Here are 3 maps that the author feels he won’t finish.
It’s essentially an “escape the prison” scenario.
Don’t relax for too long as things can get difficult pretty quickly.
Basic Details
- Title: Life Lost Prison
- File Name: hl2-ep2-sp-life-lost-prison.7z
- Size : 3.62MB
- Author: cyberzombie
- Date Released: 09 February 2013
Installation Instructions
- Copy the contents of the maps folder into your EP2 Maps folder.
- Launch Episode Two
- Open the console and type map LifelostPrison_01 and press enter.
If you require more help, please visit the Technical Help page or you could do the sensible thing and use MapTap!
The playthrough below is provided by Custom Gamer. See more of his playthroughs on this site: VP: Custom Gamer
Click on the thumbnails below to open a 1024 pixel wide image.
WARNING: The screenshots contain spoilers.
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Meta Review Data
Statistics based on 10 comment(s) with meta review data.
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 6 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 29 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 18 Mins by JellyBeanDude27
Longest: 1 Hours by denizen50
Total Time Played: 4 Hours, 47 Mins
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 6 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 29 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 18 Mins by JellyBeanDude27
Longest: 1 Hours by denizen50
Total Time Played: 4 Hours, 47 Mins
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This is a quality piece of work and the author should be proud of himself.
It manages to combine a detailed and realistic environment with some well-thought out gameplay.
With a little back story, removal of some invisible walls and finishing the final map, this could be a great little mod.
Definitely recommended. Let’s hope the author continues SP mapping.
Using Gauge
20 Minutes
When I first looked at the screens, I thought it was a recycled, copy-paste nova prospect and didn’t think much of it, but decided to play it anyway.
It’s a good thing that I did, I would have missed out on the really solid gameplay, especially in the first map. That stuff was gold.
In the second map there were a few odd things, like turrets facing away from an antlion burrow, the player going to a dead end, doing nothing and having a door open up behind you.
The third map felt a little dissapointing to me, since it was so short and obviouslly unfinished, the author should have taken a little more time to create a proper final battle and do a fade out to end it on a nicer note.
Odly enough, the first thing I do in a map or mod is turn around and see where I came from. Here I was greeted with a invisible wall. This is something you want to avoid at all costs. Its not a huge thing.
Other than that, its a really well made mappack. I enjoyed every second of it. I know how it is to make a map, then you get sick of the areas and don’t feel like working on it anymore.
The last area when you fight the Antlion guard is way to small, and when he first spotted me, he just stood there and did nothing so I could fire away at him, I ran to his side so he could move but then it was just running in circles, not much fighting. Then there is just holes into a black void. It would be better to simply fade out.
Overall, it is a good prison map and I highly recommend checking it out.
20 Minutes
Don’t forget this is an unfinished set of maps. He released them “as is” because he doesn’t think he would finish them. Touches like that could easily be changed.
An excellent effort, I really hope the author goes on to at least finish this, then produce more maps as he definitely has the knack for creating very engaging, playable maps! Top marks for no silly tricks or cheats; only found one invisible wall & that was by stacking, so that’s fine. All the triggers worked nicely, the settings were very nicely done & gave a pleasing balance of outdoors, inside, open, cramped, light & dark, with a satisfying spread of enemies. I particularly liked the pace and placement of enemies, clearly executed with thought. I proceeded with caution and experienced no deaths or reloads – which is a nice reward for using the grey matter instead of blundering into a bunch of turrets, or combine_s, of which there were quite a few! The surprise zombine may have caused some embarrassing stains, if I had not been suitably prepared with both barrels! Off with its crab.. splat. The two turrets at the end of a long corridor could have been painful, but some kind person left this RPG launcher just lying around, how very handy! Plus extensive crossbow action too, a smashing weapon, especially when you can just see a combine helmet poking up ready in ambush – twang – skewered, nice. Seems they don’t like it up ’em!
The only issue (for which I was quite glad) was that the antlion guard seemed to be stuck, roaring and shaking in his spawn area, but not actually in pursuit. Just as well; he took over 500 rounds square on, 3 frags & 1 smg grenade before he gave in! Sheesh..
All in all, a lot of fun to play. One of the most pleasing combat maps for a long time; congratulations author, I eagerly anticipate the conclusion!
Using Gauge
25 Minutes
Really enjoyed this one, after a bunch of false starts trying to get my bearings at the beginning. Its a shame to read the author gave up finishing these. There’s real talent especially in the placement of enemies in the first two parts, along with combat variety calling for the use of multiple types of weapons.
30 Minutes
This is a great set of maps. Lots of stealth and fighting, good layout and fighting. Hopefully the author will complete them. Certainly look forward to anything in the future from him.
This is a fun series of maps, there is nothing jaw dropping or particularly memorable about them but they are fairly well constructed and fun to play.
There are a few issues I had where the author could have guided players around a little better, for example I completely missed the crossbow+rocket ammo locker at the start which threw me off initially. There is also a strange segment in the second map where you are directed down a particular path but no goal is set at the end of it, yet magically a new route is unlocked when you return to a previous part of the level.
The main issue is that the final map is completely unfinished, and I question if it should have even been included in the release in its current state. It’s a shame as the issues it has are very simple to fix.
25 Minutes
As it stands, it’s slightly different but doesn’t bring anything new to the table. I love prison environments in hl2 and I played this in hope for something.. else than what we’ve had so far and looks like I’m not the only one.
It does play ok, even bit hard on Normal as I managed to die once but it’s too predictable, u see rpg crate and wonder where’s rpg and when u get it oh of course, you have to fight a gunship. Then you get nades and of course you use them against turrets. Then you see the familiar lockdown room with weird black holes and of course you get an antlion guard which doesn’t even move much.
I agree a fadeout would’ve been great, cus I just thought there was a broken trigger since the combine were right up there behind the fence and I could even see them a bit and definitely hear them.
Very good
1 Hour
This was a cool map pack. Full of thrill and combat action from the beggining, it gives you almost no time to take a rest.
Also the prission scenario was greatly well done, and the whole feeling it is like if we were in the real novaprospekt. The combat was fair enough but I would love to combat against some hunters.
Finally I guess the only shortfall on this mappack, was that the end came very sudden and it feels like a deep cut-off, like an unfinished map of some biger mod.
Overall a nice entretaining combat mappack so go on and play it!
Using Gauge
29 Minutes
It’s a shame this won’t be finished. It’s an amazing mappack. I love Nova Prospekt and this is a great stride through it. It’s not finished but that’s not important. It has good gameplay, visuals, atmosphere and a perfect difficulty throughout. While other mods/maps try to bring something new to Nova (Riot Act is Nova during the day and Union is a broken down version) Life Lost Prison is very much like the original Nova Prospekt chapter from HL2. I like it very much and wish more maps/mods had this level of perfect balance in the difficulty. I would certainly, CERTAINLY recommend this mappack. The fourth is unfinished but the first two are amazing.
18 Minutes
Funny you should say that as it has just been updated and I will update the post once I get my new PC
There are some bugs here and there but it is worth a fun half hour of combat and nade lobbing, alough it can be brutal on normal difficulty.
in the first map I died twice before finding the cross-bow, then it was just a fun “snipe the gunner” game. The gunship battle was fun-ish and I liked how there where some combine around walst you were fighting but wish that they played a more attacking role in the battle. the underground was nice to fight though, but looking back at it I would of liked more side rooms to flank with and the first set of turrets not at the first turn because then you don’t have to go back out to deal with the advancing enermies first.
the second part did not have alot of health in it except for the end, which ruined the final room of combine. The shortage did mean that you had to be more tackful with taking out the turrets, and I surrpose the room was still completable if you did not go in guns blazing but some hidden health and sheld in a basket or locker would of been nice.
I only played though the last part once. And I exploted the fact that the antlion guard get stuck on the corner. If I played the battle fairly I think it would of been fun as alough cramped, the room offerd a good choice of dodging paths.
All in all, if the author dose finish the map off, it just needs a treak here and there and it should prove to be a cool map.
Using Gauge
30 Minutes
Is there a download link for this anywhere?
I understand that this mod has been updated and is now called Liberation? I guess this is why there is no download link for the old version on this page.
aren’t these maps from the sourced Liberation?
Yes, the same author revisited and polished them, and added a few new ones, to create Liberation.
This is a great bunch of maps but the link is gone. It’s under a new name.
I picked “avoid it” to draw your attention to the new link.
30 Minutes