You are Adrian Shepard, in stasis since the debacle at Black Mesa. But fortunately for you, a situation occurs where you come of use again. And so the G-man comes back to bring you out of stasis. The events in this game happen a bit before Gordon arrives in City 17, the player will start in Black Mesa-ish base that’s still resistant to the Combine occupation, from there it will bring the player to a quarry, a soviet submarine base and into the basements of a older citadel where the combine stumbled on ancient alien technology.
- Title: Awakening
- File Name: hl2-sp-awakening-1.1.7z
- Approximate Size : 186.04MB
- Author: BlueStrike
- Date Released: 17 May 2007
- Related: Walkthrough
A walkthrough for this mod is available. It is in PDF format. You may be able to open this directly in your browser, depending on which one you use and its version or alternatively you can download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader
- Awakening Walkthrough PDF (228Kb)
- Extract the Awakening folder into your Sourcemods folder
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- Awakening should now be listed in your Library tab.
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Total Time Played: 4 Hours, 30 Mins
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This looks like a cool mod and hopefully I’ll get time to play it this weekend.
FYI, the file size is smaller than the other mirrors because I use maximum compression. I also checked the MD5 checksum against my local copy and it matched.
That’s to CubeDude and Mert for emailing me about this mod.
I’ve played this mod up to where to have to stop at a Combine roadblock.
The level design so far is very impressive, along with the reskins of the arms and the humans in camo gear.
There are only a couple of thing bothering me so far:
-Why can’t you pick up a shotgun?
-The voice acting acting at the beginning between Barney and Kleiner was awful, but Mossman was quite good.
-Where did G-man come from?
Hopefully the final question will be answered when I continue playing further.
Overall so far 4/5.
You get the shotgun later on.No real storyline to answer any questions.I had one crash early on in the game,other than that it was a very good mod with great detail.It is very hard at times as there is nothing to really point out what your supposed to do and lots of enemies.The citadel I found hard because I couldn’t find the ladder.Mabye my gamma is to low I’ll have to check.3.5/5
I’ll just copy and paste what I wrote on ModDB:
I found this mod pretty darn good with regards to level design, use of triggers and combat situation, etc. However there were some fundamental flaws which really prevented it from being excellent.
– Some areas were poorly designed for combat, particularly the one early on where you have to escape the base. As soon as you exit into the snow field you have no cover and its easy to get mown down before you can open the gate.
– Several times I found myself completely stuck without a clue what to do next. For example, waiting for the teleporter to blow a hole in the wall in the Citadel. I’m still not sure what I was doing. Did I have to kill all the soldiers? Was it on a timer?
– What was the point of obtaining the Super Gravity Gun if the game ended pretty much immediately afterwards?
– There was a problem with the dropships after defeating the gunship. One of them just hovered there and kept shooting me which made things pretty tough, the other one didn’t unload its troops properly.
– The game crashed in the last room, but that might just be my computer…?
– As Tiparow said, the story was a bit redundant. Why did Mossman still tell you to deliver the gravity gun if you had already rendered this objective pointless with a single line of dialogue at the start? Also I know the G-man is meant to be enigmatic but that was just downright non-sensical. He told me nothing about the plot at all, not even hints. Finally, I felt that Breen’s presence was illogical too. He’s not the sort of man to go running into the battle (he’d probably just stay in his office and speak over the monitors) and shouting “No no no!!” just made him seem like a spoilt little girl.
I don’t mean to destroy all your hard work because a lot of the mod was very well done. I particularly liked the snowy areas, especially the area with the gunship and the bridge after it. It got the atmosphere of the area excellently. Perhaps a few bug fixes and modifications wouldn’t go amiss?
I’d rate this 7/10.
Oh I forgot to say…
I did really like the effects of the portals, particularly the one that opens in the zombie base. Nice touch!
There’s an easter egg in te zombie base.
In the underground area, in the room where you first see one of the hanging missiles, smash apart the wall past the elevator (a zombie should be on the floor there).
Usually play all HL2 levels in -dxlevel 70, because of weak graphics card crashes. Have never had a problem doing that until now.
Even though I use the -dxlevel 70 instruction in the HL2 game parameters, this mod defaults to Directx 9 and I get frequent crashes.
How do I remove the default?
Crazy hard, not enough ammo, grenades or power-ups. No access to console? Why?
I started at Normal and dropped down to Easy when I saw what I was in for, but it didn’t help a whole lot. The player needs more ammo, a LOT more health & batteries, and a few less enemies. you might want to spread out the encounters some, and add some COVER as well! I went thru the gates withteh buggy and battled, no power-ups afterwards. I battled at the road block at the tunnel, no power-ups afterwards. Drop shop dumps troops on me, I dunno if there were power-ups, “cuz I died and quit.
Cue the E-thugs telling me I suck. . .frankly, it doesn’t matter if I suck. A lot of people DO suck, and there should be a ‘suck” setting. FTR, I cruised thru HL2 in normal, and I have a top-100 weapon rank and a top-1000 class rank as a footsoldier in BF2. I’m not new to FPS’s. The weapons given early on are inaccurate, and inadequate for the number of enemies you face. I gotta use near half a clip per enemy with the machine gun at close range. If you have to face ten or more enemies in a row like that, everything gets to be in short supply: health, battery power, bullets.
It looked good visually. The voice acting for the men in the beginning was weak, but without access to the actual voice-actors, that’s always going to suffer to some degree.
I wish it wasn’t designed as such a gauntlet for the L33t. You put in a lot of hard work, a lot of thought and effort, but as it is, I’ll never get to see more of it. Dude, I wanted to play it and explore the levels, but it’s designed like you didn’t want me to.
I really enjoyed this overall so I’ll just post my cons & pros & yes, they have spoilers. I’m going to reverse it because too many people read the cons last & they usually stick in the mind more than the pros. Also, I thought this mod was challenging AND fun so I don’t want my last words to take away from anybody wanting to play it. I don’t think it right or fair to state that a mod or map just simply shouldn’t be played unless it’s known to cause serious errors or crashes. Every person is unique and will take away something different from their experience regardless; whether it’s a texture or a model, maybe a directorial view, layout, etc.
-A few game crashes
-The story was weak
-The voice acting was completely terrible.
-The crane was very tempting & I was a bit disheartened that it was of no use at all.
-In one area, you’re being sniped at from various places that make absolutely no sense. It just looks like the blue lasers would randomly appear from nowhere all around.
-I was even more disheartened at the end with the energized gravity gun and not being able to use it.
-I felt it just ended quite abruptly which was disappointing.
-I thought it had great level design – the design inside the citadel right until the end was great.
-I never felt as if I didn’t know what to do & thought it was pretty straight forward.
-I also enjoyed the snow bits but found I missed the way in Half Life when you had snow bits, it was actually slippery in some places.
-As for there not being enough cover in the first areas outside, I disagree. There was enough to make it challenging but not easy. I always try to remember that your vehicle is a weapon too (with or without a mounted gun), so try mowing them down before they do it to you then take cover quickly & pick off the rest.
-Enemy action was very good, I thought & challenging.
-The portal looked good & I wish there would have been more of them.
-There’s a bit of everything covered except for a boat ride, vorts, Alyx & a gang to tend to (thank goodness!).
There are no e-thugs on PP. If there are their comments are quickly edited.
I suck too. I also agree that there should be a suck setting!
Goddess, I like the addition of the Pros and Cons.
Hey, this looks really great!
I remember seeing a tiny website promoting this ages ago. Never thought it went anywhere. Guess I was wrong!
Try, I shall! (Though I’m afraid of what everyone’s saying about a weak storyline and bad voice acting… I guess I’ll have to find out for myself!)
i totaly agree with Goddess comment, I loved it, and haven’t played it through yet, am playing the last level now. I was surrpiced to see that the sniper laser came through a wall, you couldn’t see the sniper. I gess you placed him like this so you can’t kill him. because as you know you only can kill the sniper through a grenate or explosion. and I was very surpriced to see right at the start (where gman speaks) aconosle model with wires on it, who wheren’t atached to nothing. they hang in mid air. I know it’s a original HL2 model, but you should have turned it around or placed it somewhere else, so the wries would look as if they where atached to the wall or something. about no having enough ammo, or hiding places, that’s simply not ture. ok, when you drive outside like crazy without first looking, yep, then your in trouble. first look, then fight, and when you get hurt, pull back. but I gess that because so many people play mp so much, that they are used to just running around while they shoot like crazy. that works in mp, but not in sp mode. a much heart mistake, I think.
well done, I give this mod a 8,5 from 10!!
leon (SPY-maps)
I crashed several times in the last level and just gave up. I agree its a good mod, but the action was not well thought out. I ended up in god mode and just concentrated on getting on moving on.
Looks like I misjudged the difficulty alot.
(and the testers must all have played on easy :P)
I’m considering releasing a tuned version with less enemies and the magnum added, as well as other fixes and tweaks where possible.
I see the sniper got mentioned here and looks like its not working like its suposed to,
It should only shoot at you when you are near the roadblock that forces you to go trough that base and not try to climb over the roadblock.
Its shooting you guys when inside the base?
I don’t think you can climb over the roadblock & the sniper shoots at you at the roadblock & along the perimeter of the base (fence) until you get cover from the building.
i don’t have any troubles with the amount of enemies like I said before, but I like good action, and it’s well balanced in this mod!
to be honnist, I think it’s even to easy in the citadel at the end, on every platform you find one or more station of health and suit chargers. most of the times I didn’t need them at all, and was even surpriced to find them again so soon.
this just shows you how much different oppinions you can get. it’s nearly impossible to make a mod that will please everyone. so please don’t start changing things, unless nearly everyone says the same. but just because some say things, don’t rebuild on that, (is my humbel opinion).
there was one problem with it, that I had. let me start saying that I don’t like puzzels in games, and I am bad in solving them. I couldn’t find a solution to how to open that gate, so I could drive on. I mean the gate near that wooden building and the bridge. you see a wire going from the gate to that wooden building, and inside you find a button that is placed behind a combine (blue light)fence. all over the floor there where laying around wooden planks, so I tried to place them on the concrete wall pices that are stacked there. maybe that would give me access over the combine fence to the button. but I couldn’t get to it, so I just walked on. because you can go a bit back and then climb the mountain. it’s clear that you only clipped around the gate. or was this all ment to be like this, so you can’t take the jeep with you any firther?
Yeah I had difficulty figuring that out too. In the end I noclipped through the barrier and turned off the gate.
Hmmm, okay. This is what I did. I jumped into the bed of the truck, then onto the ‘top” of the concrete slabs, and then hop over the barrier. Try that!
I was able to turn off the forcefield mentioned in comments 15-18, but when I came out, my jeep had disappeared. Is this a bug?
And can I continue without the jeep?
Note to self: next time, check you the handbrake before you leave it.
I thought this was a very enjoyable mod overall. The only real trouble I had was in the citadel, where that teleporter blew a hole in the wall. From what I gather, that explosion is triggered by climbing up the front of the teleporter, which doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. I ended up turning on god mode and wandering around in that area for several minutes before figuring out where to go to proceed.
Contrary to what many have said, I didn’t find the combat all that difficult, but nor was it too easy. I will probably play the mod through again this next weekend and try out some different things. The quarry looks to me like it has the potential to be a very exciting combat area; in my first playthrough, I just hunkered down in the building and picked off the troops as they packed through the door.
My favorite section of the game was probably the Kilo Base. I’ve always been a hall-crawling fan, and the base was done exceptionally well. I especially appreciate that it wasn’t too dark; this is a problem that I tend to see in fan-made hall crawling levels. The way the different parts of the level tied together (seeing through the room in the very beginning, ending up on the other side of the burning truck) was also very gratifying.
I agree with what others have said on the super gravity gun: that thing is fun to use, and it was dissapointing to get it at the very end of the game, with nary an enemy to unleash it on. Overall, however, a very enjoyable mod, and well worth the download.
I don’t know if I would call it a bug. Laws of gravity become in affect & if you don’t use the handbrake or park it on something remotely flat, the buggy will roll backwards down the slope into the water. Once in the water, it won’t budge when you get in it plus you risk drowning. You could try your masterful arts with the gravity gun but again, risk drowning. Anyway, the same thing happened to me first time, so don’t feel bad.
You can continue without the buggy.
That raises an interesting point that could be a poll(do you want it to stop or roll like real life).In most mods the buggy stops and locks as soon as you leave it.But I do remember in HL2 expansion 1 I think it would roll away from ya.I could be wrong on the dates etc but I do recall that.
about that laser that shoots that hole in the wall, in the citadel. many of you seem to have it triggered without knowing how. there is beside this laser a combine console, with on it a button, press that and the laser shoots the hole in the wall.
think you guys just walked by it, pressing ” use” at the same time.
(seems the maker of this mod doesn’t look at these comments, I don’t see any comment of himself. so I will tell him about these comments.)
forget what I last said, see Bluestrike does comment also.
Actually my post on ModDB mentioned triggering the portal machine. Apparently it blows the hole in the wall when you’ve killed the troops (including 3 out of 4 of the elite soldiers on the top level). I found these guys pretty difficult to kill. You basically NEED to use the pistol because it’s the only weapon accurate enough to hit them at that distance with that much cover.
I can’t believe I didn’t figure out the jeep/gate thing. It didn’t even occur to me to try and get OVER the barrier. I just assumed it had to be deactivated but couldn’t figure out how. Perhaps because HL2 already established the pattern of deactivating Combine force fields?
I don’t know if I would call it a bug. Laws of gravity become in affect & if you don’t use the handbrake or park it on something remotely flat, the buggy will roll backwards down the slope into the water. Once in the water, it won’t budge when you get in it plus you risk drowning. You could try your masterful arts with the gravity gun but again, risk drowning. Anyway, the same thing happened to me first time, so don’t feel bad.
You can continue without the buggy.[/quote]
So my buggy really did roll away into the water!? I’d swear I left it facing the fence but…I’ve searched all over the place so I guess it’s in the drink.
Hmm, I’ll go forward without it then, and hope there’s plenty of ammo lying around. I’ve been relying on the buggy’s unlimited supply of machine gun ammo to get me this far.
To turn off the force field use the gravgun and pick up a plank from the floor and make a ramp.climb up the ramp and jump over.
Good solution andyb. That would work too (although I have trouble stacking or propping anything with the gravity gun!).
I think the buggy gets blown away by the dropship, thats the only explanation I can about right now, even tough I tested what would hapen if people took the front gate and left the buggy in the dropship’s dropzone.
The buggy should stop moving a bit after you exit it or at least I saw that behavior on my end.
The wood planks is a pretty anoying way to get on top of the granite stacks inside the barn, the physics engine seems to like to push it forward, the easyest way is to use a barrel thats standing upright.
I didn’t even know you could use the truck and jump from stack to stack lol 🙂
Hey, we’re a crafty lot Bluestrike. Never underestimate our powers! The buggy probably would stop if it’s on a more level ground, but if you get out of it going uphill & don’t use the handbrake, it will roll down into the water.
Two perfect reasons for developers to submit their mods to the PlanetPhillip Beta Testing Team for thorough scrutiny!
Am playing through it now. I also wanted to mention the disappearing buggy. Happened to me twice. The first time it disappeared from where I left it near the entrance to the concrete underpass by the water, where you take on the drop ship, and I had to replay through. The second time I searched around for it, and found it had rolled backed into the sea inlet. Couldn’t get the damn thing out. Next time I came to that part I parked it better.
So, my preference is for it to stay where I leave it. I reckon the game designer should assume we’re all good drivers, ie we put the handbrake on, and not bad ones 🙂
But overall, am enjoying playing the mod. Although there’s not always enough ammo around, there’re always loading palettes, drums, bricks, circular saw blades and other stuff lying around that you can grab with the grav gun. IMO, not having enough health and ammo makes you think more carefully about how to plan your fights. When you exit the first tunnel in the buggy, knock down the sentry and all the combine in the buggy, then jump out to take out the two on the gate platforms.
Everything has been going rather well, I think I died only 50 or 60 times so far, but when I got to the map “Antlion Infestation” and met up with my little buddies in the tunnel the game “crashed” not once but 3 times, maybe I got the graphics set to high? Anyone else had the problem at this spot?? I would like to finish this one.
It gets pretty intense at times that will make a vid card crash the game.I only had one crash early on but I did think it came close a few times.
Bluestrike: I have no problem using the planks.I hate jumping on stuff like boxes and barrels but I did try the barrels and ended up knocking them both on thier sides and thats a pain to get them upright again.
The first time I tried playing this mod after installing it, Steam automatically began downloading/installing Source SDK Base. I’m 100% sure I didn’t specifically request that component (nor do I really know what it is or what it’s for).
Is this normal?
You may not have specified it, but there’s a tag from the author that states:
“Extract the zip file to your steam/steamapps/sourcemods folder. Restart steam. Sourcesdk-base is required to play and only availeble to Half-Life2 owners. Sourcesdk-base will autoinstall from steam if you don’t have it yet when trying to play the mod.”
I use winrar to unpack my files so this shows up in a side “pane” and it’s the first time I’ve ever seen any text there. There’s no readme included that states this and I don’t know if winzip displays that text. Ah, if you right click on the zip file, select “Properties”, then you should see a tab that says “Comment” which has that text in it.
As for what is Source SDK, wikipedia says:
“The Source SDK (or Source software development kit) is a collection of tools compiled by Valve Software that is used to create levels or full-on Half-Life 2 modifications (or mods). It can also be used by developers to create a new game using the Source game engine.”
Now, if you’re like me and challenged in such areas, then that explanation makes it as clear as mud.
Bluestrike kindly gave me a solution to this problem. Thanks!!!
As I mentioned in #32, the crashes in the last level was an easy fix. I restarted the last level (new game) cut my AF & AA down a bit in the graphics and no crashes! I didn’t care for G-Man’s voice at the end tho. Thanks BlueStrike for a nice mod!
Would someone mind letting me know where I go after pressing the button to start up the machines in the first cave in Antlion Infestations, please? Have killed the antlions and am running around playing catch with those rolling mines, and knocking out the occasional manhack, but can’t figure out where the exit is.
follow your way back to where the bridge is broke.go down to the bottom then climb up the pipe thats on a angle
and walk up and along it towards the yellow-tinted glassed-in walkway running along the far wall? I went up to it, tried to break the glass, climbed around under it…I know I must be missing something, but what?
There’s a metal walkway on top of the pipes. Go to the very end of the walkway to the last panel of glass. Either it’s already broken or you can break it and enter.
I’m loving this mod, phantom sniper and all ;). Bravo Bluestrike!
**possible spoilers!**
But I’m truly stumped, and need help. In the Citadel level, where Striders are being lifted via elevator to the upper levels.
I’m in a hallway (look at the photo “med-awakening-10” above) with a health and armor charger on the railing and a barrier in front of me. I see a switch on the railing beyond the barrier but I’ll be darned if I can get past the barrier.
Can anyone help? Thanks!
Thanks Goddess Alyria and andyb. Mmm, that’s strange. I went to that same window before and tried breaking it with the crowbar. Just went back in and there’s no window there at all!
Hi slappy, if the blue energy field barrier is still up, you press the button just to your right to deactivate it (after grabbing and throwing the sentries with the grav gun to knock them out). Then move on through and into the corridor beyond.
Hiya NoBob,
I think what happened was when I entered the hallway, the first force field stayed up, preventing me from getting to the switch.
I restarted the level and it went fine.
Thanks for the assist!
Comments from an old fart….
I loved this mod. It has to be one of the best (and most enjoyable) mods I’ve played in months. I ALWAYS play on ‘difficult” and found the balance to be challenging without being frustratingly difficult.
I really enjoyed the atmosphere created by the snowy hills and mountains. It even felt cold…brrrr! Things worked as they should have, and I had no problem progressing through the game. I would have liked more ammo; I found myself running back to the crate of rockets quite often (I REALLY like blasting combine with the rocket launcher!)
I was quite impressed with the rock slab quarry. Someone put a lot of thought and research into that. It’s refreshing to see originality.
I hope this team does more. They’ll have fans waiting for their work.
Things worked as they should have? Your luck must be better than mine. I got as far as the part with the crane and the red barn-looking building that has a “Z” on it.
At that spot, I killed all the Combine (no small feat, given that my best weapon was that pathetic machine gun), then came out to find…no buggy! I found it at the bottom of the icy river. Getting it out with the gravity gun was…interesting. Good thing there are serious clipping issues with that big boat that would have otherwise been in the way, or I’d have never been able to get it out.
I’m also stuck at this point. I can’t find a way to get past that force field in the “barn” to unblock the road.
I’m glad third-party mods aren’t representative of how games are shipped. If they were, I’d have stopped playing them a long time ago. It’s just too problematic and frustrating.
You did well to get the buggy out of the icy water!
Getting over the force field in the red barn, Chianti, is mentioned earlier on this thread:
Either use the gravity gun to pick up the wooden plank lying on the floor and make a ramp out it to climb over the force field, or, do it the way I did it, and jump onto the back of the old truck and from there jump from one concrete partition wall to the other and then hop over the force field.
Thank you very much, NoBob. It wasn’t until after I had posted that I took the time to review some of the other comments here. I now see that all of my issues had already been encountered by other users.
It seems every map/mod I try requires me to hunt down explanations, walkthroughs, and verifications for “Is this supposed to happen?” types of things. Frustrating.
My opinion is that you shouldn’t have to worry about things like the buggy rolling away. Some people claim it’s good because it adds realism, but that makes no sense to me. Not much about the game itself is realistic to begin with–the way you can somehow carry all those weapons and supplies, the way you magically return yourself to health by touching some sort of first-aid kit, and especially the way you can take a barrage of bullets without dying (especially with an exposed head!).
That’s why it’s called a GAME!
It seems every map/mod I try requires me to hunt down explanations, walkthroughs, and verifications for “Is this supposed to happen?” types of things. Frustrating.
Yes! Almost like real life, frustrating, at times. In these games, you can get away with these things, in real life “you got to be quick on the trigger, and one step ahead”
i’m sorry to say this Chianti, but I think it’s unfair to comapir mods/mappacks to orginal games. those are made with a team of 50 man or more in severel years, (ok, they have invent and make all the things that a modder simply can use). but I think you understand what i’m trying to say. we modders make these mods without getting payed for it, it’s all free and just for fun. and again, original levels are made sometimes in months.
I like it so far even if in most of the 3 first map it run quite slow on my machine (processor 3,4 Ghz, GeF660Le 128 Mb and 1532 ko Ram,certainly due to my setting that are standard and never changed)
It’s my time to come for help…I’m stuck were the submarine are I have turn arround went to the one in the hall without no water there is a room I cannot access with 3 zombies and when I come out the next way seems to be blocked by some burning truck and building…
And looking to the site I fell kind of happy to find that the author is from Belgium…He is certainly from the same quality in mapping As EraserX known for some great DM map and also Cased closed for HL1
BTW Phillip you can notice that there is a official site for this mod (the one you author info link to) and a more general one from the same author at
Stef, I got stuck there, too. You need to walk up to the door to the room with the three zombies in it and push it. It didn’t work for me when I first tried, but on the second attempt it opened. Keep pushing and Ctrl E-ing.
thank you NoBob, I retryt and it worked.
I have finish this really interesting mod in arround 2 hours I like it defenetly even if the ending look a little abrupt but the preview part in an alien style design really was great, like most of this release, it was already mentioned before but we can complain a little about voice acting that wasn’t always perfectly audible texture design and gameplay (even if hard in some spot) was enjoyable.
this is certainly the LOTM…recommanded
Version 1.1 fixes:
Ok this is the final version of this mod.
Maybe I make something better for HL3, who knows.
Anyway bugfixes in this release:
– Fixed frequent crashes in the last level.
– Fixed people getting stuck in the teleport room because they shot
the scanner.
– Adjusted ending a littlebit so there is a visual cause for the collapse.
– Adjusted difficulty:
* Added the magnum weapon.
* Hard is no longer impossible.
* Easy is now a walk in the park.
* Moved around enemy placement in some locations and reduced
the number of enemy’s.
* Moved some supplies around, added extra supplies as well.
– Fixed some stuck issues in the last level.
– Added prop models to level 4. (citadell basement)
– Varioes small tweaks.
a real shame you made it less hard, but that’s just my personal opinion.
will there be a patch for this? It’s a shame to have to download such a huge file again
Good Question.
The .rar 1.1 version is now available from Filecloud, please see the Basic Details for the link.
Outstanding. The intro movie and the citadel are a visual feast.
Action feels balanced on normal play…and can’t wait to play it again today on “hard”.
Had a previous DX7 problem with 1.0. Not a problem now with 1.1 and no crashes!
You’re my man, Bluestrike!
I have 3 words for this mod!
I give it a
no shotty in the mod
I thought it was a great mod. The acting wasn’t spectacular, but you get the point– it was okay. You may notice a few leaks here and there, but you’ll have a lot of fun. Great mapping, music goes pretty well with the action– that’s another thing. The action is well thought out like the gunship fight near the beginning. Some jumpy monster encounters too. Very cool. I felt I was playing a mixture of a MGS and Medal of Honor game for some odd reason.
I downloaded the patched version and encountered no crashes or slow-ups or any of the junk people are complaining about above.
I give this mod a…hmm…I was never good at ratings…an 8.42678/10. It should take the average player 1-2 hours to beat. But you come out thinking it was time well spent. Pretty impressive! Good job, Mr. Author sir whoever you are.
The story starts when the G-man awakes Adrian Shepard from stasis to create havoc for the Combine and their leader.
On easy level it took me about an hour to complete the game without encountering any technical problems or major difficulties in overcoming foe. I was some what surprised with the lack of longevity considering the quoted size of 230Mb. However, the introduction with the Combine storming the base must account for some space, and coupled with the G-man sequence awaking Shepard we are 5 or 6 minutes into the game before you start. Having played the game again on normal mode, I consider it played better and would recommend this setting. While you will get low on both ammo and health there is plenty of stores throughout the game.
Regarding the general game play, this consists of typical Half-Life encounters through air shafts and ducts in the early levels progressing to open terrain by way of the road buggy. Puzzles are kept to a minimum with a few climbs and pushing the right buttons, but nothing taxing. Foes encountered are a good mix of the original HL2 cast being realistically arranged in their correct environments. Flow between levels is good and you feel the game progressing with each new level. Each level design has its own pace controlled by the different environmental setting for that level.
The strength of the mod is undoubtedly within the superbly designed and crafted sets. From the very realistic snow covered terrain of the road ride with matching winter skies, to the ascent through the Citadel foundations with a some what mastic filtered light and appearance makes this more than your average mod. Textures and attention to detail throughout is first class and you won’t find any empty rooms here.
With regard to new stuff, I did not notice any major new skin or weapon designs; however, most of the architecture felt original without getting the impression you had either seen it or been there before. The stasis sequence and the last level would appear to contain mainly all original detail design for which the author deserves praise. Further, I felt the last level was a bit cramped being mostly corridor layout making combat of any kind squeezed to say the least.
If there are any down-sides it would be the very weak voice acting, the lack of story line and a some what flat ending.
On the positive side this is a superbly crafted 5 level mod, with a good balance of gameplay that flows well throughout.
To conclude, whilst the mod is not in the Classic Category, it is much better than the average fare and well worth the download and play. I would strongly recommend that the author either uses more professional voice actors with any future mods, or better still, guide the storyline another way. Will look forward to more from this very talented author.
My Recommendation
I really enjoyed this mod but I have a problem with the sound. I am playing it on a VAIO laptop and when the sound in this mod is set to 2 Speakers it is so distorted as to be unbearable. Setting it to 5.1 mostly clears up the distortion but makes it quiet. Setting it to 7.1 mostly clears up the distortion and it’s at normal volume. I don’t know if having it set at 7.1 causes me to loose any sound (combine sneaking up behind me etc) when I only have two speakers.Oh yeah, what’s with the mattress factory by the side of the road?
I have a Bose three specker system and the sound was ok for me.
If you download from PP site you should have no technical problems from my experience with this is game.
I re-downloaded it and the sound is still messed up. I might look into getting some external speakers.
A walkthrough has now been published on PP and linked to in the main section.
A pity one has to download the SourceSDKBase to play it as a Mod. On dial up, I don’t think so.
I managed to get it to work by loading up the first map in the console.
Pity about the bug with the buggy faling through the snow in the original version and the bug near the end.
I gave up on it.
You take on the role as Adrian Shepard, needed to be taken out of stasis to do a job for the G-Man after the events at Black Mesa. This modification consists of five medium length chapters each with a different setting to take venture through, while the gameplay consists of that found in the original game with a few nice effects here and there. There is a small mix of interior and exterior where the action takes place spread across the maps using elements already taken place in the original Half Life 2, but have a few nice additions and changes to make them a little different this time around.
Some examples are the use of rollermines as they suddenly spawn on the roads when taking a drive, or the zombie infested areas. General flow between levels can be slow due to some large groups of combine soldiers and dull fights with them, especially during the second level. The experience is enjoyable but during the first few moments without any weapons and combine walking through their forcefields added a sort of epic, stealth feeling. Until of course the crowbar was found. There should be enough ammo and health supplies throughout the modification, however I had a bit of trouble on the health side during the first two maps sometimes.
Definitely some detailed environments throughout each of the maps, keeping a consistent balance within the setting. But some flaw here was the usage of many corridors, of course in different styles depending on the location but sometimes places lacked rooms. This can’t be said for all the maps though, especially the first and area with the large submarines. Structure throughout was decent, corridors used arched ceilings during some maps, ceilings in larger rooms had detail and the landscape with snow looked well made. One major complaint is the overuse of junk models such as barrels and other such items being scattered around the interior locations which gets boring after playing many other maps with similar filler attempts.
Some of these do come in handy during the gameplay however, such as propane tanks for example. Locations were wide enough to venture through, nothing too tight and small and driving the vehicles on the roads never caused much problems. There were some design flaws such as in the first map, once out of the combine gates taking a left turn towards the woods stops at the skybox which looked odd. Lighting was moderate throughout out without any major complaints, bright enough in a majority of areas making flashlight usage to a minimum in larger areas. The last map however breaks from the typical styles found in the original game and creates something new, but unfortunately affected by the corridor problems as mentioned earlier. An expanded version of this location with more rooms and places to explore would have done some major wonders. The texturing style however is nice.
Enjoyable gameplay which flows similar to that of the original game, some dull fights taking place in five chapters in different locations.
Rating: 85%
A nice pack. It has consistently good visuals and has decent variety in its gameplay.
There was one point (in the zombie bit) where a door I had been in before but went back out of wouldn’t open, and I ended up no clipping back through (as I couldn’t find any other way), however, I’m still not sure if I was supposed to go through the door later but had bugged it to get through earlier or whether it had just got stuck. Either way, the problem was some sort of glitch.
The biggest flaw in this pack is a lack of story, beyond the text in the readme you just get thrown from place to place with no goal other than to survive to the next area. You are given a small idea of what you were doing from some dialogue at the end, but as it only happens after you have done the thing in question you never really had a motivation to do it. With some kind of plot instead of random wondering this might have came close to Minerva.
If you want to play some decent levels and don’t mind a weak plot then:
If you think plot is very important to SP maps then the quality is still good enough to:
hmm, think i’ll sit this one out until the mentioned bugs are fixed. Can anyone tell me if some Opposing Force elements have returned? such as:
*Night Vision instead of flash light?
*Laser Pistol instead of Glock?
*Soldier hand models(not skin)?
*Pipe Wrench instead of crowbar?
*PCV Charge stations?
*Sniper Rifle?
*Alien Weapons eg. Barnacle?
To my knowledge all weapons are standard HL2 fare, no custom models.I was impressed by the minor edits though, primarily the green HUD, and the re-skinning of the hands.
Wouldn’t know about charge stations, because all I found were pickups.
Otherwise, a fun mod. I loved OF so any story addition, canon or not, is a big thumbs-up from me.
– There is no Night Vision, just the standard flashlight. During the intro you can sort of see Adrian in the stasis pod, and it shows that he doesn’t have any special gear on him.
– No laser pistol, but if you want, you can download a model of one from here.
– You have black gloved hands and green camouflage sleeves. It works pretty well.
– Again, no Pipe Wrench, but you can grab one here.
– Standard Combine recharge stations. Actually, given that you don’t have an HEV suit, that raises a whole set of questions, but I’ll let it slide.
– No sniper rifle, nor the crossbow. They’re not needed.
– No alien weapons either. Again, not needed.Having played this through a couple of times, I think this is a great mod. Once you know what you’re doing you can rip through this in about half an hour, but it’s still fun to do.
The level design is excellent, and the plot, such as it is, is intriguing. It’s always nice to step back into familiar shoes, so this is a welcome return for Corporal Shepard. May he return again!
I’d say…
One side note: I decided to replace some of the voices with my own – if I may say so, I do a pretty good G-Man impression – but when I replace the .wav files, the characters no longer open their mouths when the voices are playing. Anyone have any idea why this is?
I’m very curious to hear your Gman impression, would you be kind and send me a sample. I may have a project for you!
Check your email in a few minutes.
well, just got done. nice mod, the final area kinda slowed the fps on me but had a lot going on. liked it.
Well made intro; cinematic and beautiful designed levels. However, the gameplay is simply not on par with the visuals. Nevertheless a good effort. Like to see more single player from this mapper, probably with a bit more finetuned gaming.
Since no-one answered this, I’ll ask again – when I replace the speech .wav files for this mod, the characters no longer open their mouths when the voices are playing. Anyone have any idea why this is?
it will sound strange but true, although I have made around 26 sp-maps with HL2 I never have made ones npc’s talk, my good friend Baltic always took this task up him. so I can’t answer specific your question, but I think it has to do with that faceposer program. this is a tool that is used to make the figures talk in HL2. ones there is no sound file I gess the faseposer doesn’t do it’s stuff.
but how it works exactly I also can’t explaine, when you realy want to get in to this the best thing to do is read about faseposer;
for instance here, but there are a whole lot of tutorials about it;
Awesome. Thanks a lot, I’ll look into this.
This mod sucked, it didn’t fallow the half-life 2 story and the voice acting was awful.
PS to short
Mods dont have to follow any story.They are just there to play.This story happened before gordon freeman got to city 17 so anything is possible if you want to follow a story.
I fully agree Andyb, it’s a bit strange to say a mod sucks just because the story doesn’t follow the original story. the maker never said it would, so.. and even then, to say that’s why it sucks,…strange comment.
i just needed to add this,
Mayby I am being picky obout the story but the voice acting is still terrible
Is There A Way You Can Make It Without Hl2
Because Im A Fan Of Opposing Force And Adrian Shepard But I Cant Play It
Afraid you need to buy it to play.I don’t think episode 1 or 2 will let you play it either.
Nice mod! It’s a bit tough, but I wouldn’t like it if there was no challenge. It was interesting to see that several other people lost the buggy – like me. Fortunately, I had a save point just before that, and rushed out of the building only to find it rolling backwards toward the water! Pretty funny.
BTW, I stacked barrels to get on top of the concrete slabs to hop over the blue light force field (but I like Godess’s solution better).
However , I am stuck a Kilo Base. I turned on the mobile power unit and followed the wire to a gate/garage door, but it is not open. I finally looked at the walkthrough, but I can’t figure out how to do either of the “2 options” given there. I don’t see any new open gates anywhere. I see the place where I can hear the fire burning on the other side.
Obviously, I am missing something.
Any hints?
BTW – Awesome sound effects, graphic effects, and pretty tight level design. It felt like half-life 2 to me (maybe a slightly advanced level). Definitely worth playing.
When I played this a while back I really enjoyed it and that’s all I remember.
I just found out about the quality of this mod and played it through. Excellent!
Thanks for making it. I know it took a lot of work, but it is appreciated so much.
I did hear of the mod some time ago, but I didn’t pay much attention to it because of the title. I’m not a big fan of fighting zombies, and I assumed that “The Awakening” referred to zombies coming back to life.
Glad I discovered that my assumption was false and tried it out.
I’ll definitely run through it again to see what I missed the first time.
Strange mod this one…
I play half life 2 easily at the most difficult settings….
But this mod is darn difficult to play…just not enough ammo…
sometimes it takes me 3 shots trough the head to kill a combine with the magnum…strange…
Very nice level design by the way, thats a plus…visually very beatiful
Voice acting was really horrible…Barney sounds like a little kid…
Storyline sucks big time…
I don’t agree with people that say that there doesn’t have to a storyline in a mod..
A storyline is all that makes a single player mod nice…
If you just want to shoot around, go multiplayer…
Everything is as easy to kill as in HL2, except for the combine…rather strange I might say..
I got shot by an invisible sniper….stupid…zoom view didn’t reveal the sucker…
I’d suggest you spent more time on it making it playable…
And some more music….
I stick with HL2 and the Episodes, I like that a lot more..
the console is available so you can cheat if you want to…
But before I cheat I always like to play things out without cheats…
With a lot of strafing and running away you can get trough this mod…
But you need to be experienced…
And where is the uninstaller ??
Now I have to manually dig it out of my sourcemods folder…
voice acting sucked. non of the weapons from opposing forces are back. blah storyline. pretty good puzzles and levels though.
Fairly good mod. Level desing is good, but the voice acting of the Gman is terrible, especially as he says a line said in the original OpFor anyway! (Copy the sound…. duh)
Nohting seems to give the impression this is a continuation of OpFor.
I thoroughly enjoyed playing this mod (just went straight through it on normal difficulty)
Few points :
As mentioned before, voice acting was painful (but also as mentioned before, hard to get right without original actors).
Some of the enemies had a silver ‘sheen” over them (like the headcrab part of some of the zombies, enemies with this effect did not attack me (just walked into me).
Like an earlier poster commented, I was also locked out of the “zombie room” (near the start of the sub level), I had to noclip back in.
I tried to explore a bit more than I was allowed which was disappointing (tried to check out the boats but died)
Nice simple little puzzles (covering hole in shaft with grille at start for example)
Nice thunderstorm to spawn the mines early on
Portal effect was cool
The beginning movie was well put together.
Atmosphere was well choreographed (when you had no weapons but there were enemies around I jumped when I smashed a bottle, almost wet myself in the submarine base when the zombie horde came from nowhere in that dark room)
Ant lion area was a refreshing change, quality of texturing (and sheer number of custom textures) was impressive.
I would highly recommend this mod to anybody 🙂
Even after applying the handbrake, the buggy will roll when you reload the game — I lost 2 jeeps in this manner. I used impulse 82 to spawn a new jeep.
The jeep that is spawned is correct (with no Tau cannon), however I’m curious — is there a cheat code to spawn the jeep WITH the cannon ? Couldn’t find it anywhwere.
This is a GREAT MOD. I really enjoyed it. I guarantee you will have fun with it !
I’m still sort of in the middle of this, but I can already say I’m quite pleased with how it’s progressing. I really like the snow terrain and overal design, but there are some problems here and there with stuff that you fall through/walk through. For the rest, the voice acting in the beginning was not so good, and I didn’t like how sometmes these magnetic balls (forgot how they are called: these robotic things that are dropped just before the second tunnel and on the first bridge you cross) drop on the road. Very unexpected, and while some might think that’s good, I didn’t quite like that. For the rest, I’ll just see where it leads me.
It’s a decent mod, but it definitely could have used more polish and playtesting as there are parts that are either unclear or simply not fun.
Let’s focus on the positive first. If you can get outside the rebel base at the beginning, you’re in for a neat set of environments never-before-seen in the Half-Life 2 universe. You’ll be driving the dune buggy down snowy roads, you’ll infiltrate a gigantic Combine base, and finally wind up on a strange alien craft. While not all of them fit the typical Half-Life 2 mold, they look great for what they are. Exploring the enormous warehouses around the submarines was neat. Though you may not think a warehouse is an exciting location, Awakening’s warehouses are structured in a way that reminds me more of F.E.A.R. than Half-Life 2 in that you have a pretty expansive space with enemies sprinkled throughout and tons of cover. These areas are also lit really nicely for zombie combat, with a great mix of dark and light spaces, and constitute what I feel is the strongest part of the mod.
Now, for the not-so-good stuff.
The intro is way too long. Not only is the voice acting bad, but the characters have no real animations. They are stiff, arms at their sides, and say their lines with no emotions. This is not the kind of thing you want the camera zoomed in on at the beginning of a mod. And it goes on for several minutes until you are FINALLY released into gameplay. You have to escape the base, which has been besieged by some very ignorant Combine. You eventually find a dune buggy in a truck. I had to struggled to free the darn thing from the truck, since it was really wedged in there, but I make it out.
The first battle you have with the Combine Gunship comes from out of nowhere and the space you are fighting in is terribly awkward for rocket launcher combat. Trying to launch rockets through the tiny slats along the edge of the tunnel was frustrating and the tight corridor ensures that you can damage yourself pretty easily with a wayward rocket. Emerging from this battle, you reach a staple of dune buggy gameplay – the Combine forcefield that makes you get out of your buggy and investigate how to deactivate it. It took me a while to figure out how to turn off the switch, even though its location was obvious. Like others, I jumped into the back of the truck, onto the marble slabs, and dashed across the forcefield to the switch. It felt very, very awkward and I wouldn’t have figured it out had it not been the only remotely logical thing to try. The fact that the author didn’t even think of this solution concerns me, as the intended route of stacking up objects with your Gravity Gun was impossible for me.
By the way, kudos for even having the Gravity Gun. I’m tired of mods that neglect the weapon that makes Half-Life 2… Half-Life 2.
Moving along, I then come back outside (many Combine later) and my dune buggy is gone. Yes, like others, I seem to have been afflicted by a failure to set my parking brake. I had to replay that whole gunship section over again. That sucked and there’s no excuse for it. How can it be that testing didn’t find that little glitch with the buggy?
Way too many Rollermines later, I eventually reach a point where a sniper starts firing at me from all sides. I get out of the buggy and run for cover, only to find that the sniper is completely unsourced. Really not a graceful way to end the dune buggy segment.
However, despite how all this sounds, things are pretty good for the next hour or so. Exploring the voluminous warehouses, jumping through a portal to a secret Combine base… yes, things are pretty decent from here until the end. There was that awkward confrontation with the Antlion Guard who must have got hung up on collision as he didn’t really attack me, but we get to the ending and we’re done. Unlike the beginning, the ending is mercifully brief (though no less cryptic).
In the end, Awakening is a challenging mod to review. For every good idea that it has, there’s something else that dumbfounds me. It really needed more testing and polish, that’s all I can say. It’s still enjoyable if you can overlook its flaws, however, and it’s not without some good ideas and some neat architecture worth ogling over. I’d say Play It Later.
How do you play this mod? I could not find any instructions either inside the file or on the authors website.
I really loved the snowy external areas, even when choking on rollermines. The ending environment was kinda odd… would the Vorts really need all that tech to wrangle Anlions? Still, an interesting angle. Overall a few glitches, but nothing a little reloading didn’t fix.
Fun, interesting and challenging mod.
Having played it , I read the walkthrough, and I find that I found a different [and likely unintended] path to ascend the Combine shaft in map 4.
Finding myself above the platform where striders get onto the “strider elevator”, I hopped down and rode that to the top along with a strider. From the top, you can jump onto a metal beam and from there onto the walkway.
Took a good bit of damage jumping down, and a lot more from the strider shooting at me, For some reason it won’t shoot on the way up if you get directly underneath it.
At the top you must quickly get off the elevator and hop off the platform. I don’t know whether the strider is actually trying to kick me off, or if we just get our feet tangled up, but the effect is the same.
There’s a cute easter egg in the dune buggy map. When you drive under a high bridge, look up at the underside of tte bridge. You can use a weapon to acquire the goodies you see,
I quite liked it. Good story (in my opinion) and it had enough variation to keep me interested throughout, though it wasn’t very long.
I liked this mod very much! There is already gonna be an Opposing Force 2, and I can’t wait to play that. Remember folks, Half-Life Mods is NOT Half-Life, it’s what the mod name is. Half-Life is only made by valve, the mods is everyone’s own idea of a fanon story.
Overall this was nice in places, but let down by some things. So worth a play through, but save often.
[spoilers ahead]
Like the gate as soon as you drive out with the buggy. The buttons aren’t obvious, so I climbed over the gate thinking maybe there’s a trigger somewhere further on – but no, that was it, and no way back over.
The buggy is buggy. Even with the handbrake on, I think if you reload the handbrake becomes off. And the whole concept of having to put the handbrake is just plane annoying.
The barn with the forcefield gate is a nice section (except for the buggy-losing potential)
The warehouse area: There’s a door that close behind you. You can trigger this when firing crates through (as it’s easy to run out of ammo!), and then you are can not proceed. Also another time I went in the office, that door closed, but the exit didn’t open (I’m not sure what triggers that).
Like another poster, I went up the lift/elevator with the stryder, as that seemed an obvious thing to do – which made that whole test chamber thing on the other side seem redundant. I did go down there but it seemed a dead-end so I came back up.
The final stage with the tubes was just weird. I didn’t really know what I was meant to be doing by that stage. I just wandered around the tubes, found that control room, got chased by the huge antlion thing (can’t remember the name), lost my weapons, then it was the end.
5 Minutes
This is one of the most underrated mods in my opinion. The setting is interesting, the mapping is great and it’s really, really fun. It starts off with an awesome intro of rebels fighting combine. The length of it is perfect for a mod in my opinion. Most of the game takes place in a snowy climate, which looks rather nice visually and plays great. I don’t get why there are Metrocops there instead of the cities, but I won’t complain about that. The snow levels are very fun. This mod also has a perfect mix of fights between Combine, zombies and Antlions. The snowy levels have Combine, the base has zombies and the final chapter has Antlions. One thing I don’t get is the part where there’s a sniper, presumably behind a rock, but he’s invisible and unkillable. There is one problem with this mod; the story is really inconsistent. Easily the worst aspect of it. You play as Adrien Shephard, the hero of Half-Life: Opposing Force. The Combine have taken over a rebel base, but Julias Mossman has hidden the Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator (Gravity Gun) and your goal is to bring it to Black Mesa East. *SPOILER ALERT* It doesn’t seem to ever get there. You get to a weapon materializer and the Grav Gun, instead of turning super, vanishes. Then you release the Antlions out into the wild for some reason. G-Man seems happy with you though. Easy to please I guess. *SPOILERS END HERE* There’s one more thing I’d like to mention. The voice acting. It’s bad. Hilariously bad, to the Resident Evil extreme. I laughed when Breen came out and said “No, no, no! What have you done?” Sounds like a normal line, but ingame it sounds very silly. Oh well, I won’t hold that against the mod (or Resident Evil). It’s an awesome mod and you should definitely play it.
46 Minutes
Really good mod hope that more people will like this mod as well. I played this mod right after beating Opposing Force and the stories combine greatly.
1 Hour, 58 Minutes
So Ive beated this mod and what can I say:
1)Good leveldesign, maps looks nice and the route is understandable
2)Good voice acting
3)Medium duration, not so long and not so short
4)old but gold
I will say its 8/10
1 Hour
i have good remember about this mod.. i reale like it whas on steam
Installed: current isntalling
ManuallyDifficulty Played At: hard(years ago)
Playtime: currenly
i think adrian sheppard is a undervalued character from valve …. i know its a expancion from gearbox … but this character show other point of view .. an new weapons and expierence…..
i realy love have the chance to play as this character …..
Hello all, is anyone using a Mac and managed to get this to work? Steam downloaded source sdk 2006 for me… but it still fails to load up. Bit gutted because this mod looks ace! TIA, Steve
It was probably something back in the day but I was board with it. Looks great but the game play was tired. Still… give it a try.
15 Minutes
A very good story. Really worth to play
26 Minutes