Things are not what they seem.
You are definitely back in Ravenholm, but it’s not the where that’s in doubt, but the who!
If you survive long enough, you may make a new friend.
- Title: Return to Ravenholm
- File Name: hl2-ep1-sp-return-to-ravenholm.7z
- Size : 62.7MB
- Author: Vernon Wroe
- Date Released: 08 December 2010
I have categorized this mod for Episode One but since I didn’t have Ep1 installed on my system it installed the Source SDK Base 2006. I don’t know if this is the right thing to do and if those with better knowledge of engines advise me, I will change it.
Download to your HDD [62.70MB]
You can still use it with MapTap once you have downloaded it.
- Copy the Return to Ravenholm folder into your SourceMods folder.
- Restart or start Steam.
- Return to Ravenholm should now be listed in your Library tab.
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Longest: 2 Hours by John
Total Time Played: 3 Hours, 5 Mins
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The first thing you notice is the textures and they seem to have been taken from Lost Coast and that’s probably why the file is so big. Then next is the type of shotgun you have and at this point you might be excited. I was.
The problem is that’s as good as it gets.
The first half of the mod is really hard and the second half really easy. There’s no balance or build up. In addition, the map wasn’t really finished and it’s easy to see gaps and ways out of the map.
The author clearly has talent but this release is not polished at all.
It’s easy to break the game. For example, you can get on the roof and die because of the scripting.
All in all it’s the typical school report (at least mine!) Could do better.
Using Gauge
20 Minutes
I think if you have Episode 2 installed, it also installs a large amount of content from Episode 1 because it uses a lot of props and assets from it. It’s possibly everything but the .bsp files.
Let’s cut to the chase here. This is NOT finished.
I actually get the impression that a large amount of these maps have just been ripped from HL2 and tweaked slightly which may explain why there are so many missing sections of wall and floor. There holes all over the maps that you can actually escape through and this can lead to you getting trapped and having to commit suicide.
This brings me to sin number one: No autosaves. If you die, regardless of how far you get from the starting point you go all the way back to the beginning. And you WILL die. You’ll die a lot. You’ll die because of another series of sins committed by this mod
Sin number two: endlessly spawning enemies. You are expected to take on a seemingly endless supply of combine solders and elites from multiple angles. This is a tried and tested formula and works well in a couple of sections in the official Half-Life series. The only reason it works however, is because Half-Life doesn’t commit the third sin.
Sin number three: Unreliable weapons. There is a reason Freeman never get’s the Annabelle Winchester Rifle in HL2. It’s just not a good weapon. It is essentially a .357 magnum with a two round magazine and a max ammo capacity of twelve. TWELVE! Not only that but there is a good delay of about a second between each shot unless you exploit a bug. If you hold the reload key the Annabelle suddenly becomes a semi-automatic weapon. Of course, you need to tap fire it, because as I said; twelve rounds only.
Sin number four: On top of the unreliable weapons, enemies and allies do not drop their weapons or ammo, aside from the elites who drop AR2s but you need to then kill more elites to get ammo for the damn thing. Just give me a God damn SMG! I ran out of ammo so many times that I almost quit out of pure frustration.
Sin number five: Sudden deaths. There are a number of sections in this mod where an explosion will just occur for no apparent reason. If you happen to be stood in the wrong place at the wrong time you take the brunt of it and are left waddling around with ten hitpoints looking for one of the maps meager three or so medkits. As in the item. No wall chargers in this little town. So more death, more returning to the start and replaying the whole sodding thing again.
We’ve gone full circle. Five deadly mapping sins, all present in this mod which is exactly why I advise you to think twice before downloading this unreasonably large mod.
Using Gauge
25 Minutes
If you read the reviews above this one you will find they are very accurate! Nevertheless, I decided to try it anyway.
I found it had promise but it looks as if the author gave up at some point. My biggest gripes were the shotgun you get that has to be reloaded after 2 shots and the enemy respawning in places. I never did find a crowbar and I ran out of ammo at one point. Also, my thing that I dislike the most in any Half-Life environment is respawning enemies!
Some of the maps were indeed cloned from the originals, at least parts of them anyway. So that was also disappointing.
In this condition, it really isn’t worth playing. But I think this author could probably build something good if usability concerns and beta testing were involved.
Well once I’ve played this mod, and I can say I played it after reading the past reviews. I make up my mind about recommend it as a maybe?, though I was tempted to give it even a think twice or also an avoid it, and I didn’t do that because in here we just have to accept the fact that this is an unfinished work, period. That’s it, we as gamers there’s nothing much we can do about it, OR CAN WE????
YES that’s the answer, and by that I am referring to the fact you can actually cheat, to get a quite more fluid gaming experience. but my reason for cheating was simply because I liked the super hardcore battle at the beginning of the mod, you know, there you just have to resist the CMB, but with that Annabelle shotgun is simply almost impossible!! though I like the fact we can actually fire it, but seriously is crazy if you decide to continue the mod till the weird end only with that weapon.
That battle is very nice if you provide yourself with ALL weaponry available in HL2, and I also found that the CMB soldiers doesn’t spawn indefinitely, you can actually beat them until they stop their strike, once you clean the whole church area.
So if you want to fight the super hardcore battle at the beginning I recommend you to enable the “impulse 101” trick via console, in order to do that you have to set in the mod properties in steam the “-console” command, then in order to deploy the console inside the mod once you’re playing it; you have to write this sentence when the console is open in the mod menu: “bind p toggle console”, once you’re in the first map press the “p” key to deploy the console and active the cheats; and voila, you can do it (beat the mod in a more fluid and fancy-elegant way) without too much suffering.
Honestly is the only way I can see you can solve this unfinished mod, otherwise is going to be a very unfair strong headache if you decide using Annabelle as your one and only lonely companion till the end.
By the way, I liked to met the very same Gordon Freeman in person LOL, that’s a weird touch in a mod, well maybe in Strider Mountain mod you can actually see Gordon in action, in 3rd person and even Talking!!!! so this is not the weirdest thing you’re going to find in a mod.
Finally I can say that this mod as a project it may look promising, and well I’m not lying if I tell you I’d like to see this mod enhanced and modernized (in HL2 graph engine terms), and I hope his author consider to re done it, as it could be a cool Ravenholm mod project.
20 Minutes
Endless spawning of enemies keeps you on the run then guess what maps over.
I am grateful that the developers made the mod, put please give us players something more challenging to do other than run and fight will running away.
2 Hours
This is actually pretty good, Though you need to make a version that works without half life like how gmod works with hl2 stuff without you needing hl2