Do Not Disturb

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

27th April 2008

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

“Do Not Disturb” is an all custom made single player chapter (or mission) spanning two levels. The player once again becomes Gordon Freeman who, along with a group of rebels, is using an abandoned hotel as a hideout and temporary base of operations. The game begins when Gordon is notified that they were found and the hotel is being assaulted by metrocops. The goal is to get away, or more simply put: survive. One special feature of this mission is a part in a park area with stealth gameplay. You can hide and sneak through the bushes and the patrolling combine soldiers will have a hard time finding you.

Basic Details
  • Title: Do Not Disturb
  • File Name: hl2-ep2-sp-do-not-disturb-beta-01.7z
  • Size : 29.95MB
  • Author: Flip Hazard
  • Date Released: 23 April 2008
Important Note

This is a Beta release and as such all comments and ratings should consider that.

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Installation Instructions

Please read the instructions within the readme carefully.


Click on the thumbnails below to open a 1024 pixel wide image.
WARNING: The screenshots may contain spoilers.

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Reader Recommendations
Avoid It!
Think Twice
Play It Later
Play It Now!

10 recommendations, average score: 3.9 (out of 5), standard deviation: 1.09 (what's that?)
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Meta Review Data
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Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 26 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 26 Mins by JellyGal
Longest: 0 Hours, 26 Mins by JellyGal
Total Time Played: 0 Hours, 26 Mins
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  1. Phillip says Play It!

    I found this beta very hard to play. At first I didn’t have any weapons and had no idea what to do. Eventually I cheated and used the console. I also couldn’t work out what to do with the Jalopy, but the read me explained that.

    I found the mod via Half-Life 2 Files and there are screenshots for levels that I never found. The introduction also talks about two two levels but I only played on.

    It was also way to dark for my liking.

    Besides all that, it was actually quite fun to play. Just remember it’s a beta, so don’t be too hard on it.

  2. Can’t rate it just yet, I’m not a fan of betas, nor do SP games really work as betas. I’ll wait tell the Final release is out.

  3. sbenrap

    I divide this mod into 2 parts, before and after the pool area.
    The part before the pool area is awesome, you need to avoid the combine, sneak around, and use various tricks to get to the exit since you have no weapon.
    Also, the way you arrive to the pool is just fabulous and is the highest peak of this mod in my opinion.

    Afterwards felt like a big mess..


    First, I could not find an “easy” way out of the pool area (if someone knows what that switch in the pool control room does, let me know).
    Second. while stealthing around in bushes sounds like fun, it just doesn’t seem to work, I got spotted constantly, and eventually took my chances in a full frontal fight, eliminating all the combine (it’s possible to do it without cheating, and I don’t consider myself a very good FPS player, so maybe I got lucky 🙂 ).

    So to sum it up, it’s not bad, it does try to be more original (which is good), but parts of the implementation are still lacking in my opinion (but this is a beta…)

    Oh, and most importantly, I couldn’t find bugs (unless you consider constantly getting spotted by combines miles away while hiding in the bushes a bug) and didn’t have any crashes.

  4. 4lyx

    First time poster 😛

    I never got to this “pool area”. I missed a door? LOL!

    Also, this mod does specifiy BETA… no weapons, healthkits, ammo crates were added that I could find anyway. Yeah…I LOLLERED-IMPULSE 101’d too.

    I think he wants a person to judge the maps and thoughts that he has.

    I wasn’t unhappy with it. Nice start I think but thats just me.

  5. I beat the mod without any cheating… (it’s possible, though it took me a few tries…)

    You’re not really supposed to fight the combines knocking at your door at the start, just avoid them.

    I truly wonder how the mod is beatable without visiting the pool… maybe there’s another path you can take…?

  6. 4lyx

    I found the pool. Kamikaze’d from the roof top. I also did a backflip off the springboard lol (yes, it bounces!)

    How did you escape the ventilation shaft without a crowbar? I could not find anything to break open the vent. Also, once you leap into it, you can’t get out.

    Car doesnt work on second level. Lights arent flashing. Dead battery?

  7. Car doesnt work on second level. Lights arent flashing. Dead battery?

    It needs fuel. You may have seen some earlier. Just drop it on the car. Good luck.

    I really should play this without cheating and see what happens when I stay in the elevator at the beginning.

  8. How did you escape the ventilation shaft without a crowbar? I could not find anything to break open the vent. Also, once you leap into it, you can’t get out.


    You can “use” the ventilation shaft in the bathroom to open it, I guess hands do have a use after all 😉

  9. 4lyx

    You can “use” the ventilation shaft in the bathroom to open it, I guess hands do have a use after all

    But I can’t see my hands!


    Thanks for the tip. As bad as I hate to say this…it appears that modteams are trying to alternatively evolve this game into something else …”Get a Life” for example.

    Its OK I suppose. It just would be nice to know the rules beforehand.


  10. Yeah, I agree.

    I died several times before figuring that one out (which happened by trying to “use” everything)

  11. Play It Later

    Excellent job. I am stunned to see a mod that is so original and so intense these days. The first map was one of the best Single Player mod experiences ever for me, so i’d give this mod a 9. There were some great ideas and planning that went into this thing, but unfortunately, the second map wasn’t as good as the first because it was so hard. Still, I was able to get through it, and I had a blast playing it.

    Thanks so much for giving me something fun to play. I WANT MORE!!!

  12. Robspace1
    Play It Now!

    Beautiful scenery and good action but for sure the first thing a player needs in a FPS is GUNS!!-The game went to long without any so I too had to add my own. I don’t know why the mod makers want the player to try to stay alive with bullets flying all over the place and no weapons to pick from.. Why not just give the player plenty of weapons and ammo from the start and if they want to see the player work hard just double up on the enemies. Some do both and I hate that. Either give me guns to shoot or taper off on the amount of bad guys to kill but don’t do both. Thats” just not fair! This was a good, well made mod that will look better when done. I was getting bored running around the apartments as they all look alike-bland.But once outside it gets good. Really enjoyed going for a swim the way that worked-nice.

  13. Mel
    Play It Now!

    Please note the following includes spoilers.

    After many earlier abandon attempt to get started with this mod, I finally came back to it 6 months later, and pleased I did. This mod is beatable without cheats or a need to assign yourself ammo. The two maps play very different with the first map very much a matter of finding a way around the Combine without weapons, until you reach the roof.

    Once you hit the swimming pool and throw the switch in the pool control room the map takes on an intense Combine encounter. There is very little health or ammo in this map and your approach needs to be that of taking out the Combine one by one so picking-up what ammo and health they have before you take on the next Combine, hit and run is useful. The last piece in the jigsaw is making sure you pick up a can of fuel from the small garage workshop before going off to find the car.

    I can understand those that got frustrated with this game but if played how I think the author intended, then it’s a good map with plenty or originality in approach for the player.

  14. Jasper

    I read Robspace1 ‘s comment and armed myself immediately.
    Part 1.great fun but too many rooms – hate mazes.
    Dive into the pool – great; I did it several times!
    Part 2.
    Swimming pool area, lovely punch up
    Outside – too flipping dark. Besides, I do not want to dodge the enemy, I want to kill them! That’s what they are there for.
    Given the age of this beta I doubt it will come to anything more. Pity because the author shows great promise (dump most of the maze and brighten things up a bit).

  15. Play It Now!

    I loved this little chapter AND I hated this little chapter. If you want to kill alot of enemy then this isn’t for you. Its all about evasion as the title “DO NOT DISTURB” hints at. For me this took a good number of dies and tries to figure out exactly what and where I needed to go and do, but once I did I fully enjoyed playing this. As Mel stated, if you take on combine when forced to do so, one at a time is the right way to do it for more ammo and a little health, quick bursts instead of unloading the clip worked for me. I played 2 different ways, first being at the beginning I took some heavy damage with combine firing at me but eventually they killed one of their own and I secured a weapon and fled , the 2nd way I needed to make the roof and pool jump before securing a weapon. I believe the pool room control switch both opens up for the combine attack but also somehow leaves a weapon at the pool bottom, I dont remember it being there when I first jumped in it. The outside area is a bit too dark but I suppose its works for the stealth factor. Its slow and tedious but it can be done without any cheats involved. For a different approach to gameplay I would suggest giving this little work a couple of plays.

  16. Play It Later

    This map was very well done. But I hated playing it. Well, not “hate”… I don’t mind running as an option, I just don’t like when it’s really the only option.

    If you want something that makes you think a little differently, this is a really good map. You don’t need weapons before the game gives you your first one. You will die several times before figuring out how to get through it; and you will take damage even then. But it’s worth it.

  17. thripston

    I had to noclip and god mode just to get anywhere and spent my entire experience of this mod was whizzing around through walls trying to figure out where the hell I was supposed to be going. Needs a lot of work before its playable imo.

  18. william

    had to noclip and god mode just to get anywhere and spent my entire experience of this mod was whizzing around through walls trying to figure out where the hell I was supp

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  20. Think Twice

    The best thing about this is the visuals. They’re very well done and nice to look at. I also like the story-based nature. But if you’re gonna make a non-combat map where the combine chase you, at least put more cover than this. The first map completely lacks direction apart from those signs, and even then it’s very confusing where you’re supposed to go. I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to take that elevator (because the second map starts in it) but it just wouldn’t go up for me. I had to manually switch maps. The second map is a cool concept (sneaking around trying not to get caught) but they put in way too little cover. It also would help if they actually had you use the gasoline, it’s a bit weird that there’s an invisible wall where you have to go and you just have to pick up gasoline to remove it (I’m not sure if it works this way for others, but for me I just had to pick up the gasoline can as a physics object then go back and get in the Jalopy). With some more cover and direction, these two maps could be quite cool, but as it stands, they’re not worth playing.

  21. Maybe?

    2 maps where you escape a hotel. Reminiscent of the escape apartments in the original HL2. Pretty hard. On the second map you can do combat but you will be heavily outnumbered. You have to go to some shack in the area and get the fuel cans. Then I think the muscle car will work. But the instructions werent too clear when you can barely hear the person giving it.

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