Two metrocops enter the school building and start shooting.
You must avoid being shot and find a way to escape.
There is a hidden shotgun and shells available, if you can find them.
Basic Details
- Title: School Shooting Escape
- File Name: hl2-sp-school-shooting-escape.7z
- Size : 410KB
- Author: Chilly_Chilloutfgt
- Date Released: 10 January 2015
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Manual Installation Instructions
- Copy the school_shooting_escape.bsp file into your …\Steam\SteamApps\common\Half-Life 2\hl2\maps folder.
- Launch Half-Life 2
- Open the console and type map school_shooting_escape and press enter.
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WARNING: The screenshots contain spoilers.
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Shortest: 0 Hours, 2 Mins by doesthislookunsure
Longest: 0 Hours, 10 Mins by ThatoneJeff
Total Time Played: 0 Hours, 52 Mins
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Manually: 4 Users
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Shortest: 0 Hours, 2 Mins by doesthislookunsure
Longest: 0 Hours, 10 Mins by ThatoneJeff
Total Time Played: 0 Hours, 52 Mins
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Many may find the premise distasteful but when you consider what 99% of the maps and mods consist of on this site, it’s not really much different: shooting people or aliens.
Anyway, I like the idea of avoiding fighting and it would have been good if we could have lead NPCs to safety, but as it stands we just have to survive ourselves.
If you can find the shotgun (it’s really not hard) you can go back and kill the metrocops but you won’t actually “save” anybody.
It’s a few minutes of pressure in thinking you will be found.
This map is not for everybody.
Using Gauge
7 Minutes
I find this offensive.
I also find this to be grotesque and in very poor taste. I’m not sure what goes through the mind of a person who decides to make maps like this. Is it a desperate cry for attention? Is it a lack of empathy? I have no idea.
Context is everything. Even though we mow down Combine forces without a thought, and they do the same to us, it happens in an ostensibly fictional setting. Things take on a different dimension when you use real-world locations or try to recreate real-world events that, too often, hit close to home. Of these, there are some settings you just don’t do. Schools are one of them. Even if you’re playing as the “good guy” in the story, the fact that you are capitalizing on a horrific incident and making people potentially relive these memories defeats any positive merits you might have had.
This should be removed from your site ……….. VERY poor taste
I have to agree this is questionable at best; regardless of the actual content of the map, designing something based on a tragic real-world event seems inappropriate to me too.
I know the goal of the site is to include every map released, but surely the line has to be drawn somewhere? There is a very complex discussion to be had about to what extent the violence present in the games we enjoy is acceptable and when with context it becomes unacceptable.
If we were to take this map seriously, as in assuming the author made any real effort to make this map, look at it, and say, “This looks fine, I’ll upload it without a second thought”, or have the audacity to recreate horrific events lowers my opinion of the map from the start.
The ‘school’s’ environment by itself isn’t elegant, there’s just rebel graffiti randomly placed on every corridor, a pool without any water, empty bookshelves, some doors without handles, etc,. the setting hasn’t sold one bit. Neither did the ending, just a fade to black, no disconnecting, nothing!
The only reason this gets more than a 1-star rating is the concept itself was fairly interesting, I would definitely be interested in playing as a SWAT team member, or vigilante, taking down the gunmen, should the author decide to follow up and create more maps. Contrarily, school shootings fall under the ‘Don’t make jokes about them’ category, along with other events in which people die. Stick to the fiction genre.
On a side note, the only other Half-Life 2 mod I recall that touched this topic was “School Shooter: North American Tour 2012”, except that one was even worse, putting you in the place of the shooter, killing defenseless citizens. At least give us a chance to save citizens, or give the player some action besides crawling through a few ducts to escape in less than a minute, there’s a lot of work to be done, should anyway want to salvage this map.
Don’t download it unless you’re a die-hard fan who has made unhealthy life goal to play every single map in existence, even then you’re just going to be glad it’s over.
5 Minutes
Not big stuff in this map. Actually I found it quite bland and I don’t really know what sense makes to place the shotgun almost at the end of the map, only to return and kill those 2 metro cop aggressors.
I think the map would have been so much more interesting if only we can actually have access to the shotgun sooner, and we may have a battle against those metro cops inside the school hallways.
So my conclusion and advice is: try it if you like, but be warn is very, very bland, really boring as no challenge is, besides escape which is also ridiculously easy!, provided.
Using Gauge
5 Minutes
I quote:
What do you mean by that? Can’t you just run back and fight the metro cops inside? They don’t even have a proper way of leaving the building, it’s just that vent you get out of.
I suppose you could call this a very interesting experiment in terms of the designer providing the wider context. If you didn’t know it was about a school shooting, would you have put it together? Would you have been offended?
I believe it’s a cheap tactic to grab downloads through offense, coupled with a side order of edgy. Frankly, this kind of crap shouldn’t be given your bandwidth Phillip.
Aside from controversial subject matter, it’s just not that great a map.
During your time getting chased by the Combine in the ‘school’, you are likely to end up running around in circles.
The shotgun doesn’t really offer much, don’t bother. Just run down the halls til you get to Breen.
Perhaps if the atmosphere had been done better, I would have given this a higher rating, but it’s just kind of generic. I think that School Shooter Simulator Mod had more going for it than this did.
Pass, this isn’t worth playing or getting all up in arms about.
10 Minutes
Please remove from site. The fact that this map was made show a gross insensitivity on the part of the author. It is subject matter that should not be taken so lightly
Why was this made.
If I rate this as a map, then it’s incredibly bland, blocky and very easy. But, even if I stop thinking about the design of the map, the whole idea is just terrible. If this was released a few years before, where there weren’t so many episodes in schools, this would have been fine. It’s just wrong timing.
Yeah, there’s not a lot to say here. If you want a non-combat HL map, then play it.
Well, this exists…
From the map author’s name to the subject matter it takes on, this is already heated, controversial, and distasteful. It succeeds in getting my attention because of the subject matter alone, but that serves only to enrage and offend.
The map does a poor job representing what a school looks like, from the weird misplaced graffiti to the giant vents covered with shards of wood, to the inaccurately sized pool devoid of water, to the extremely small sized classrooms.
No care was put into this, only the goal of enraging and offending.
Live the traumatic experience in a virtual representation of a school shooting from the perspective of a helpless unarmed student who falls victim to two gunmen shooting up the school. If Half-life 2 came with children as its stock assets, this map would be the first one to make use of them. As it is, everyone is a full grown adult in blue denim or in a lab coat, representing their role as either a student, a teacher, the principal, or one of the gunmen. Everything is laid out abstractly and lazily.
No care was put into this, only the goal of enraging and offending.
This map has no way to win. There is a way to escape and fade to black, but there is no way to win. In this fictional universe, you can find a shotgun hidden just before the exit but there is still no way to win. You can be a hero and take revenge on the gunmen, but you can’t save everyone. It’s impossible. The only goal of this map is to enrage and offend, not to win.
This map is that person you know that tells offensive jokes to get a reaction, but can’t take a harmless quip at their own expense. This map is that drunk uncle that you don’t like to be around because everything they say gets you riled up and mad. Even in my joking over-analytical look at this, it’s only goal is still to enrage and offend. No care was put into this…
And that just makes it all depressing to look at. I can’t believe this was put up on April Fools.
10 Minutes
Well aside from the whole “school shooting” aspect… the whole mission to escape is ridiculously easy because of the placements of the escape points.
Using Gauge
2 Minutes
As much as I’d like to rate it with 4 starts, I cannot. This map certainly isn’t for everyone.
Despite the hate it gets it really isn’t that bad (for a first map), it’s just the subject that’s considered a bit taboo for others to talk about. If you’re ok it I would recommend you give it a try, since the few minutes you try to figure out the paths while the Metrocops gun down everyone are quite fun.
The only complaints I have to say, like many others, is that it needs to be more of a challenge and the shotgun should have been placed at an earlier point of the map.
8 Minutes
I’m putting “Think twice” becouse this map’s kinda easy and well made but what’s happening it’s not for everyone but… hey, if you dont give yourself problems ply it. I’ll not be stopping you.
4/10 I will not say anything funny.
Using Gauge
5 Minutes