Underground by ToTac

for Half-Life

10th September 2007

September 2007 Update

I have a very big public apology to make: “ToTac kindly created a PlanetPhillip version of this mod, which contains English subtitles and is Steam compatible, and I forgot to upload it and promote it. For this I am truly sorry. I wish I had a good explanation but I don’t.”

If you haven’t already played this mod or you want to know what happened!, they I highly recommend you downloading it and playing it.

I have just played the training room again and finally, yes finally, managed to completed it. By doing so, you gain access to a special “Shoot the G-man target” level.

Installation is very simply via a wizard.


This modification has 17 levels and plenty of action. The screenshots are from the first third of the mod. I had a lot of trouble with it and eventually gave up after it froze on me. However, the mod was never designed to run on Steam and was built for Half-Life, so that’s not a criticism of the developers, just a statement of my experience.

It apparently appeared on a German PC game magazine’s CD. Thanks to beowulf70 via the Ten Four forums for uploading it.

Steam Installation

I created a folder called underground in my Steam installation, for example:
C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\YOURUSERNAME\half-life\underground
and then extracted the files into that. It then appeared in my Games list in Steam.


I had to cheat, so some of the screenshots are not fair representations of what you may face. Also all the text is in German. It would be cool if the HL Community could translate the text and make it Steam compatible. Anyway, enjoy!

Basic Details
  • Title: Underground
  • File Name: hl1-sp-underground.7z
  • Size : 8.35Mb
  • Author: ToTac
  • Date Released: 01 August 2007

A walkthrough for this mod is available. It is in PDF format. You may be able to open this directly in your browser, depending on which one you use and its version or alternatively you can download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader

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Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3
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  1. I rather liked this mod once I fixed the pak file to be able to continue as steam kept crashing with missing sprites..Its a fairly hard mod and gets confusing at times.The training room is just target practice if anyone wants to test thier skills.

  2. IDM

    Same problem, Im at the point after picking up the first box of amo for the 357. You go thru the door break the grate on the floor and climb down. About half way down it crashs. error message: Mod_NumForName:sprites/wall_Puff4. Spr not found
    What to do?
    Patch maybe?
    Fun Mod up to this point.

  3. bkadar

    well hasnt crashed yet but made it down the elevader through some zombie rooms then,ooops no ammo.must have missed the crowbar and hev.back to the begining tomorroww

  4. I used quark to open the pak file and extract the one sprite file there to my underground folder.Then I created a sprite folder and put 4 copies of the sprite file in it and named them wall_Puff4.spr,wall_puff3 ,2,1 and it worked fine after that.

    Pak explorer does not work with this pak file thats why I used quark

  5. For all you other low-end graphics users:

    Since I have low-end graphics & do not use Half Life via Steam, I found I had to start off in Software mode after the beginning sequence ended.

    The reason for this was that you’re invisibly transported inside the building (meaning you can’t see the tram car you’re in). Also, I couldn’t move around to get out of the darn thing & noclip would not work.

    I haven’t had any crashes, but I too obviously missed finding the HEV suit. I did, however, find the crowbar which is located back up the stairs after the explosion happens. I’ll restart when I have more time.

  6. bkadar

    so far so good wentback got the crowbar and the hev,play,play,play,down a drain pipe pooooof I mean puff.time to fix the wall_puff thing, I hope

  7. Ahhh, now I know what you’re talking about. You’re right … puff!

  8. I can send a repaired zip to phillip if he chooses with replacement files allready in the pak.

  9. AI

    Same thing here, as soon as I hit the drain POOOF! or PUFF! or whatever, Andyb that proggie you mentioned (Quark) worked just fine! Used it and had no problems after that, thanks again!!

  10. I can send a repaired zip to phillip if he chooses with replacement files allready in the pak.

    I like that idea.

  11. anbyb, your quark solution worked for me too. Thanks!

  12. Check the link.Its an application for viewing/editing game files.

  13. Quote:

    “Also all the text is in German. It would be cool if the HL Community could translate the text and make it Steam compatible.”

    I don’t know about the Steam compatibility, but the text actually seems easy enough to translate. Just would take a little time to edit the titles.txt. Would that actually be possible to do without the author’s consent?

  14. Yes as long as its not repackaged.To repack you need thier consent.

  15. Mel

    Is this game worth the effort?

    Got to the crash point going down the drain, not too impressed up to this point.

    Does it get any better from here on? also are we getting a fix to download from PP?

  16. Well, I enjoyed it. I found it quite difficult but not too hard to figure out. I could tell a lot of time and thought went into the puzzle solving which was very Half Life-esque.

  17. Anonymous

    It’s very hard, now I’m on XEN, but these Alien Controllers keep teleporting in and kill me, I’m low on ammo and low on health.

    Also, for some reason the gravity isn’t any lower than on Earth, so I cannot reach the only Health pool on that XEN map, however it would be no problem with “normal” XEN gravity… perhaps I should cheat the gravity down…

  18. Anonymous (same as above)

    And there is another problem: I am stuck at map16, I already killed all enemies, including the helicopters, the turrets and the one marine up in that room. I activated the Power Switch and also that hot steam up there and also detonated the red container and get any pickups from the inside. I have also activated the air attack, which came down, where the big gate is, but the gate is still closed and I cannot find any way to open it. Because the air strike detonated there, it seems as if it should have opened the gate, but for error it did not happen…

  19. **SPOILER** **SPOILER**

    Inside the container should be a hole in the ground.Throw a grenade as far back in the hole as you can and get out.Thats where the wiring is for the door.

  20. Anonymous

    Thank you, I will try that.

  21. HI,

    i was a little bit surprised as a friend tells me underground is listed on this site ^^
    Maybe I can help you out with the original gamefiles or by translating the txts into english.

    The missing sprite problem was fixed some weeks after I send it to the german gamemag PC-Action.

    Contact me if you want to finish the translation, too.


  22. Mel

    Can not find the suit, any clue would be helpful.

  23. Mel, you won’t find the suit until further along in the game. I can’t remember the exact part off the top of my head, but you haven’t missed it.

  24. Mel


    After many false starts I finally got into this game with a little bit of encouragement from GoddessAlyria. I considered giving up completely a few times finding the early zombie encounters tough to say the least, 15 pistol shots to the head on easy I thought was a bit much.
    I am glad I persisted, it’s amazing how you adjust to the level of the mod and while this was a hard one all the way through, your warm to it and look forward to the next challenge thrown your way.

    Overall the game play was good with a nice mix of puzzles, climbing about, combat and encounters with most of the HL1 cast. There was a lack of differing environmental settings and much of the game takes place in cramped areas, but when it did open up we encounter the best of the pitch battles.

    it’s been a time since a new custom HL1 mod of this length has come along following as it did very close to the formula and pattern of the original game.

    I hope we get more from this talented author and in doing so he opens future games up to include more variable environments, larger settings and more top side action.

    Good game, hard but worth the effort.


  25. john

    wall puff error on map8. if I am reading the posts right the new fixed zip is now the download? yes/no

  26. Mel

    Yes John, see the above author’s post with down load link to correceted version, worked for me.

  27. I think it’s fixed, but I’m not sure that Phillip updated the download?

  28. john

    das link ist not fixed. but I did download the quark and the copy of the pak0 in underground x3 and renamed them as stated above, then put the “sprites” folder in underground. it works. yea…
    thank you too all who helped. a zombie, if I find a zombie will be wacked in your honor. if no zombies can be found, I hope a headcrab or two will do. hehe. off to underground. thanks again.

  29. Mel

    If you go to comment 22 of this post you will see the author ToTac has left a link at the footer of his comment, click on this and you will get an invite to download the latest and corrected version of Underground.

  30. john

    ok thanks mel, I thought that was for the translations. I put the mouse on it and yup. new version. thanks

  31. ToTac

    Well, sry for that. I tried to insert a link per html, but I forget to put an end to it.

    So if anybody else (except the original poster “andyb”, he semes to be off for a long time >_>) want to translate the gametext (theres no need for him to know the german language!) he can contact me via by visiting the GB on http://www.hl1-outbreak2.de

    Thx for your interest in underground πŸ™‚


  32. except the original poster “andyb”, he semes to be off for a long time >_>

    I am the original poster. ALL maps and mods are posted by me. I replied to your recent email.

    Also I removed your email because that’s a new policy here on PP.

    I’m at work at the moment and will read all the comments when I get home. It seems I need to upload a new version.

  33. ToTac

    Would be helpful. Sorry for
    missunderstanding. I didnt receive your email, maybe because of my spamfilter.

    ok, thanks for your fast response.

  34. john
    Play It Now!

    just finished the das mod. great time playing, the puzzles wernt to hard but hard in places. had a great time playing.

  35. Just to let everybody know that I am working with the developer of this mod and hope to release a PlanetPhillip special edition very soon.

    This includes Steam support and English text. I will update the main post once I have some definite details.

  36. The new version seems much better.I like the English text and no bugs so far although I’ve only done about 4 or 5 maps.

  37. Ade
    Play It Now!

    The “not being able to move after the intro” thing was also because the controls were changed.
    After I installed QuArK, figured out how it works, made three copies of that wall_puff file and renamed them, I was ready to restart the game, which til that point (down the drain) wasn’t quite attractive. Plus the fact that my health was at 43 when I got my hev suit :)) But it got better and better, as I moved on with the story, if there was any, cus mein Deutsch ist bad..
    Anywayz, the maps are small and a fight is predictable (which is bad) – you can easy spot a pattern, given the fact that it preps you with health and ammo (lots of it) before the fights, which kept getting harder (which is good). I wasn’t bored at all, because of the changing scenarios and enemies, and the puzzles were quite fun, except I was annoyed by the fact that I had to go back some savings because I didn’t do everything in the right order….
    It definitely deserves a try, in German AND English. I for one would like to know what was written in the end, i`m sure it was funny, especially the ‘staring at a Black screen must be nice” line πŸ™‚

  38. Hi, theres a new english version (Steam compatible), but its not added on planetphillip yet.

    Download the new version here.

    Thx for playing this old mod ^^

    hf & cu

  39. Ratzoid56

    Same problem, Im at the point after picking up the first box of amo for the 357. You go thru the door break the grate on the floor and climb down. About half way down it crashs. error message: Mod_NumForName:sprites/wall_Puff4. Spr not found
    What to do?
    Patch maybe?
    Fun Mod up to this point.

    What number 4 said except I used pakexplorer(or pakscape) You can do a searck for either pak viewer. They are a small dl so you can get it quick. But coping and renaming them does work.

  40. Ratzoid56
    Play It Now!

    ToTac,Thank you very much for the new version dl link. I’m just about to install now!! I didn’t understand the ending of the first (German) version. The scientist pushed some buttons and I thought maybe I lost and the world got blown up… or something… Thanks again. Oh boy!Here we go again!

  41. I don’t seem to recall much about this one other than having to fix the wall puff sprite. I’ll have to give it another go.

    Edit: I just read over my comments and remember it now. Not sure if I want to play it again even in English but probably will.

  42. I’m stuck in map 6 or 7 (image 19) here above with the elevator that got down then you have a console with on text message that disapears to fast so that I didn’t read everything I don’t know what’s next…

    BTW Phillip should upload the new version or perhaps wait for a last bug fix if needed

    according bug I have two to mention

    first after taking the suit you hope a door with a barnacle he can catch you while the door is closing you are then stuck and can only quthe mod and reload an old save (perhaps a sliding door would be better…

    In the elevator where i’m stuck you have headcrab that comes to vente in the elevator cage you can go into them but after you stuck and can only jump to die…

  43. Play It Now!

    Hopefully with the help of the walktrough available here, I manage to finish this mod and really like it.
    A large collection of map (17) mixed with interesting design a well put together in an atmospheric “black mesa type” architecture,the whole being challenging through missions for arround 2 hours 30
    The only thing I can say is

  44. 21'

    But dont let it go without attracting your attention. For, lets say, dumb and/or patience less/angry people, this mod may go unnoticed. It is hard, in any given difficulty level and the beginning is kind of bad programmed, (when everything blows up I got the Security Officer gun before it would go pan black screen and did not go after the crowbar). So I found myself cheating a great number of times… I think you could try this mod, but it is not that great, not even the design (So far).

  45. bkadar
    Play It Now!

    wow alot of fun. might just play this agian there seems to a good bit of it I just ran through shooting.

  46. Played the download from ToTac at post 39. Good mod. No bugs. Some tricky paths. Great end fight with two apaches.

  47. geekofalltrades
    Think Twice

    I won’t say this mod didn’t have any redeeming qualities (its small filesize:gameplay ratio, for example), but I can certainly think of many others that I’d rather be playing. The levels ended up tedious; darkness and claustrophobia abound. On several occasions, you wound up in tight quarters with several crates or barrels… and no conceivable way for the objects to have been hauled in there. While it IS just a game, quirks like this really detract from my enjoyment of any mod.

    There were several daft puzzles, and though I still managed to figure them out fairly easily, at their conclusion I was left wondering, “What was the developer thinking!?!” Throw in some very poorly balanced health and enemy numbers (a sky flooded with Alien Controllers, anyone?) and a thoroughly anticlimactic ending, and this one is better left alone unless you’re really in need of a fix

  48. Ade

    there’s a walkthrough for this mod πŸ˜€ PP, can you put the link?

  49. Play It Now!

    How can geek say “a thoroughly anticlimactic ending” ???
    Must be playing some other mod.

  50. there’s a walkthrough for this mod πŸ˜€ PP, can you put the link?

    Fixed, thanks.

  51. wlodi


    I have a problem. I don`t have a suit hev and I don`t see ammo, health and other. What I must do ?


  52. Play It Later

    You have to find the suit.So before you pick up any weapons ask yourself if you really need it because you can’t switch.If I remember right I played with just the crowbar till I got the suit.

  53. Gilfrarry

    I think you can switch with your scroll wheel; you just can’t see what you’re doing.

  54. On some mods I can and some I cant.This one I cant use the scroll nor the last weapon key.


  55. Gilfrarry

    Oh. Likely you played the original version. Its default config file didn’t bind “MWHEELDOWN” or “MWHEELUP,” and bound “q” to “quit” instead of “lastinv.”

  56. TheRipper
    Play It Later

    I dont know why they made this so dark. You sometimes miss buttons and things like that, because it’s so dark! Otherwise than that it’s fine. Standard half-life adventure. Fighting grunts, aliens, solving little puzzles. Nothing complicated or long. No serious bugs in my version. Now, I don’t know if this was intended or not, but in the end level I took down two helicopters with one rocket! Mayby I was just lucky… A small download, with lots of playing time. Nothing wrong with it, except that it is all standard stuff, you’ve see a dozen times before. No points for originality.

  57. esswok
    Play It Now!

    WOW I thought this was great!!! I am an HL player from 98, I was on a long break from playing and this is one of my first mods as a returning player. WOW it is good definitly play it I played it on medium level

  58. RedBone
    Think Twice

    its too dark! if the flashlight waz brighter it would be a little easer but its ok!

  59. Kyle

    Ide love to play this, but the link is dead….
    Finda lotsa dead links around this site lately. Hehe.

    1. I have updated the post layout and included 2 working servers.

      Finda lotsa dead links around this site lately

      You must be checking the older files. Please see here for more details:
      About Filecloud

  60. Is there still a translation needed, I’m german! Let me know!

  61. Play It Now!

    Great Black Mesa adventure! Recommended for anyone.

  62. Sadly I’m also getting a 404 on the PP server, and a “File not found” on the Filefront one…. Any help please anybody?

    Thank you.

    1. I have renamed the file to “zip”. Once it downloads, change “zip” to “exe”.

  63. great map

  64. X3

    I played on ver There is a bug at the ending – crash on outro_map2 (ToTac logo). It is caused by too long lines in titles.txt, max 78 characters are allowed. So section outro2 should be like

    […] This mod was originally released
    in 2002, […] But I love this game
    and I won’t let die it, ever!

    Nothing special after that, but ToTac’s jokes ^^

  65. Nice mod, but I don’t like this particular style of levels with narrow corridors, flooded with enemies. Sometimes it can get really frustrating.
    If you don’t want to play it yourself, here’s a full playthrough:
    Part 1 – https://youtu.be/aQNlyBF3UBw
    Pat 2 – https://youtu.be/8ivUfsYmM_c

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