A very short and basic map, where you need to escape from the garage.
It’s sparsely detailed and requires one or two tricky jumps.
Can you reach the light?
Basic Details
- Title: Escape the Garage
- File Name: hl2-ep2-sp-escape-the-garage.7z
- Size : 216.16kB
- Author: polartop
- Date Released: 19 January 2012
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Manual Installation Instructions
- Copy esc_garage.bsp into your Half-Life 2: Episode Two Maps folder.
- Launch Half-Life 2: Episode Two
- Open the console and type map esc_garage.
- Press enter/return or click the Submit button.
- Play and Enjoy.
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Click on the thumbnails below to open a 1024 pixel wide image.
WARNING: The screenshots contain spoilers.
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Meta Review Data
Statistics based on 2 comment(s) with meta review data.
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 2 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 7 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 4 Mins by ArctixSnowPup
Longest: 0 Hours, 10 Mins by MattieMonster1Offical
Total Time Played: 0 Hours, 14 Mins
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 2 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 7 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 4 Mins by ArctixSnowPup
Longest: 0 Hours, 10 Mins by MattieMonster1Offical
Total Time Played: 0 Hours, 14 Mins
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Well, this is not exactly the greatest map you will play this week, but it may make you think for a moment.
There’s no real detail and it’s clear the mapper is very, very new but with more practice he/she will improve.
I admit to enjoying these “escape” maps but a little combat would be nice too.
The proportions are all off, but that’s common in new mappers, although not really acceptable.
Only play this map if you have 2 minutes to kill and aren’t looking for Miigga-style escape maps.
I agree. 😀
A pretty interesting mod, really took a minute to figure out. This mapper might be off to a great start for puzzle mods!
Let’s see, no suit so no HUD, only the crowbar, no combat, two buttons (only one seems to work!), questionable jumping puzzle’s and not the greatest use of logical proportions. As Phillip has already said
My view is if you know how to Map/Mod, play this and give constructive advice to the author. If you are not a mapper/modder don’t bother playing this.
This is just a map-puzzle with the very basic elements of HL2 puzzles, just look on the environment and very basic logic in order to proceed and going from one room to the other untill the end, which it comes very fast indeed.
Maybe as a gamer I can recomend this as a puzzle solving tutorial in HL mod universe. it feels like a very primitive tutorial.
This is too simple for my liking.
It’s basically just two rooms, a crowbar and some props really. It’s not anything special, or “WOW”, but it’s fun.
I don’t have anything else to say. It’s fun, but more beta testing would be nice.
Play it only if you really want to.
Not very good.
Slightly boring.
Almost no detail.
As Philip mentioned, the level designer is obviously new.
Hopefully they will and have improved if they are still making maps.
10 Minutes
Usage of space and world brushes: 0/10
I have never seen a garage so big and boxy before with random doors. Could be a lot smaller
Visuals 0/10
Visuals were bare bone minimum. I wasn’t too impressed to say the least. Very sparse lighting.
Gameplay: 0/10
Took me 2 minutes and 34 seconds to realize that you just need to stand on the crate to break it. From there I got into the second room and didn’t realize that the switch unlocks the button. No wires or anything to lead the player to that idea.
Final Score: 0/30 – 0%
Final Comments: Avoid it. I played it so you don’t have to.
4 Minutes