After defeating the alien leader Nihilanth, you, Gordon Freeman, declined the mysterious G-Man’s offer of employment and narrowly escaped death at the hands of several alien grunts.
After battling your way through the Lambda Reactor Complex and realigning the antenna dish you were able to make contact with the outside world.
Word has spread of the strange events at Black Mesa and the government is attempting to coverup the truth by reporting “a terrorist plot to obtain U.S. military secrets has been uncovered at the Black Mesa Complex. An undetermined number of civilian personnel have been killed in the well-organised terrorist raid which has been met by U.S. rapid-deployment forces.”
You have since learned from Black Mesa survivors that these military forces, which are operating under the instructions of an unknown government official, have in fact abducted lead science personnel from the Research Facility and are holding them against their will in Black Mesa Central Command.
When you receive word from your captive fellow scientists, you discover thatyour colleagues are being imminently flown to a secret remote location where, as your worst fears are realised, they will be coerced at gunpoint to begin building a weapon of mass-destruction based on the teleportation technology developed at the Black Mesa laboratories.
With an increasing number of people sighting strange alien creatures in populated areas, more and more people are beginning to realise that the government’s story is not quite the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. As the situation continues to get further out of hand, the government is taking increasingly more desperate measures to hide the truth about what has happened at the Black Mesa Complex.
With the military evacuation of Black Mesa almost complete, rumours abound of terrifying government plans to destroy the complex. Can you reach the scientists in time to rescue them and escape to expose the government cover-up?
Time is running out …
This was May 2015’s Classic of the Month mod.
- Title: Deliverance
- File Name: hl1-sp-deliverance-mod.7z
- Original File Name: deliverance.exe
- Size : 5.17MB
- Author: Kevin Lockitt AKA Kevlar
- Date Released: 5 January 2000
A walkthrough for this mod is available. It is in PDF format. You may be able to open this directly in your browser, depending on which one you use and its version or alternatively you can download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader
- Deliverance Walkthrough PDF (301Kb)
Download directly into MapTap [5.17MB]
You MUST have MapTap installed before using this link.
Download to your HDD [5.17MB]
You can still use it with MapTap once you have downloaded it.
- Copy the Deliver folder into your …\Steam\SteamApps\common\Half-Life\ folder.
- Restart or start Steam.
- Deliverance should now be listed in your Library tab.
If you require more help, please visit the Technical Help page.
The playthrough below is part of the Classic of the Month Event, run by Don AKA Unq.
WARNING: The screenshots contain spoilers.
4Last 7 days
31Last 30 days
475365 days
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 15 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 1 Hours, 55 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 40 Mins by fefor
Longest: 3 Hours, 12 Mins by PlanetPhillip
Total Time Played: 30 Hours, 41 Mins
If you believe this release is missing important tags, please suggest them in a comment?

Damn!!! When I got to the lambda part I had 2 scientists on the ledge, and the glasses scientist didn’t do the jump!! I know, I know, wrong position…
Great for the sequences and mapping. Look well at the Gargantua, here this monster do such a cool things.
Highly recommended, don’t have new enemies or weapons, but this is one of the MUST PLAY.
Two alternative endings.
Liked this alot. It’s chuffing hard at the opener, Black Mesa’s Main gate. But, perseverance reaps it’s own rewards. A bonus is the branching ending, very nice. Recommended
This was a hard nut to crack. The mod is – aside from it’s difficulty – a very good sample of a Half-Life mod/map. There aren’t very much new inventions, but who said that remakes have to be bad? The beginning is almost impossible and I didn’t know how often I died. But don’t stop trying, later the difficulty is average and some scenes are nicely scripted. Also the atmosphere of most of the levels is good not to mention the interactivity of many elements (even if they are not necessary, like shootable exploding wand-panels with electric-beams and such things). Lightning is excellent done, only at the end you may have difficultys to understand what you are supposed to do. A bit more instructions may have been nice here.
As a summary one can say: If you plan to play all mods above the average, this one is a must-play for you! It keeps you in a strong atmosphere (without adding any new content) for about 3h).
This mod starts off insanely difficult (as has been noted), but quickly goes to being playable with relative ease. The level design is fairly good to above-average in a few places. Everybody’s favorite Mr. Friendly makes a brief cameo appearance before being blown to bits by a grunt’s satchel charge. I very much enjoy seeing the cut enemies in situations like this. And yes, the grunts will use satchel charges against you in some places (or maybe just one place), which I found nice. Finally, the mod has two distinct endings, which is a rare feature in the half-life modding universe. There’s only one hitch: that most obnoxious of gameplay mechanics, leading-guys-around-who-can’t-die-or-else-you-lose the-game, is employed here. I have never liked it, but if you don’t mind it, then treat this mod as a “Play It Now!”
I enjoyed this a few years ago, with no internet and no walkthroughs.. think I’ll play it again:D
well, last time I played it finished the chopper ending barely and got to the teleporter part but don’t remember finishing that 😛 some hints would have been nice, yeah, it’s really annoying to have to use the scientists in a certain order or else.. plus minor bugs.
it does have replayability, great gameplay and I also love (always did) that thing where you have to give the coordinates to blow something up
it still is hard, even for an experienced player, but I think it’s well worth it. it’s a classic!
I played this some years ago and like Ad3 above also enjoyed the plotter to pin-point and blow areas up. I also remember it had some minor bugs but these did not stop me from playing and rating the mod 8/10. I think it just falls short of a classic but still ranks high on my list.
man I love this mod,keep playing it untill now!!!Love that bombardment part to like ad3 and me!Classic… XD
nice mod
One of my favorites. Oldie but goldie! This mod has EVERYTHING needed to make it very, very good.
That said, it’s needless to say you should play it immediately if you haven’t yet because…
-Well-thought and therefore great mapping, with new stuff, outdoor areas, good lighting etc.
-Very good combat action – tough, but never too hard or unfair (incl. tank & Apache fight)
-Therefore superior balancing (c’mon there’s EVERY HL weapon available! Yes, even Snarks, tripmines, hive hand!)
-Average, but good story incl. story-telling, objectives and cutscenes
-Some very cool and sometimes surprising scripted sequences
-Revisiting original HL sections (but only short time and it’s different!)
-Very good atmosphere supported by occasional music
-At least a few puzzles
-2 different endings (a text message will say there’s a fork to choose a way)
-Secret areas with goodies
-Long playtime (~1-2 hours)
-Bugs like triggering scripts, scientist die in elevator, elevator door opening, Barney dies out of a sudden etc.
-Escorting scientists can be tricky and therefore frustrating sometimes, they have to be alive!
-AI is not the brightest
-There are maybe some more, but I can’t recall now
In this mod we’re saving two scientists from government which has completely gone nuts.
We arrive in our car, take suit, bombs and machine gun from the car’s boot and run to help our colleagues. Instead of trying to somehow enter the base silently, we do more loud approach, to guarantee that the whole base will instantly find out that we’re here. Perfect planning.
The next few battles are quite original, but they are also very hard. They were too hard for me, so I restarted the mod on easy skill level.
The tank that stands in front of the gate has its gun moving separately from the gun base.
The tunnel after it is looking good with its cylinder shaped pillars, rocks + girders on the ceiling and atmospheric textures.
We see medkits and crates with batteries in the truck. This place is secret despite not being hidden. To get there, we need to stand on railing, then run forward and jump before we fall, then press crouch in the end of the jump to get further. I don’t remember when I discovered this technique, but I enjoy using it, for example, I use it to jump through the pipes under which I’m supposed to duck in Hazard Course. And I’m glad that the author added a place where this my knowledge is useful.
The next rooms” design looks quite simple, but has nice details including fire alarm switch and hard hat hanging on the wall. There’s a nasty trap: when you approach the tripmined staircase, an engineer will run in your direction.
Soldiers break the door, but they’re too late and the elevator takes us down. Original task waits for us here – evading the grenades which they drop down. The author really did a nice find here. And making the cargo container fall down is a very fun idea.
Original events will also greet us later – zombie who pushes the loader into explosive barrels (this event is also a nasty trap), soldiers who unexpectedly break in the scientist’s room, sleeping soldiers…
Dealing with the scientists requires such advanced techniques as pushing him through the door and returning back to finally convince him to follow you. I wish it were easier.
It’s possible to break trash cans and books in bookcases, but not bookcases themselves.
It’s good that we can leave the scientists and clean the area ahead. Then we can return for them to ask help with retinal scanner. When one of them says that he can’t activate the scanner, it’s a nice hint that we should ask another one.
What disappointed me is that there are areas which are copied from original Half-Life. I didn’t expect that, but the events in these areas are original and nice.
There are two endings, and what’s nice is that I felt that if I go up it will be a good ending and this feeling was right.
Overall, this mod offers nice events, but you have to work hard to get them, so play it later, and prepare yourself for failing a lot before playing.
This was my fav back in the day 😀
Everyone should play it!
Deliverance shows you how a great map can become only a good one just because of two scientists.
I’m going to try to be as unbiased as possible here, but I have to admit that I really hate scientists and got annoyed even when Valve forced me to take them with me over short distances in the original game. Now Deliverance is a pretty long map and your first play will likely be longer than a hour, imagine leading two scientists, and making sure both survive, for most of that playing time. Deliverance may be nice and very creative, but that fact had me a little ticked.
The creativity and frustration in Deliverance get tangled in an unfortunate dance right from the start. The author was kind enough to have a walkthrough at his website and I had to take advantage of that right away because I had trouble getting past the first puzzle! After that puzzle it was right off into war and I think Morgan best described it when he called it “insane”. For a first battle, I have never seen a battle so difficult or brutal that was also beatable… just barely. You have your deadly manned-turrets, tank, apache and of course loads of grunts, all early in the first level! Those with mad skills might like the idea, but I felt Kevin could have toned it down a bit.
The visuals and action in Deliverance were top-notch, with the latter being very memorable in both good and bad ways. Although, fortunately, no other fight will be as frustrating and crazy as the first one, Kevin does keep things very intense and you’ll find out that he certainly doesn’t buy into conservative enemy placement. The thing that partially ruins the fun is the mission you are burdened with: you most save Einstein and Bimbo #2 (not their actual names) in order to expose the G-man’s secret operation. The term, easier said than done immediately comes to mind as this isn’t your average escorting trip. The pair of cranial zeniths turn out to be very annoying as they’ll be pulling off their chickenshit routine or getting in each other’s way or just simply getting you killed by getting killed themselves, and I must say that it is harder to keep them alive here than you think!
Although Deliverance, for better or worse, is full of creative scripted events and promises many surprises, the most intriguing one was the double-ending. Each ending will take you to familiar places from the original game, only redecorated and made even deadlier by Kevin. Both endings feature very lax design outside of the areas already done by Valve, which is unfortunate because visuals were very nice, although not excellent, in all respects prior to this. There’s a happy ending and there’s a sad ending and you’ll have no idea which is which in the place where you get to choose your destiny. The happy one is a lot easier to defeat and made me chuckle once I got to see the ending flyby (more creative goodness), while the not-so-happy ending had a not-so-good flyby and defeating it was a bitch.
In the end, Deliverance would’ve been a lot more fun if say, one of the scientist you had to escort was expendable… or here’s an idea, no scientists at all! But then I guess the level’s name wouldn’t make much sense. This could’ve been one of my favorite maps for Half-Life if I didn’t have to pull my hair out every time I get involved in a bloodbath and turn around to see that my two friends in white have fled halfway back to the beginning – which still isn’t half as bad as when enemies spawn somewhere and kill your scientists while you’re pretty sure they’re stashed somewhere safe. Many a times I’ve advocated a good storyline and creative theme in the rather uncreative world of Half-Life SP, but I truly believe that Deliverance would have been better off had it been simpler and just stuck to the gruntfest ideology.
This review is republished here by permission and was originally published Monday, 14th February, 2000 by Jiang.
This review was originally posted on the Ten Four Website, which is now offline. Permission has been granted to republish the full review and more details can be found on the About page.
Wow, difficult and yet amazingly addictive map.
A true classic!
3 Hours
This mod is a classic. The storyline is simple, you must escort 2 scientists trapped by the military in an unknown complex (?). The scientist will reveal the Black Mesa Incident to the world etc… Escorting scientists was really fun. The first ending is the portal ending (Freeman and the scientists will die because of a nuclear strike while G-man escapes). The second one is the Osprey ending, Gordon and the scientists will escape and go on a big skyscraper owned by the Cnn news I think where the scientists will reveal everything! You must absolutely play this mod!
3 Hours
it was like playing the original, really nice, thank you.
I tried playing this without quicksaving.
Thank you Don. Thanks for making this May’s Classic of the Month, which forced me to play it.
I had a blast.
It’s certainly a hard mod, especially at the beginning, but some areas easier than others.
One thing that struck me was how well built some areas were. The section with the Garg is really good, although it’s too easy to stay on the walkway and avoid getting hit.
No review of this excellent mod could avoid the trouble with the two scientists. They were an absolute pain in the arse. I know back in 2000, the idea of leading NPCs around and having it “tell” the story was cool but it almost ruined the experience.
I’d also like to talk about the two endings. To be honest, I think it was a waste of time, because you always play both, especially since you know there are two. Better to combine them into one, in my opinion.
So, overall, a fantastic mod that oozes quality and design. Some things will drive you crazy and others will me you smile, but I am sure you will love it.
Using Gauge
3 Hours, 12 Minutes
One of my favorites from the early days. It still holds up, even with a couple of annoyances. Your main mission is to rescue 2 scientists who have been kidnapped and forced to work under duress at a post-resonance cascade Black Mesa. I usually cringe at escort missions, especially in Half-Life maps, but this one is pulled off fairly well. The author has made a couple of revisions since the first release of Deliverance to help with the scientist AI and to squash common bugs with the scientists.
The maps are all in the style of Black Mesa, but are very well designed and are about as attractive as Black Mesa gets with the original HL1 textures. The architecture is a little blocky here and there but it certainly feels like Black Mesa and most of the areas you have to escort the scientists through are designed to be large enough to accommodate the quirky AI.
Perhaps the highlight of Deliverance is the challenge. The first map starts off really tough – you face a couple mounted guns, a slew of grunts, a tank, and an Apache all before you even enter the complex. It’s not for the faint of heart.
There were a couple of annoyances with this pack. Beyond the perils of escorting 2 scientists, I felt the 2-ending approach was a little gimmicky. Both were interesting enough (recreations of the Lambda Core teleportation chamber and the outside area from We’ve Got Hostiles!) that maybe they should have both been included in the finale. The Lambda Core sequence was pretty challenging, where you have to defend the scientist while he resets the teleport so you can all escape. It’s similar to the sequence in Half-Life – but if you watch my video, you’ll see I encountered the major flaw – if you jump down from the walkway, there’s no way to get back up to escape with the scientist. I feel that should either be made obvious to the player (or prevent it), or there should be a way to get back up. It’s pretty tough defending against alien controllers when you’re confined to the walkway, especially since you’re right next to the scientist who seems to die all to easily and end the mission. It’s frustrating and should have been reworked, to keep it challenging but open up some options for the player at the same time.
In all, Deliverance works pretty well. It has a couple of annoyances that keep it from a Personal Favorite for me, but in all it’s a solid pack that should definitely be on your must-play list.
1 Hour, 34 Minutes
Well, First I have to say, i’m amazed with this mod. Mainly because it dates from 2000, and second, because I really don’t know why in the heck, I haven’t tried this mod before.
Anyway, this is a great mod, just pure old HL1 school in action, also the Black Mesa areas are impressively well done and you know, this is one of those few mods that we can consider they have almost Valve quality regarding the mapping aspect.
The whole story is just beautifully done, it has a great structure from the beginning to the 2 possible pickable ends to play. Since the beginning of this mod, it starts just delightfully, blowing that pick up to the air, in a very classic hollywood style!!” Also the combat feels great and is always intense, I almost had not even a single one bored time in this mod! That’s just amazing. The Gargantua part was one of my favs and it always flowed very well, it just felt excellent once you kill it.
Now the short falls in this mode are very few if you only consider mapping and design. The main pain in the arse with this mod, is about the triggers; and that you just have to do some babysitting with those annoying scientists that you have to take care almost since the second half of the mod. I guess that’s the main shortfall, sometimes the scientists, just play dumb and ignore me and got killed.
I also have to say that the finish where you have to jump to the portal is the most difficult of the 2 possible endings. The other was just piece of cake!! The portal jumping end, is also the sad or pessimistic end; and the one where you take the Osprey is the optimistic one, and it was also the one that I liked the most. But overall having to worry because of those dumb scientists is not my ideal kind of gameplay.
I agree with those 2 endings available, though I also think to have the 2 in one could be just interesting in mapping terms; i don’t know possibly to escort the scientists only to the lambda core, and then escape via the Osprey would be a nice twist in that mod.
In conclusion, this is a great mod to play, a great jewel in the HL1 modding scene you should definitely must try!! I’m also glad we still can play some well hidden jewels PF in the repertory of old school HL1 mods.
1 Hour, 40 Minutes
Though Jiang’s criticisms are spot on – the scientist bodyguard role grows very frustrating after a while – there’s still a lot of fun to be had from Deliverance. The pace of the levels is very high, at least before the scientists enter the equation, and there are some lovely set-pieces sprinkled around the maps. I wasn’t too keen on the multiple endings, partly because they varied so much in difficulty and length, and it would have been generally more fun if there’d only been a single scientist, but Deliverance is still reasonably high on my list of best Half-Life levels.
This second opinion review is republished here by permission and was originally published Thursday, 13th July, 2000 by Morgan.
This review was originally posted on the Ten Four Website, which is now offline. Permission has been granted to republish the full review and more details can be found on the About page.
1 Hour
One of the most crazy mod’s done for HL1, DELIVERANCE provides us with 2 very different endings – both fun to do – to end the story, story which is very well-written even if not really fitting with the usual HL “lore”.
There is a great job done here with maps and gameplays, and some madness with scripted scenes, particularly the one with the Garg who breaks up a bridge, corners a poor janitor and crushes him mercilessly with a forklift. Truly insane.
Overall it’s a very well made experience of modding with a lot a fun and creativity, a place well deserved in the Hall of Fame.
2 Hours, 25 Minutes
This historic mod engages from start to finish, with areas reminiscent enough of vanilla HL to feel just about at home in the base game. The choice in levels near the last quarter isn’t readily apparent– but you’re going to want to save there and play through both of the final levels either way.
+ High points of the mod include:
1.Dialogue that’s scripted well and uses the standard HL voice lines– spliced together well enough to serve its function and keep things feeling believable enough.
2. Secrets! Hidden weapons that enter the game at times where they’re welcome.
– Low points:
1. It’s possible to enter the teleport map ending with only one scientist– the sequence breaks and you’re unable to continue as the one scientist you have endlessly gets attacked and inevitably dies.
2. AI pathing issues can make playing safely with the scientists a bit of a chore.
2 Hours
This was a very fun mod. It crammed a lot of action into what isn’t actually a huge set of maps. It had a lot of great scripted sequences and cinematic moments too that made it feel even more fun!
My only gripe is that the initial five minutes are very difficult- expect to die and reload a number of times in the first battle unless you’re some kind of Half-Life savant! After that, however, it was more manageable and a lot of fun.
SPOILER: this mod has two endings, which I thought was cool. However, I felt that they were kinda skewed in a way. The ending that was harder to do had a much less satisfying conclusion, while the easier of the two had what I thought was much more satisfying. It doesn’t detract from the gameplay I guess, I just thought that it was a strange choice.
Anyway, go play it! It was a good time from my point of view.
2 Hours, 30 Minutes
Need help with what might be a glitch? I got the keycard and opened that door. Both my scientists are freaked out, shaking and yelling and running around. They do not respond to the E key. I push them toward the correct direction but they run in all directions yelling. I spent several hours trying to corral them with no luck. Is this a glitch? Thanks!
Hi Ivory, this could be a glitch – but it sounds more like the scientists went into their “scared” state. It can happen if you hurt them (even accidentally) or shoot another scientist or a guard while they’re around. Perhaps you can load a previous save and see if you can avoid getting to that state?
The mod was fun to play, but there is something that bothered me, all parts in which you had to search for a solution so you could progress, got me stuck, but that’s just me I guess, besides that I recommend
1 Hour
I have mixed feelings about this mod, on one hand, it is loads of fun and it has some creative ideas thrown in, for example, the fight with the Gargantua and the branched ending
The problems lies in its uneven difficulty, the start of the mod is really difficult, after that it starts to get more balanced until near the end again, this wasn’t much of a problem, unlike my main gripe with it, in that you have to escort scientists with you everywhere, and if they die it is an instant game over, and let me tell you, they will die… a lot, while also getting stuck on every corner that you find and it turns the mod more into a chore than in a fun experience, I really wish I could enjoy it more, but the scientists were a big fun killer for me, I’ll give it a “Play it Later” though, for the people that have a little more patience than me, and because the mod is still enjoyable enough even with these problems
2 Hours, 30 Minutes
A very good quality mod overall, although there is a part where you have to protect 2 scientists, which could get a bit boring over time.
You will find yourself fighting, often, hecu soldiers. Weapons are really conventional, anything futuristic like the gluon or tau cannon. Animation and special effects are very well worked in this one!
2 Hours
Very nice well done mod. Trying to escort the scientists safely out of the facility is a bit like herding cats. But it is nice that they will heal you up when your health gets low.
Some of the most unique but also some of the most frustrating design I’ve played through in a mod, Deliverance has excellent combat encounters, but the whole thing starts to fall apart when escorting the two scientists becomes a factor. Up to this point, Deliverance is a action packed romp through some very challenging combat encounters (some a little too much, at times) but then quickly turns into babysitting two scientists and manipulating Half-Life’s awful companion AI. Unfortunately, the escort mission starts toward the halfway point in the mod and lasts for the rest of it, bringing down what would be an otherwise great experience.
However, the first half is still awesome for some of those combat encounters, and is worth the play based on that alone. Just don’t expect it to last.
1 Hour, 30 Minutes
10 out of 10
Ooooo, has anyone tried treating Anti-Climax as the first part for this mod? I am very curious if you can get away with playing Half-Life 1 -> Anti-Climax (good ending?) -> Uplink -> Deliverance as a small series or complete story despite their release gaps. I need to try them out!
Ah it didn’t turn out to flow well because Anti-Climax relies upon freeing the Vortigaunts as allies, and they are very distinctly an enemy type in these.
Even without that though Deliverance doesn’t seem to offer an explanation on how or why Xen is still attacking after the Nihilanth died, and to thematically land I feel like there needed to be a middle ground between the easy Good Ending and the quite-difficultly-fragile-and-not-very-well-explained-generator-defense-mission Bad ending based solely on right elevator or left elevator. This definitely is more one to play for the game design rather than the story in general; it was pretty fun. Thank you very much.
One of the best classic mods out there in my opinion, the gameplay and level design has aged well and I think it’s actually its strongest suit, it manages to be challenging and surprised me more than once such as grenades falling while taking a huge elevator so I had to pay attention to dodge them, or the two times i have to rescue the scientists from imminent danger, with the soldier going inside the office while you are in the vent being the one that made me the most anxious
This mod has a nice ammount of scripted sequences and setpieces that I don’t want to spoil, but they really do add a lot to the experience.
The story was entertaining too, I was a fan of the endings.
However I have to mention that on my second playthrough I had troubles with the scientist AI, in one of the endings the sequence for the einstein scientist broke more than once, so make sure you SAVE in a separete slot every once in a while. Overall their AI can be very frustrating and one of the worse things that can happen is to have both of them with low HP through the entire duration of the run, which could lead to having them survive in the ending much harder.
40 Minutes
Classic Half-Life mod. No surprises, no super-graphics, just classic adventure
1 Hour, 30 Minutes
Some additional levels to the original Half-Life. This time you are a real scientist because the life of the scientist is very valuable even more than 100 soldiers. Gordon Freeman knew that they come only to destroy and nothing else, that’s why justice was brought and scientist was really rescued but only by Gordon Freeman. Can you imagine that? Only one man can rescue, everybody else are very well paid mercenaries that fulfills goverment proposition which clearly demonstrates that government is more salvage than gordon freeman, so many people defending one cause only: the eradication.
1 Hour, 10 Minutes