Dmitry's profile

Basic Details



Real name

Dmitry Kiselev

PP Member since

3 February 2024




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Contact Details
Brief Bio
I am going to make Youtube Videos about half life mods. I hope in future people will like them!!
Half-Life Games Owned
Playing Style and History



Playing Style Description

Try to be as best accurate possible y try to look around surroundings

Playing History

I am playing gam,es since 25 years

Top 5 Favourites


  1. Zelda
  2. Final Fantasy
  3. Crysis
  4. Any Adventure, Shooter in general

Milestone Reached

  • 1-50 Comments = Shy
  • 51-100 Comments = Friendly
  • 101-250 Comments = Socialable
  • 251-500 Comments = Talkative
  • 501-1000 Comments = Opinionated
  • 1001 Plus Comments = Omnipresent

Comment Totals

Total Comments


This year


This month


Modding Skills

Modding Skills

  • Mapping: No information
  • Modeling: No information
  • Scripting: No information
  • Texturing: No information
  • Voice acting: No information
  • Writing: No information
  • Sound: No information
  • Music: No information

Additional information

I am more interested on playing mods.

Latest 25 Comments
21 Jul 2024 Hidden Evil This mod is hard because of the shotgunners. Maybe if the designer would put less damage for shot...
20 Jul 2024 Heavily Armed If T button doesn't work try to change areas several times. Sometimes works on the first change s...
19 Jul 2024 Hard There're great diversity of actions. Maybe game do not follow a general idea, but modders usually...
14 Jul 2024 Grunt Match It's a walk in the park. Go to the open and shoot everyone on Easy or hide and snipe everyone on ...
13 Jul 2024 Gman Island Part 2 Very nice mod. I enjoyed how the spider killed GMan once and for all. After that the battle were ...
13 Jul 2024 Gamestar Welcome to black mesa, we arrived in chopper landing area, got inside the mountain wth some scien...
07 Jul 2024 Freeman's Fight It's still possible to complete on Hard. But some floors has too many freaking soldiers, dozens a...
07 Jul 2024 Freeman's Escape The beginning of this mod has some appearence to "Construction" Mod released in the same year. At...
07 Jul 2024 Freeman Escape It has some stealth strategy, just crawl and jump over laser trips and your reward is an soldier ...
07 Jul 2024 Freeman There's not enough health and patience to play on Hard. It's like when someone gives a shotgun ag...
06 Jul 2024 Failure So Nihilanth captured you. But how on earth Nihilanth is captured by scientist in the labs, I do ...
06 Jul 2024 Dismember Spook the scientist and barney sitting over laser trip is dead like meat while the other Barney i...
06 Jul 2024 The Desert of Doom Do you want to make aliens and humans fight each other? Play this, make them fight each other. I ...
06 Jul 2024 DarkForce Dark Force happens in a Dark Ambient. Your crowbar is a black empty MP-5 weapons. Most of enemies...
06 Jul 2024 Conundrum 2 Welcome to the world of tomb raider. You are in the mountains, lava is your prime enemy. Do not t...
06 Jul 2024 The Cupboard of Doom The cupboard is doomed and snarks are alive, black mesa experiment was nice, they were transforme...
29 Jun 2024 Contest 2 Maps Very nice maps, I was enjoying them a lot. Especially in the one I have nothing to do, just sit a...
29 Jun 2024 Contest 1 Maps A good place to spend some time observing good ideas of creation which are more based on cinemato...
23 Jun 2024 Construction You are in construction yard, the building is not finished and there's a chopper on the roof, it ...
23 Jun 2024 Case Closed In this mod you are engineer, so your mission is to destroy the rusty barrles. Beside of that, yo...
16 Jun 2024 Battle For Life There's no way to install it through steam. But I found another file in MODDB which works on Stea...
16 Jun 2024 Back to Xen 2 The Four Secret Locations: 1. Take the ladder down to the bridge over the acid water, after t...
13 Jun 2024 Azure Sheep
08 Jun 2024 Alien
08 Jun 2024 Accidental Life The most interesting part is the ceiling laser which targets you wherever you are in the room. Th...
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