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06 Jun 2019
06 Jun 2019

Rot House

for Half-Life 2

An innovative level, where a house is rotating on a central bar. The player’s objective is to find all the 7 transporter beacons and switch them off. Reader Recommendations Avoid It! Think Twice Maybe Play It Later Play It Now! 7 recommendations, average score: 4.71 (out of 5), standard deviation: 0.2 (what's that?)


Total Downloads: 2,3459th March 2008
17 Comments and 7 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"

The Citizen

for Half-Life 2

The Citizen is set parallel to the events of the original Half-Life 2.

The player takes the role of an ordinary man, pushed over the edge by the oppressive regime controlling his life.

With his home trashed, his family dead, The Citizen leaves his apartment for the last time to seek new friends and a way to help the Human Resistance to smash the iron grip of the Combine. What follows is a winding tale of betrayal, determination and grief.

Many obstacles lie in his path, requiring a sleek combination of agility, stealth, intelligence, and sheer violence to overcome.

Please note, the RTSL file contains ALL the latest patches; The 1.1 version, the July 2010 patch AND the Source SDK 2013 patch. No other patches are needed.


Total Downloads: 24,49021st February 2008
565 Comments and 93 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"

Project Secret Weapon

for Half-Life 2

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

This is a Russian release, with plenty of new weapons (Maybe from other sources, I don’t know). I am sure there is a story and would love to hear from a Russian speaker to help complete a description and other details. What I can tell you is that you have bullet time, see the Black and white images.


Total Downloads: 4,38827th December 2007
29 Comments and 16 recommendations with no significant bias

Dawn’s Early Light: Combine Facility

for Half-Life 2

Author’s Notes

“Dawn’s Early Light is a single-player map pack for Half-Life 2, spanning three continuous maps. My map is the first, and involves a member of the human resistance assaulting a Combine facility, only to be part of an event that releases hordes of zombies into the Combine-controlled city. We stuck with the Half-Life 2 visual style and universe for this map pack in order to fully utilize the game assets already available to us.

A major part of this project is working with other Level Designers in order to maintain consistent visuals, especially when it comes to accomplishing seamless level transitions. Even seemingly smaller details, such as the time of day that the events take place in, affect the decisions that we make while creating our maps.

The main thing that I learned from working on this map pack was how to properly populate a 3D game space with fun, scripted enemy encounters. I learned that something as simple as where an enemy attacks from can mean the difference between a player being frustrated or excited about the gameplay experience. Also, along with the Nitrate mod that I worked on, I became very proficient with the Hammer editor and learned how it differs from a subtractive editor like UnrealEd.


Total Downloads: 1,99224th August 2007
21 Comments and 11 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"

Riot Act

for Half-Life 2

In this Single Player mod you play the role of Jamil Lee, who is a young member of the civilian resistance, taken by the Combine and currently imprisoned in Nova Prospekt.


Total Downloads: 7,16927th July 2007
104 Comments and 52 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"

The Heist

for Half-Life 2

About Inspired by the Hero’s Journey, The Heist puts the player in the shoes of a Resistance commando on a mission to steal a weapon prototype from the Combine. Gameplay features include sneaking past enemy guards and hurling cars at an enemy strider. Reader Recommendations Avoid It! Think Twice Maybe Play It Later Play It… Read More


Total Downloads: 99315th July 2007
11 Comments and 5 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"


for Half-Life 2

Author’s Note “Reclamation is a single player level created using Half-Life 2 that I made during my final two terms at The Guildhall. We had to create a level design document detailing our plan for the level and then do a presentation of the level to our faculty and other students every milestone (once a… Read More


Total Downloads: 1,22917th June 2007
21 Comments and 12 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"


for Half-Life 2

About You are Adrian Shepard, in stasis since the debacle at Black Mesa. But fortunately for you, a situation occurs where you come of use again. And so the G-man comes back to bring you out of stasis. The events in this game happen a bit before Gordon arrives in City 17, the player will… Read More


Total Downloads: 4,89531st May 2007
111 Comments and 27 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"


for Half-Life 2

About This is a story of a citizen who escapes a few cops. He runs to an alley and finds a hole in the ground that leads to the drainage. The cops doesn’t follow him but now he’s trapped in the drainage and have to find a way out. Reader Recommendations Avoid It! Think Twice… Read More


Total Downloads: 1,41923rd April 2007
25 Comments and 9 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"

Day 15

for Half-Life 2

The Story So Far: You’re Gordon Freeman (surprise!). You got captured and the combine imprisoned you in a re-education centre. They have been putting you through reality simulations for the past few weeks. At first these were relatively benign. But on Day 13 things hotted up when you were placed into a violent combat trial,… Read More


Total Downloads: 1,12919th April 2007
52 Comments and 4 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"