I believe this mod was never finished and ToTac decided to release it. There’s no story and you just have to fight you way until the second map finishes. There’s plenty of variety in environments, but not much outdoor action.
Basic Details
- Title: Black Mesa Sideline
- File Name: hl1-sp-black-mesa-sideline.7z
- Original File Name: hl1_spmod_bmsl.rar
- Size : 1.20Mb
- Author: ToTac
- Date Released: 22 September 2007
PlanetPhillip Download Servers
Click on the thumbnails below to open a medium size image. WARNING: The screenshots may contain spoilers.
Reader Recommendations
Total Downloads
Please note: These statistics are valid from December 2010
7Last 7 days
18Last 30 days
113365 days
Meta Review Data
Statistics based on 6 comment(s) with meta review data.
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 6 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 42 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 15 Mins by Unq
Longest: 1 Hours, 10 Mins by fleetlord
Total Time Played: 4 Hours, 9 Mins
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 6 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 42 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 15 Mins by Unq
Longest: 1 Hours, 10 Mins by fleetlord
Total Time Played: 4 Hours, 9 Mins
This is a fantastic mod and don’t be fooled by the relatively small file size. Totac is quickly becoming one of my favorite modders and I am sure Outbreak 2 is going to rock.
This mod has no story but that doesn’t spoil the action and gameplay. There are a couple of set piece of very high standard and the mapping itself is fantastic. Just look at images 12 and 16 to see the detail that goes into the areas.
There were a couple of areas that were difficult and I won’t spoil the ending for you but I struggled, as I did just after the mini-lift.
There are the classic elements of letting the playing see what’s coming but not being able to reach it. I enjoyed the ladder and shaft elements as well.
One thing it took a while to realize is there is no crowbar, which is a refreshing change. Perhaps I missed it!
I could go on and on about the various areas and the interesting doors and levers but reallyu, you should have already started downloading this mod and load it up as soon as possible.
I have no hesitation in recommending this mod to you.
5 Words Or Less Review
Detailed, thoughtful, arrrrhh, WOW!
Phillip, I nearly missed the crowbar, but found it upon backtracking during my playthrough. It’s behind the green crate situated to the right of you as soon as you begin the map.
I’m glad I found it. I didn’t want to waste my ammo on breaking crates, to which contain useful items, as well as wooden barricades etc.
Here’s my little review:
Despite being short and without any inclusion of a story, this is a very solid, fast-paced and very fun mod!
Level design comes first, as its brilliant. The level of detail is amazing. Trimwork is at full force here – So are the tiny little details that give this mod SOME form of immersion despite a decent storyline. Not much else to say here – I can only praise it here! I will have to nitpick though… The vent system, with that open area with ladders, while a cunning piece of eye candy, is frustrating to move around in. The ledges to which the player has to hop onto from a side ladder become a niggling pain to get onto. The area, despite being an obvious ventilation system, was still very cramped and annoying from a gameplay perspecitive. (I’m not talking about the air ducts themselves, just that “central hub” area. Air ducts are supposed to be cramped!)
Now gameplay. It’s great. Not anything special or really sweat-inducing, but it’s solid and good fun (Which is all it’s really about, eh?) There aren’t any real puzzles, which slightly detracts from this mod, but at least there’s a good mix of enemies. There isn’t much else to say here.
Enemy and item placement is a generally solid acheivement! Some of the barnacles are placed most excellently! Also, your exploration is rewarded with items, but the author has taken it to nearly “counter-balance” or punish you. I once picked up a battery tucked up in a little alcove-y bit and a slave zapped in right behind me. Unfortunately, there’s the crowbar issue.
It SHOULDN’t detract too much from it if you don’t find it, but it’s an important weapon, so it should’ve been easily found. Enemy placement takes a short dip with enemies placed at the top of ladder. What makes this worse it the way a satchel charge has been placed here. Since it’s your first, the player will pick it up and you will automatically switch too it.
However the problem lies with the enemies placed right out of the room to which the player enters and no matter what, the player always picks up the charge as goes through the doorway, no matter what. This is really nitpicking, but it was just a frustrating and niggling little issue that managed to actually kill me. No matter, the good stuff far outweighs the bad!
As for everything else? Well, set pieces are very well done. They are timed well and occacionally quite clever. (Though sometimes not very practical… But it’s a game!) As said above, it was too short and I was left wanting more! Oh well, it’s obviously unfinished so what’cha gonna do? There was also a lack of friendly NPCs. I counted one. (Living ones, that is.)
Finally, I enjoy a good immersive story, but I’ll let this slide, because everything else is so damn good! (Much like the awesome little baby “Affliction’! No real story, but with awesome gameplay, design and set-pieces!)
Overall a excellent mod with a few downfalls and a lack of a good storyline. Still, it’s hard NOT to recommend this, so I give it a:
Arround 30 min of excellent gameplay it’s quite linear but with a good look to “will I pass to the area on the otherside of the window or the vent’.
Some area with troop ar challenging and the rock “cheminey” with the helicopter to pass the gate below was a pain…
I like the water pump trick and was a little bit disapointed by the end that is not really an end.
Finally the way that this map was made with a professional look to eveything to make a so small download size was also estonishing
just can tell to
Oh, I forgot to mention. There is no music at all in this mod, which detracts from the ambience of the whole thing.
Still, the mod is “unfinished’, so that’s easy to forgive.
I also forgot to mention what Phillip and Stef have addressed – The small download size is a definate plus!
By the way, cheers for the editing help, Phillip!
“This is a fantastic mod”That’s a bit of an exaggeration. The overall architecture is certainly good (i.e., detailed) but there is little variety, every area is too cramped (there is very little room to maneuver), there are too many vents and hallways and so on.
Took me 14 minutes.
I don’t think so. Im my opinion it is a fantastic mod. Of course everybody is entitled to their opinion.
I recently replayed Poke646 for a forthcoming feature and I actually enjoyed this more.
Perhasp I just prefer short and sweet.
BTW, I need to talk to you about a possible interview, are you interested?
Actually, that’s a good point. It detracts from the gameplay down to a significant level. Many of the human grunt encounters were too cramped, (And thus were more challenging then they should’ve been.) and there were many thin corridors.
However, I still hold out on my opinion. (And my “Play It Now!” icon!)
“BTW, I need to talk to you about a possible interview, are you interested?”
Yeah, sure, use my gmail address.
A small two-map claustrophobic adventure, with good taste on design and well balanced battles.The basic Half-Life formula (even with and abrupt ending).
It was fun to get back to some basic HL1 fare and this is an enjoyable if short typical HL1 encounter. The design varied a bit from some good sets to tight and boxer areas with a need to noclip in places. The game flowed well with a nice balance between combat and supplies.
It’s far from being a classic but well worth the download and play time.
Really, really enjoyable. It’s short, that’s a shame, but I had my fun. Reminded me a lot of NightWatch (RIP ;( ) and ETCII, which I think is a good thing.As has been mentioned before, the attention to detail is great, those vents on the ceiling right at the beginning, the handlebars and rails, etc..And seeing some of you complained about the cramped corridors, I have to say I didn’t mind that at all, I thought that was a nice change from the wide hallways we’re used to.
I was expecting more from ToTac.. the mapping is great, but other than that.. nothing special. The crowbar is obvious 😀 Took me less than half an hour to finish it and most of the enemies were too easy to kill for a medium level. Maybe because the last mod I’ve finished was Operation Black Thunder – a long, hard and entertaining mod. Here, most head crabs are avoidable and then hackable; I often used the mighty shotgun, which was a great choice for the cramped alien grunts; the military can be weakened with well placed grenades; as for the barnacles, if hanged at a normal height, and this goes for all the maps, just let them take you and press the down arrow to slow down the lifting and keep crowbaring.
Switching to the weapon you’ve just picked up was annoying, and the jumping on ledges from a ladder, likewise, but I got the hang of it. Still, it’s unfinished and for such a small size, the author did a great job with the mapping. He had to cramp everything, but it wasn’t at all claustrophobic. I thought I would hate it for its lack of puzzles, but for some reason, I don’t 😀 So I will give it a “Consider it” and a 5 word review:
Short, fun, not a keeper.
Most excellent mod. Amazing how much he managed to include. Keep up the fine work.
Got to say, from reading the posts, I thought this was going to be a “fantastic” mod. But no, it’s average and short. Yes the design and detail are good. The gameplay is standard and linear, with too many headcrabs and just a few grunts. The “helicopter” is not seen, just heard. About 20 mins play.
I look forward to a great big mod from ToTac with some more open sky and more maps!
And…. the crowbar is right in front of you when the 1st map loads!!
Nothing out of the ordinary.
Sorry, but I don`t play in this game. I have error, bug when I am
Then is black screen and error with hl.exe lancher.
I`ve installed patch and I don`t have High def pack.
Help me!
Sorry wlodi, can only suggest a re install of HL plus
I have the same install and no problems.
I reintalled half life and installed patch 1110.
And I have problem in the same situation.
sorry you had no succes wlodi, I can’t realy think of any reason for the error.
You are not using steam, I presume?
Have sent a save to Phillip. Saved just after opening the hatch you are standing on, in the screenshot. If Phillip makes it available to you, put it in the bmsl/save folder. Note the time of the file, and load it from the start of the mod. Yours is crashing quite near the start. Have the headcrabs popped up and been dealt with?
wlodi please contact me with your email address and I’ll pass on the file from piledriver.
Please don’t leave it here.
My email@ planetphillip AT gmail DOT com
Thanks for reply!
Ok. I open manhole and go down by ladder. And when I start swimm mod crashed, I see black screen and erro “HL.exe Lancher ble ble…”. I have Half-Life CD-ROM, box version – no Steam.
Ah, one thing yet. I load game from the start many times and bug is still in this moment.
I send you my save.
I can’t really say much that hasn’t already been mentioned, so I’ll just throw some quick sentences out here. Short (two maps) but sweet. Awesome map design and layout. Keeps a good balance of combat and exploration.
The best of the fun stuff. My only complaint was I wanted more…great little mod.
I have no idea when I downloaded this, nor why I hadn’t played it until now….was just trimming one or two mods from the ever growing Steam Games list and gave it a whirl..I’m so glad I did, a proper HL1 blast, even if, has been said above, it’s unfinished. (Shame!)Worth 20 minutes of anyone’s time!
I’ve updated the post to incluude the screenshots and new download links.
And yet again I agree Philip, this is a very good mod with… some lil flaws (see below)
As soon as I saw the first hallway with it’s view outside, I realised how detailed this mod will be, that’s exact the style I like, very pretty design! It’s obvious making this little mod didn’t took a few days..altho it’s not that big.
There’s also enough action with soldiers, aliens and sentry towers.
-Fantastic, high-detailed (for HL1) level design
-Pretty balanced action, altho most of the enemies are placed bad (for the player 🙂
-No long ventilation shaft -or ladder crawling
-Enemy AI
-Mean placed enemies
-Short playtime
-Minor clipping bugs
-Less space to move, except the first few meters
Well this 2-map pack was a pleasant little surprise to play. I hadn’t read the reviews above until after I played it so it caught me off guard. I wouldn’t say it’s a must-play for everyone out there as there are a couple shortcomings – but it was definitely a nice little pack in its own right.
Be sure not to miss the crowbar right at the start. I think this is a mistake on the mapper’s part, not to ensure the player has the crowbar – but I’ll not delve into that argument.
Overall the combat is pretty consistent, with a couple of fairly tough battles scattered throughout the pack. You face a nice variety of foes, and you get a decent mixture of weapons as well. I definitely encourage exploration here, and be sure to check all the crates you find.
While the maps had a nice Black Mesa feel to them, for the most part everything is in pretty tight areas and the general feeling is one of mild claustrophobia. It looks and feels like Black Mesa but it’s definitely missing the grandness of the facility we visited in the original games. And it makes some of the combat easier than normal, some of it harder than normal due to the tight quarters.
Despite the tight feel of everything, I really liked the layout of the maps. The design is really top notch, and attractive lighting is also a highlight. There are some straightforward puzzles with very little backtracking.
A couple minor nitpicks: the ending is pretty abrupt and not satisfying, and in one case a door swung shut behind me preventing me from going back and exploring an area I missed. I think it should be clearer when you can’t backtrack and I kind of felt cheated. But the overall experience is still solid. Recommended.
15 Minutes
Don’t bother, played it due to rating, but not accurate! Due to the engines handicap w/ precise movements your constantly bumping to everything; it felt like bumper cars. Not fun, no story, the action was mediocre at best. Thank god, no crow bar!. There was one sweet scene in the game that was quick & unexpected, it’s the only reason I didn’t give it an avoid it rating.
1 Hour, 10 Minutes
They are accurate because they represent how we feel/felt about the mod. Just because they don’t match your feelings, doesn’t mean they are wrong. It’s not uncommon for somebody to come along and play a mod that has generally received good recommendations and for them not to like it. It may have something to do with the higher expectation or the desire to stand out and not be a sheep.
Either way, you didn’t like it and that’s fine – just don’t say something is incorrect, just because your view is different.
Wow.. just wow.
GREAT map.
1 Hour
I believe this mod was indeed finished, intentionally designed for two maps only. Combat is fairly balanced so that’s okay. Next off is the puzzles are just push the button and the path will reveal. The level design is really claustrophobic and I didn’t enjoy going through narrow hallways with so much obstructions, and small pipes.
Black Mesa is not actually a difficult game as far as combat goes. Thanks to its hunting-vest-orange power suit, our body Gordon is such a great beefcake tank when he is charged up that he can go toe-to-toe with about anything short of an actual tank. =[[[-0
decent mod but very short.
22 Minutes
1 Hour