Not exactly a prison, but certainly some sort of Combine controlled area.
There are a few levels on the wall that will allow you to open doors and progress onto the next stage.
When you reach a dead end vent, that’s the end of the map.
Basic Details
- Title: City Prison 5
- Size : 3.75MB
- Original Filename: Map_HL2_City_Prison_5.rar
- Author: Egor Koshanov
- Date Released: 13 August 2005
MapTap Users
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Manual Installation Instructions
- Copy the materials, models and sounds folders into your …\Steam\SteamApps\common\Half-Life 2\hl2\ folder.
- Copy the City_Prison_5 file into your …\Steam\SteamApps\common\Half-Life 2\hl2\maps\ folder.
- Launch Half-Life 2
- Open the console and type map City_Prison_5 and press ENTER.
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WARNING: The screenshots contain spoilers.
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Shortest: 0 Hours, 10 Mins by Daken50
Longest: 0 Hours, 35 Mins by Hec
Total Time Played: 3 Hours, 52 Mins
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 7 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 23 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 10 Mins by Daken50
Longest: 0 Hours, 35 Mins by Hec
Total Time Played: 3 Hours, 52 Mins
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I’m downloading it right now… at a whopping 300 b/s. Let me know if you want me to email/dcc/etc. Sorry I can’t give you a synopsis, but thank the gods for a download manager 😛
The map is quiet a challenge when played on hard – but seems to end rather abrubtly, just when the going is getting good. Why are all the HL2 community levels 1-map sets? (ok there’s day hard, leon& das robos) – When are we going to see some real missions for HL2 like we did for HL1?
BTW Mr Phillip, I felt inclined to comment anyway as you seem to be getting far too few encouragements for your work on this useful site for HL2 fans – you seem to really keep track of new mods&maps.
Small gripe: It would be useful though, if you could make a single glance overview of HLSP2 maps that have actually been released (or just indicate status on yr hl2 map list page). There is a lot of data here, but suboptimally presented 😉
What a great username!!
I agree with both your points; I get far to little encouragement but I enjoy doing it, so that’s enough.
Secondly, I plead guilty about the presentation. There was a time when I had separate categories for In Development and Cancelled within the Mods and Maps section. I believe, but could be wrong, that when I imported all the maps from LevelPedia something went wrong and I lost both categories.
I have been thinking hard about better ways to present the information listed here and would welcome any concrete proposals. I’m hesitant to add the above-mentioned categories because would I add an In Development and Cancelled that covers all Mods and Maps or both for each game? One other Option I have been thinking about is adding specially defined keywords to each post. For Example: HalfLife2MapCancelled This could make searching very easy.
The last option I have considered is to add In Development and Cancelled to the post title. When you click a category link the list is auto-generated by WordPress, so I can’t add anything after the title. For Example: New, In Development or Cancelled. Another problem is that it’s not good to keep changing the post title because visitors can lose track of the page.
The site is due for a redesign around December time and I may implement drastic changes to the presentation then. However they will have to be the last because of the above-mentioned naming and linking point.
I think the basic idea behind Levelpedia and the current site is very good: A comprehensive site for persons specifically looking for SP content without having to sift through oodles of MP stuff (for which I couldn’t care less). I like FPSs for the storyline, immersion & the sense of exploring a virtual world – hence my attraction to HL1&2.
In any case, I’ve been hooked since the original Wolfenstein 3d. So, as a user looking for a fix, I’d be looking for the following three categories in the Mods&Maps section:
– Released & ready to download & play
– Released & apparently out there somewhere – please submit a DL link if you have one!
– In development (hopefully).
Have no clue as how to do this in WordPress – I’m of the olde worlde text-without-markup generation and can only admire the efforts of others 😉
Keep up the good work!
I agree with Passerbywhoplayshalflife2!
It would be much easier to navigate if you implemented something of that nature, however, that you are even entertaining the idea of doing such a site is pretty cool. And time consuming I am sure.
Please continue.
I am of the same mind as Passerbywhoplayshalflife2. I too am hooked on the SP side of the coin. I do like DM also but there are just too many cheaters out there… of which I have no understanding of.. doesn’t make sense to me to cheat.. what is the point? I would think that one would have more fun using skills that they have learned and honed on their own, versus using a device/file to manipulate the game FOR YOU! uughh.. oh well.. to each his own.
Anywho.. keep up the good work guy… looking forward to more SP maps in the future.
@Home OUT
As you can probably see I implemented the Cancelled, Development, Lost(HL1 only for now!) and Released. These sub-sub-categories have only been implemented in the HL1, HL2, Doom 3 and UT sections because they are currently the only ones with those three types. Keen-eyed observers will have noticed I’ve also add those cats for Quake 4 but that’s simply in preperation.
One last point I need to make is that once I’ve created the sub categories the maps and mods still have to be added to them. This takes time because every single map/mod has to be edited individually. That’s why the Half-Life section has 326 maps but the released section only has 13!
I’ll try and make the changes via phpmyadmin but that will have to wait.
I really like the new cats and I like the new wiki-style approach to reviews too. I take the technology doesn’t allow us to help you out by adding a “released” comment or something like that if we see a map in the list we know is out there?
No worries man.. that you are even doing a website for peeps like us that need, na HAVE to have SP maps is a wonderful thing! 🙂
Again, Keep up the great work!
@Home OUT
It would be possible for me to add authors who have the authority to edit the posts, the problem is one control. I’m very hesitant to open the system that way. That was one of the advantages of the domain, ALL users could edit a file but only one or two files ever got edited so I moved everything over to PP. (There were other reason as well, but that was a big one!).
I am planning a big project that will required “contributors” so that will at least involve more collaboration with readers/viewers. More on that soon
Where exactly does this map end? I’ve reached a large room with a bunch of combine soldiers and cleared it out, and explored both of the catwalks around the upper edges. There’s a vent behind three turrets in one room, but it doesn’t seem to go anywhere… the other two rooms are devoid of any sort of pathway… is this the end? If so, that would be very dissapointing.
Another that seems to end abruptly in a vent you cannot exit…but apport from this the author added several things barel, sounds to create something more personnal. Design is descent but not more and certainly a little to tiny in the first place. gameplay is not too linear and well balance with fight… not the worse out here and may be play if nothing better is left
Nothing outstanding in the way of gameplay or design. Basic stuff all through with just Combine and a few headcrabs and zombies to deal with. No stuctured ending, just left with no where to go in an airvent. If you at a loose-end and need a short HL2 fix, then consider it.
This is certainly not a good looking map and some of the design choices are strange (pulling a lever that opens a door on the other side of the walkway for instance) but the layout and positions of enemies was quite fun to play.
I died a couple of times trying to be clever and had to re-evaluate my approach.
There is definitely sound promise in this.
Using Gauge
24 Minutes
This map was quite complex, and very unbalanced too. As we start in a quite empty cramped area and then we access a huge warehouse with a combat climax in it.
I also found the ending quite confusing and frustrating, as I was just trapped inside that vent, without any direction or screen text saying it’s the end of the map. I really hate those dead end endings, and I really don’t know why mappers are so irresponsible to leave them just like that. So my advice is, when a map is finished please LET THE PLAYER KNOW IS OVER!!! Make a fade to white or black screen, or a little text, maybe a: “to be continued…” If you plan a sequel just don’t leave the player playing a fool in the map.
Overall was an OK experience but it really never didn’t flow for me… as I found it quite too much confusing, battles were nice but, I had the sensation it could have been better.
Using Gauge
35 Minutes
While this map wasn’t pretty, most of the combat more than makes up for its visual blah. The fights were pretty challenging to say the least, but not impossible by any stretch. Lack of health kits was really my only issue.
Pretty confusing layout and ‘puzzle’ scheme though, and at times I’d have to wonder just what some of those soldiers are doing standing around…
Most of the barrels were clipped through, not sure why. The frantic run through the room filled with them and the turrets was slightly a let down, because for whatever reason, I don’t think the explosive barrels set each other off? I’d have expected that. I had first ducked into that room and immediately ran back out, expecting a LOT of explosions, but none came.
Was it ever finished/made part of something bigger? I don’t know how it would fit in with anything much, but it was a pretty decent start.
30 Minutes
What can I say? The combat was amazingly fun and the supplies were scattered appropriately. Once you get past the “odd” parts (lots of junk thrown around, manhacks, hinged doors opening like trap doors) it gets better.
While most Half-Life maps would’ve had me noclipping through by now, this map made me restart and evaluate my approach numerous times without being frustrating. Each time I killed another Combine soldier I hadn’t before I felt satisfied. It is a perfect balance between frustrating and enjoyable.
What breaks the mood though is the vent a.k.a the end of the map which doesn’t have any sort of closure, resulting in confusion immediately after a ton of action. This is not a good way to end a map.
23 Minutes
What can I say? The combat was amazingly fun and the supplies were scattered appropriately. Once you get past the “odd” parts (lots of junk thrown around, manhacks, hinged doors opening like trap doors) it gets better.
While most Half-Life maps would’ve had me noclipping through by now, this map made me restart and evaluate my approach numerous times without being frustrating. Each time I killed another Combine soldier I hadn’t before I felt satisfied. It is a perfect balance between frustrating and enjoyable.
What breaks the mood though is the vent a.k.a the end of the map which doesn’t have any sort of closure, resulting in confusion immediately after a ton of action. This is not a good way to end a map.
Also, the static barrels were an annoying obstacle. Why did the creator decide it was better this way?
23 Minutes
This map is very very cool, but there are some little problems… like… you find yourself in a little tunnel and then in a really big room where you need to fight without cover, and this in hard difficulty can let you die a lot.
P.S: I survived with 0 HP, maybe a bug, but you maybe understand that I died a lot here
Using Gauge
17 Minutes
If you’re bored then this is definitely worth a quick play. It’s fun and has some neat tricks up its sleeves but there are also some oddities which don’t make much sense to me, if we’re following the usual HL2 world mechanics. I must admit, I enjoyed the warehouse battle – it’s desiged a little weird and off-balance but I still liked it. Took me a couple of goes!
Some annoying quirks with this map. What’s with the exploding barrels? lol quite funny really. Those doors!! Sometimes they opened towards me and hit me in the face – another 10/20 health points gone! Arggh so frustrating. The ending is just…. well…?? Erm…
Yeah, not bad but not great either. I enjoyed it to a degree but now I’ve deleted it.
20 Minutes
This map is certainly interesting. While rooms look a little bland (despite a big amount of garbage on the floor and barrels that you can walk through or accidentally detonate), fights with zombies, manhacks and Combine are balanced. It was fun to find secrets, and I liked appearance of the G-Man in the warehouse.
But there are few problems. First of all, the doors. Because they’re brushes, you can lose a lot of health, if you stand too close to them or prevent them from closing. I got my health gone and face slapped too many times with these doors. Second, puzzles. They’re easy but pretty confusing. Third, ending. It was anticlimactic.
Overall, this is a fun map, but not without the flaws.
20 Minutes
Not bad. Why isn’t there nothing highlighted at the end? For example, did you pass the map?
30 Minutes
Good not great. I don’t understand why mappers create there own props when that time would be better spent on game play. Especially when the new item they created adds nothing to the map and hammer basically has the same type prop. Could have been better. Good for one playthrough.
10 Minutes