 8 Hours, 50 Mins
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Never thought a Strider could move as fast as the second one did!
Good mod; left me wanting more………
english translation for the readme please!
Great graphics, ok combat. Worth a play. Good.
Can someone answer me this: is the RPG launcher to be found anywhere, so I can deal with those striders? I seem to merely ducking and diving and getting blasted a lot!
Looks pretty though.
I had no trouble finding the RPG launcher, came to that a had no trouble with the mod what ever, all running smooth throughout.
The city 17 street encounters were tough in parts but enjoyable. The coastling sequence whilst nice in design and textures was a bit empty of encounters until the end seen.
If like me, you prefer your action taking place admist the outside enviroment, then you will be at home within this well designed mod.
another old map thats worth a play. plenty of action in the city part but the coastline is rather bare. Not too difficult but I tried to enhance the gameplay by keeping the rebel alive until the coastline dock.
There’s no download for this mod, getting a 404 Not Found message.
I nabbed this off Moddb with the patch also. It’s not a bad mod but starts off rather hard. I had to save my game twice before seeing that first Strider lol. Map one has some nice battles but overall it’s done in predictable stages and I really wanted that crossbow to take out the Elite guards or those up high. The rebel fighter was something I didn’t get, he dies so quickly too. The second Strider is a nice touch but I wasn’t really blown away by this first stage – oh and it was annoying to see so many doors that were locked!
The second map is strange, almost an unfinished quality to it. I liked the start but then it basically becomes a stroll down the beach until the gunship appears. This map had the most potential but didn’t seem to take any advantage of it.
I liked this mod and it’s worth a play but not one I’m going to keep installed.
45 Minutes
Considering this is from 2005, this is a pretty good release. It consists of two maps, with the first being both more detailed and more fun to play than the second.
I felt the streets were quite detailed, although the combat is a little sparse for my liking. The locked doors could have been sued to allow combine to attack from behind you.
In my video, I mention how I thought the author did a pretty good job of changing the feel of the buildings near the end of the first level. I also mention about the buildings have different depths and in general feel like a real street.
All in all, this is worth playing but the amount of combat could have been doubled.
19 Minutes
To be honest, this mappack gets a PIN for the first map, since I didn’t like the 2nd one that much.
The first map actually looks really good, even for today’s standards. It’s open, it’s not too blocky and it’s fun to play through. Sometimes I felt that in some gun fights, the distance was a bit too long, but that’s probably just a small nitpick of mine. This map also has some variety, since it has both Combine and zombie enemies, which I didn’t really expect. The fights with the Striders were enjoyable too.
I tried getting my squad member all the way to the end of the mappack, but when you get to the 2nd map, she just disappears….:(((
The 2nd map is based on the coast levels, but it’s way too open compared to what you find there – which is 4-5 headcrabs. There’s only a gunship battle and that’s it. I just think that the mapper could have added something more to this map. But hey, it’s ultra short.
Overall, I’d say that this mappack is worth your time. It’s not groundbreaking for today’s standards, but it might have been back in 2005.
A good map with beautiful outside environment. That is the spotlight of this map with a great beginning. A must play to enjoy some time fighting some Combine groups in the city.
The only complain I have to make is the annoying “aimbot” thing from those Striders shooting at me. I died so many times that I just gave up.
Overall, great work!
20 Minutes
This is a good mod, but it has some problems.
The first map is way too hard in my opinion. The first enemies (not counting the few scanners) you encounter are some Combine Elite Soldiers. The lack of more powerful weapons (you start with a crowbar, 9mm pistol and a SMG) makes this quite hard. I ended up dying. Quickly after there is some Strider combat. The lack of places to hide and medkits makes this really hard. After the battle you get some zombie combat, which I liked because it’s more calm than fighting against Combine. The map overall looked pretty good and was very detailed.
The second map is short. There is a long walk along the beach, a bit too long in my opinion. There is also not much happening which makes the long walk seem unnecessary. I finally came to a place with some crates and some rockets. I expected a battle, but after waiting for a while nothing had happened. I ended up watching Philip’s playthrough on Youtube, and apparently there was supposed to be a battle, but after reloading the saves I made before entering the place with the battle, nothing happened still. This is probably a bug.
20 Minutes
Well I was encouraged by the above reviews but these maps leave a lot to be desired in the design. The city street design is pretty well done and nice enough – but the layout is strictly linear. And don’t bother trying any of the doorways, every one is locked and a waste of your time.
But the combat design is what let me down the most. The second strider particularly, which went into its low and fast mode and charged me straight on was pretty frustrating to fight. This map jumps right into the hard enemies even before you’re armed for it.
And the second half of map 2 is an abrupt change in scenery, following a coastline. The problem is, it’s completely empty, quiet, and boring. Thankfully there’s some music accompaniment but otherwise the ambient sounds are lacking and the place feels wrong. After a ridiculously long walk you reach the finale.
This isn’t the worst set of maps out there, and in fact there’s some fun to be had. But it’s a long way from being a polished and enjoyable experience.
Using Gauge
16 Minutes
This wasn’t the best map, though it wasn’t the worst neither. I guess it’s just a nice city looking map, with quite linear and predictable combat, yes. No big deal, nor a big challenge. Indeed the hardest parts are quite easy for any HL2 experienced player because the Strider and the Gunship at the end, are really the only big enemies around there.
On the other hand, the city streets were overall a nice place to combat and they look very into that city 17 styles. The sudden change of scenario from an urban to a shore-sea scenario in the second map felt a little bit forced and the first map is better than the second one. But overall it was a nice scenario to ending the map pack.
Yeah, overall I guess this offers some few entertaining HL2 action minutes. Is not that bad, just a little bit empty.
Using Gauge
15 Minutes
so i really liked the city bit with the striders and the combine shootouts. the ending of it though was weird but understandable as you do have to end it some how.
overall it was a good mod, fairly short with some really good gameplay, the ending could have been better.
otherwise all in all it was a satisfying moc to play, especially as we got some good serious urban warfare.
overall a good bit of urban warfare gameplay, would have been even better if this was extended, end was a bit random, otherwise a good mod.
Using Gauge
20 Minutes
This was made in 2005? This map for its time gave me a challange, specially because I play mainly hard difficulty. It’s so sad that the coastline area was pretty empty. But at least it has an actual ending.
9/10 would walk on the beach with anxiety again.
Using Gauge
19 Minutes
Two good levels with the atmosphere of the original Half Life 2, with an interesting gameplay.
20 Minutes
This mod have the potencial but don’t use it, personally I think it needs more interaction on the first level, and the second one was too large and empty, but even that the two maps are not bad designed, it have the Half Life atmosphere, and considering is a 2005 mod I don’t going to judge that much. Recommended but not a must play
15 Minutes
Decent little map to kill some time and some Combine.
The maps are quite linear but prop scattering is good and feels natural. Reasonably difficult, especially the Strider encounters, but cleverly designed enough to allow employment of specific tactics to lure and deal with them.
Last part of the map is very bare but pretty, and the final encounter with a honkin’ great gunship, as per is done well.
20 Minutes
This is pretty darn good!
Not only is this map really darn pretty, It’s pretty fun too. When loading this map up initially (gauge loaded lostcity02 instead of 01, which confused me for like 10 minutes LOL) my initial impression was “holy crap, are these lost Lost Coast levels?” These maps are great! They look like maps Valve would have shipped in the 2004-2007 HL era. Really really pretty, especially as a mapper myself, I can really respect the effort that went into this.
The gameplay is kind of different. It doesn’t play too well. It’s fine, it’s sort of fun, but it’s basic. It’s shoot combine without much area to play around in the map. There’s also a few areas where it’s way too easy to softlock or die, such as the first Strider or the airship at the end. If you’re playing on a difficulty and are bad at RPG leading (Like me) you can easily run out of RPG rockets.
Pretty good overall
Using Gauge
35 Minutes
Good story and plenty of action. Play it when you can.
To Ha1fer: Keep going with the development of this mod. You have a good start.
Using Gauge
20 Minutes
Looks good especially the beach. Plays good except for the beach. You walk the beach for like 5 minutes before something happens, Just clip till you get near the big boat. Worth a play through or two.
15 Minutes
the beginning was something i kinda liked kinda not, so i oppend the first door and i step outside, i noticed the rebel with the gun and combat music started playing then i just paused the game closed the monitor and did someting else almost 6 minutes i started playing
again and went with it combine super soldiers apear i beated them and meet more combine super soldiers i was on 60% hp from the last ones, died like 3 times one time it was my fault and i was done with them on 20% hp tryd a lot of doors and hoped one would open but they didn’t open the striders were fairly easy to beat thanks to the buildings near my i had an advantage, then discoverd item creates and a lot of them
wen chapter or level two came i liked the map but but ended up rage quiting at a part were i didn’t
know what to do and i said in my head “it wasn’t all that that good” and i was done with it.
40 Minutes
First map was great on a design level. Every building, how they were placed, with good spaces to move and battle, made the map very alive. Also were a lot of details on every corner of the map, so the experience was very nice.
Now, on the gameplay level, enemies weren’t that funny on open spaces with AR2. Striders were a nice touch, although with stashes everywhere it was just a hide and click mechanic. Very standard.
Second map was amazing on a design level. Very “valveish” experience. But, lack of enemies made it a bit dull sadly.
Impress me that it’s from 2005 nonetheles, author had a very great vision to make mods
30 Minutes
Small and pleasant cards with a very nice mapping advise everyone!
Using Gauge
15 Minutes
The first map looks quite nice, though there’s not enough enemies to fight compared to the size. The two striders are a big difficulty spike but a few quick saves can go through them quickly.
The second map is gorgeous, but besides 2 zombies, a headcrab mortar and a underwhelming gunship bossfight there’s nothing much to do.
Still a very nice and beautiful map, and its only 30 minutes so why not try it?
30 Minutes
It’s pretty easy on normal. I only died a few times, mainly to the random soldier that I didn’t see because half of the towers are empty. I did get jumpscared by the Strider because it moved so fast and I didn’t hear it coming. The first map is alright. I did check every door because I was told to lol.
The second map is just way too boring. If I wanted to walk along the beach, I could go outside my house lmao.
Nearly ran out of ammo though on the second map. (there is a random battle in the last few minutes of the second map)
19 Minutes
Don’t forget to start a new game and choose the first map. Gauge launches from the second map by default, so I ended up wasting 30 minutes before realizing I couldn’t pick up items or use weapons until starting a new game.
Anyway, I really liked the mod overall, it’s not perfect but it’s good enough to scratch the itch.
Could have extended the playtime by adding some indoor sections though, but overall I liked the design, especially the first map. I would say it’s worth playing.
Using Gauge
1 Hour, 20 Minutes