Urban Combat

for Half-Life 2

20th April 2015

A simple unrealistic square with a few buildings.

Freely spawning Combine battle against the Resistance.

Kill as many as you can before they kill you.

Basic Details
  • Title: Urban Combat
  • Original Filename: hl2-sp-urban-combat.7z
  • Original Filename: urbancombat.zip
  • Size : 643KB
  • Author: gokumike
  • Date Released: 12 December 2004
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Manual Installation Instructions
  • Copy urbancombat.bsp into your …\Steam\SteamApps\common\Half-Life 2\hl2\maps\ folder.
  • Launch Half-Life 2
  • Open the console and type map urbancombat and press ENTER.

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1024 x 576

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

1366 x 768

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

1600 x 900

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Reader Recommendations
Avoid It!
Think Twice
Play It Later
Play It Now!

10 recommendations, average score: 3 (out of 5), standard deviation: 2 (what's that?)
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Meta Review Data
Statistics based on 9 comment(s) with meta review data.

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Manually: 6 Users

Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 27 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 3 Mins by FYFA
Longest: 3 Hours, 10 Mins by doesthislookunsure
Total Time Played: 3 Hours, 59 Mins
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Phillip says Avoid It!Play It LaterPlay It Now!Think TwicePlay It LaterPersonal FavouriteMaybe?Avoid It!Think TwiceMaybe?


  1. Mike

    Let me take this opportunity to say a big Thank You for providing an invaluable service to gamers everywhere.

    1. Thank you. Comments like yours make all the hard work worthwhile.

  2. A tiny undersiege map where you will battle between combines and rebellion both respawning and battleling with no end…

  3. Phillip says Avoid It!

    Clearly this is one of those very early releases after a game where people are just trying to get a feel for the editor etc.

    It’s not actually never-ending as the combine stopped spawning after a few minutes.

    I say AVOID IT!

  4. Play It Later

    im allways a supporter of novice mappers/modders but this was day 1 stuff…. the author may of received more positive reviews if he would of added more details and not made everything so uniform and square
    for example instead of making a basic skybox and wall why not include buildings into the skybox which isnt that hard ( even ive managed to create a skybox with buildings ) … this would of given the map some depth
    secondly being a tactician less ncp,s would of been better … theres nothing worse in a half life 2 map than a massive onslaught of npc,s …. its better having less and each of them better situated ( eg behind doors )
    then theres audio and sound … add some music …. this makes all the difference especially during the initial attack …
    that said anyone who creates any map and has the nerve to publish it online is braver than me so well done there … but dont give guys the chance to critisize your maps by publishing them at such a early stage ….. some well known mappers/modders will spend months and sometimes years on their projects ( adam foster aka minverva spent over 2 years creating that mod )

  5. You may think I’m nuts for give this one a PIN!

    I do. Totally, completely, without a doubt.

    1. Hec

      I had a little trick to make that map fun Phillip 😉 you know Gmod may make some lousy maps turn into a brilliant battlefield!!! Sort of like a Lego, you can build up some great battle scenarios!!

      1. If you played it in Gmod and spawned lots of other stuff then it’s not a fair reflection of the map itself. Did you do that?

        1. Hec

          Well. let me explain better: I did play the original for 10 minutes on medium skill, and I just felt great about having some HL2 combat because frankly the recent HL1 maps i’ve played, many of them, were terrible; i missed HL2 combat so bad, I loved the combat on this one even if it was crappy CMB spawning everywhere by 6 minutes… That’s why I gave it a PIN.

          Now after I did that. I open the map on G mod to make it my own cool battlefield and test some custom weapons, the feeling got even better.

          But as i haven’t had play HL2 in more than 2 months or so, this crappy map felt as a PIN to me.

          ALso this map, reminded me one called “Crackhouse” which is a classic one for CSS, even in CSS Hardwire we can play it against some CMB and is just very nice.

  6. Hec
    Play It Now!

    You may think I’m nuts for give this one a PN! But I have to say, that after playing some pretty bad HL1 maps; HL2 combat even if is like this arena style map felt like a huge breath of fresh air!!

    I know this map was like some experiment to test the source engine, and so on. But with this map I have a trick that make me enjoy it even more!! And that secret is open the map into GMOD, You know Gerry’s Mod is not a game that flows OK with some single player maps, I mean, in Gmod most of the maps just don’t have nodes for the enemy NPC’s navigate on them! Well this little map indeed offered me the possibility to have a real intense HL2 combat in Gmod!! that just felt great. Because as I am a fanatic of custom weapons, well, in Gmod I just have many of them!! And just be able to shoot a real AR15 or an AK47 against the CMB just feel great!!! That battle I had in gmod with this map was so real with my beloved customized weapons, and so intense that make this map very, very worthy.

    Even there in Gmod I even was able to put some striders, many hunters!!, some APC’s, and many CMB Elite troops, to fight the mayhem out of there!!!!!! I mean it was beautiful, the whole tiny map looked like a real intense battle between resistance members and the CMB, and the scenario looked like a 2WW battlefield.

    I think i just enjoyed this map so much because Gmod gave me the opportunity to play some real combat in HL2 with real weapons and feel like ina a real battle. Also by doing that, I just think that a HL2 mod that actually offers a real possibility to have a realistic battle against the combine, would be a mod i definitely would love!! I mean make me think in the “WHAT IF” possibilities into the HL2 universe; let me explain that a little bit more: imagine in HL3 a total different scenario where humanity is almost 90% recovered by the CMB invasion, earth resistance forces actually have, let’s say a Lambda army, Lambda Navy, and even some Lambda Air Force (made by some old rescued A-10 Warthogs and some old Apaches); but oh boy, CMB is far away from just withdraw from earth and some parts are still in control of them. Well what would Resistance Army do??? Simple. Battle in a realistic war against the CMB troops; actually fight some very important and crucial battles, like Stalingrad in 2WW, that can take out the CMB from earth forever.

    I’d love to see some spin like that in HL3; you know old Gordo taking care of business but in real war battles and in real combat scenarios.

  7. bkadar

    this was a fun little time killer. wouldn’t mind a few more options of play- zombies, airship, exploding things- reminded me of a dokidoki panic.

    1. JG

      … it reminded you of Super Mario Bros. 2? XD

      1. There’s an HL2 map that’s called Doki Doki Panic for some reason, it’s on the site but hasn’t been updated and uses the broken filecloud server for its link:

        There’s also a sequel(?) called Waku Waku Panic:

        …and a sequel to the sequel:

        …..and two more maps made by the author called “Trick Panic” and “Shot Panic”:

        Wow, Tetsu made a lot of maps like that.

  8. Think Twice

    Another infinitely-spawning-combine map. At least they bothered to make an alright environment apart from being blocky. It would’ve been better if you could take over their building and use their mounted weapon without having to noclip inside. This would probably be more fun with actual co-op. It’s not the worst I’ve played, especially considering it was released the same year as HL2 itself, but it’s not really worth playing in my opinion.

  9. Play It Later

    This map is underrated. A lot. I never had that sensation to kill combines with civilians!
    7/10 meh, you can see enemies spawning…
    Never tried to play this with an hard rock music? Bad.

  10. Personal Favourite

    In this post-modernistic masterpiece, we follow the turbulent inner struggle of Gordon Freeman as he grapples with issues of integrity, a fitting follow-up for the first game’s exploration of his experience, identity, and search for belonging in a world he does not feel like he fits into. He is constantly besieged by a mysterious apparition known only as “G-Man” – which, to educated players, should be immediately apparent as an overt application of Aryan Ubermensch psychology, as G-Man represents the parts of Gordon that he desperately tries to not acknowledge, as well as manifesting his insecurities: where Gordon attempts to be heroic, noble, and fast, G-Man is a cruel, villainous sort, heralding Gordon’s constant inner battle against his latent nihilism and pro-capitalistic attitude, an aspect of his character that is also explored in his obsession with “crowbars”. It’s worth noting is that G-Man does not have Gordon’s speed – instead opting to have his teleportation, symbolizing Gordon’s constant insecurity and fear – running and swinging a crowbar is all he is good at, what if he one day could not run as quickly without aid? What use would there then be for him?

    With that being said, it is important for Freeman to have health. It is unneeded for G-Man to have health because he cannot be killed in the main story. For Freeman however, he comes across many armed military individuals with power that is otherworldly, he needs health in order for his extensive story to come to an end.

    So, add some more health kits to the map.

  11. Maybe?

    It was pretty surprising to see the map made by mapper-newbie, that is somehow fun to play. Yes, it’s just little town with infinitely spawning citizens and Combine soldiers. BUT we also get lots of weapons and it suddenly makes killing hordes of enemies much fun! You can just go to the upper floor of the building where you appear, grab Crossbow and you’re just the best sniper in the world.

    It reminds me of these crappy co-op maps in Half-Life 2: Deathmatch… Except it’s not boring!

    Overall, this first try in mapping is lucky try.

  12. Avoid It!

    Boring map.

  13. Maybe?

    A small city-like map with Combine and Citizen spawners, though the combine one stop spawning after some time, leading to an overwhelming Citizen/Gordon Freeman victory.

    The map is just an arena with finite spawns, with lots of weapons to shoot at the Combine soldiers scattered around, quite fun honestly. Another thing to add is that it’s one of the first maps released for Half-Life 2, and while it may seem bad by today’s standards, it’s still an enjoyable experience.

    Overall, a simple, but decent, Combine vs. Resistance map with lots of Running and Shooting, even if it ends too early for it’s own good.

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