There’s only one Gordon Freeman. Nobody else can be trusted to retrieve the data.
You’ve been sent to a courtyard that contains 3 separate data storage points.
Reach each one, enter your USB and wait for the data to be transferred.
Once all three have been completed, look for the subway entrance and get ready for the ride of your life!
- Title: Data Place
- File Name: hl2-sp-data-place.7z
- Size : 3.43MB
- Author: Foofinoo
- Date Released: 04 August 2014
Download directly into MapTap [3.43MB]
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You can still use it with MapTap once you have downloaded it.
- Copy Data_Place into your C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Half-Life 2\hl2\maps folder.
- Launch Half-Life 2
- Open the console, type map Data_Place and press ENTER
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0Last 7 days
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94365 days
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 6 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 21 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 10 Mins by Daken50
Longest: 0 Hours, 30 Mins by Quaskie
Total Time Played: 4 Hours, 9 Mins
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I was pleasantly surprised by this. What I thought would be a simple case of running around in a few rooms and shooting enemies, turned into a mini-objective map.
Sure, the enemy placement was a bit strange (Standing facing the wall in the bathroom) and the basic design means they come at you in single file, but overall I had a lot of fun.
The “spooky” corridor was a little out of place and the jump on the ladders drove me crazy, but that’s my fault.
So, play it and enjoy it. Just don’t expect the data transfer to be too fast. Must be USB 1.1!
Using Gauge
20 Minutes
I really liked this little map. It looks great with lots of interesting things to look at. There are even a few humorous things in it to give you a laugh. Combat was paced at the the right setting for my taste. The USB mechanism was a bit clunky but that is a small thing on what is a fun map. Definitely worth playing.
15 Minutes
Foofinoo is the same author who did Sewer Escape and Save the Colonel. According to Gamebanana, this is his latest release and it shows his continued progression as a mapper.
This map has a fairly solid concept. You have to download data from three different terminals in buildings surrounding a courtyard. Each involves the process of getting to the terminal and then holding your position while the data downloads. The player can pick-and-choose the order to do these, which is a nice touch of non-linearity.
Unfortunately, the execution is marred by a couple low points.
The first is that the Combine will consistently file into a room from a single entrance. I feel that in defend objectives, it’s always important to give the enemies a number of entrance routes, so the player can’t camp next to the monster closet. Having a single entrance also prevents the player and enemies from pursuing many tactical opportunities.
The second is using the ladders in the elevator shaft. I think the author may have been trying to channel Mirror’s Edge here, expecting the player to move laterally from one ladder to the next, but it doesn’t work at all. After taking so much fall damage, I decided to stack to the ladder that was out of reach, and even then, it’s difficult to jump from the ladder to the edge. You have to do a dismounting crouch-jump in the opposite direction. It probably wouldn’t be as frustrating if you didn’t take fall damage every time you missed.
Also, this level is very dark and, unfortunately, because it’s a map for Half-Life 2, it uses the unified Aux Power system instead of having a separate meter for the flashlight. Expect your flashlight to go out at inopportune moments.
Still, this is a pretty decent level and it’s clear the author is learning from one release to the next. I think he’s good at designing high-level concepts, but he needs to spend more time planning the mechanics of each confrontation in order to bring out more tactical combat. I do enjoy how he continues to keep his releases focused and manageable.
20 Minutes
The map looks pretty good and it’s fun to play.
The gameplay was a little bit too much rinse and repeat with very little variation between the stages.
Combine have a single spawn cupboard in each arena which means that the stand off gets stale fairly quickly. Perhaps multiple spawn cupboards or more enemy variance in some arenas may have mixed things up a bit but the arenas themselves didn’t seem to be designed to handle particularly dynamic combat. To clarify what I mean by that: Each arena had one path way in and out with very little possibility for retreating or kiting enemies. There were no opportunities to prepare for enemies combat basically just boiled down to sitting around a corner with a shotgun waiting for some soldier to run into the cross hair. This is fun in it’s own way but it could be more interesting, more dynamic.
The goals the player had to complete were very clear and well communicated. Though a better indication of how far along the data transfer was would have been welcome.
I was pleasantly surprised to find that the map was non linear and the non linear design was done fairly well as the player can return to the start fairly quickly once they’ve made their way in.
Overall a decent effort but there is certainly room for improvement.
Using Gauge
17 Minutes
Pretty nice map however the jump ruined it for me. I feel many will fail 25 times or so, then quit and be angry at the mapper. In that scenario, nothing is accomplished and nobody “wins”. And it was entirely avoidable as the jump could have easily been designed to be generally obtainable without hurting the map’s play at all.
Fortunately I came back here and JG saved the day (thanks, except it was only using a sideways jump that I could make it) so I could continue on and finish the map. I’ll give it a PIL as the atmosphere, some of the gameplay and some of the design was appealing.
Using Gauge
20 Minutes
I gave up with the ladder!
This is how you do the ladder:
The map had good aspects to it, like some good ambiance and objectives that you could do in any order. However, the combat is not entirely thought out.
The area in which you play in is compact, with you choosing the order you do the 3 data storage points in. Health and armour is plentiful (not sure if that’s good or bad) and some basic puzzles to figure out. The ladder puzzle was tricky as when you look away from the ladder and climb, the get off point dumps you for a fall back down. Still, there was a lot of good points about the map.
The problem was the combat. 2 of the data storage points give you a battle whilst you wait, and they are both ‘2 SMG soldiers, 1 shotgun soldier’ over and over again until the music is near to finished. Not only was it long and tedious, but you could exploited the combat. By just sitting around a corner with a shotgun it just turns the fight into a massacred bundle of corpses. And with the amount of health you get, its too easy.
Giving the combine multiple paths to attack. This does not mean that they need to come from different stairways. Maybe have some repel through a window, or have them blow a hole in the wall halfway through the battle.
Using Gauge
20 Minutes
This was a neat realistic HL2 Universe mission map. The combat was a classic HL close almost face to face corridor-room combat which I enjoyed quite much and overall the objective to retrieve info from the servers was well applied and make the whole map coherent and entertaining.
Also there are many ways to proceed as you can freely access to the parts where the servers are located. I also liked that element of strategy involved as you can plan your moves to defeat the CMB and have some cool and also tough battles.
The escape feels great too and is the perfect way to finish a cool map like this.
Overall I really liked it though it has a difficult jump, and some times the environment inside those apartments felt quite narrow or claustrophobic.
I wish the author of this work release a longer mappack or mod as I’m sure it can be good.
Using Gauge
25 Minutes
Ergh, this mod… I thought I would only transfer data and there was no hint in the actual game that I was supposed to wait by the computers and get the USB key back. Perhaps not letting the player use the other computers would’ve been a way to force him to retrieve that same USB key, cus as it stands, it felt like I had 3 and in the end I didn’t know how to progress until my sp buddy told me I had to press Use again, on all 3 computers, and all this just added like 10 more minutes to a 15 min map…
So yea, properly implementing and testing a new mechanic beats all the text on screen in the world…
I didn’t care for conveniently placed forcefields 1 floor below the computers which technically spawned enemies behind me as I inserted each USB key.
I like close quarter shotgun to the enemy face combat, but other than that, like others said, it was dull to have enemies come from 1 simple direction. I also liked how a fire lit up a corridor / room but not much else, visually, and in general the building interiors felt a bit cramped and the multiple entrances to one of the computers were supposed to be part of the puzzle but only managed to confuse me.
I only played it cus not much else nowadays, as I don’t normally bother with maps, and I can’t recommend it too highly.
23 Minutes
Note: It is just recently that I found I’ve been playing all of my reviewed maps so far on Hard, despite my checkboxes saying otherwise. It isn’t that important but it is something to notice later on. The result of what 5 months of Half-Life only can do to you.
I always, always play my mods on the same difficulty, unless changed automatically by the mod.
For this map…well….it wasn’t so bad. In fact, I loved the general mood and the cinematic. Yes, it was properly animated. Then there’s the train at the end which seems to catch you right away, no matter how much you try to time the jump.
For harder difficulties the close-quarters enviroment isn’t that much of a hassle, but it will make sure to keep you tensed while defending the server rooms.
Speaking of server rooms, I’m not a big fan of text. It quite reminds me of some low-quality Half-Life mods I played back in the day (“some”, there were tons). The servers seems to make a small noise once you press the use key again, but that’s it. I only noticed it in the last server room, making this quite useless.
One good aspect it should be remembered for is the open choice of taking the rooms in which order you want.
P.S: Is this map a continuation to Sewer Sickness? Seems like it: the same red text, level design, etc…
25 Minutes
Note: It is just recently that I found I’ve been playing all of my reviewed maps so far on Hard, despite my checkboxes saying otherwise. It isn’t that important but it is something to notice later on. The result of what 5 months of Half-Life only can do to you.
I always, always play my mods on the same difficulty, unless changed automatically by the mod.
For this map…well….it wasn’t so bad. In fact, I loved the general mood and the cinematic. Yes, it was properly animated. Then there’s the train at the end which seems to catch you right away, no matter how much you try to time the jump.
For harder difficulties the close-quarters enviroment isn’t that much of a hassle, but it will make sure to keep you tensed while defending the server rooms.
Speaking of server rooms, I’m not a big fan of text. It quite reminds me of some low-quality Half-Life mods I played back in the day (“some”, there were tons). The servers seems to make a small noise once you press the use key again, but that’s it. I only noticed it in the last server room, making this quite useless.
One good aspect it should be remembered for is the open choice of taking the rooms in which order you want.
P.S: Is this map a continuation to Sewer Sickness? Seems like it: the same red text, level design, etc…
30 Minutes
As I understood from the map, this could be the sequel from Sewer Sicksness, becouse the word “sewer” as “last mission” is used in the intro, and it’s pretty similiar to that map.
The objective is really simple: going around putting USBs inside some “servers” and waiting for those to transfer the combine data. The last 2 servers will have teams of combines (1 with smg and 1 shotgunner) attacking you when transferring the data, with action musics in the background that give athmosphere to the fights (where for “fights I mean just sitting in an angle with a shotgun getting sprayed by the soldiers)
7.5/10 would see a soldier flushing the WC again.
Using Gauge
24 Minutes
Great little map. Looks great. Simple objective. It can be tough but once you understand the triggers you can prepare. Hint: I block the doorway so they can advance to me but not right to me. They get stuck at the door and I peak around and pick them off. There is little room to maneuver in the map so if 6+ combine rush you position, you won’t be able to strafe or reload quick enough.
10 Minutes