Survival Project

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

3rd February 2008

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

Author’s Note

“This is a project I was working on for quite a while, and I’ve finally finished the first five parts. However, there are some completely new NPC’s, the Houndeye the Bullsquid, the Snarks, the Gargantua and the Combine Assassin. There will be some new NPC’s in the next parts too.”

PlanetPhillip Note


Before you download this mod there is something you NEED to know this mod requires the following games to be installed:

HL2, HL2 EP1, HL2 EP2, CS:S and Garry’s Mod

If you don’t have all these games it won’t work. Please don’t complain to me.

Here is the original Face Punch Studios Forum Thread

Basic Details
  • Title: Survival Project
  • File Name: survival_project_1.3.rar
  • Size : 132.25Mb
  • Author: Silverlan
  • Date Released: 01 February 2008
PlanetPhillip Download Servers
Gameplay Videos


Click on the thumbnails below to open a medium size image. Some are a little dark. WARNING: The screenshots contain spoilers.

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
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  1. cubedude89

    Garrys mod! 🙁 🙁 🙁

  2. I’ve not been remotely interested in Garry’s Mod…till now. I have all the other required games and Survival Project looks fantastic!

  3. Garry’s Mod = GMod10?

  4. Garrys mod!

    Yes, but it’s only $10 and it allows some special scripting.

    Garry’s Mod = GMod10?

    Yes, only Gmod 10.

  5. SPY

    i’m sorry, but I only have HL2 itself, have played portal en ep2, but that s it.
    still, the 3 movies above look great. just one questions. those 2 npc’s, (that small doglike creature whith that huge mouth in his neck, and the huge end boss, are that excisting npc’s from ep1 or so, or did you make them yourself. that doglike creature I thought to have seen on some site of some mod group, the end boss I never did see before. and I liked the hand with the flashlight!!
    great stuff!!


  6. marnamai

    Those npc’s are from HL1, probably ported from HL1 source. The hand with flashlight is from Doom3.

    This mod is just a hacked together with LUA, thats why it requires garry’s mod.

    BTW Leon do you want HL2 ep1? I still have a gift.

  7. User WR


  8. Silverlan

    just one questions. those 2 npc’s, (that small doglike creature whith that huge mouth in his neck, and the huge end boss, are that excisting npc’s from ep1 or so, or did you make them yourself. that doglike creature I thought to have seen on some site of some mod group, the end boss I never did see before. and I liked the hand with the flashlight!!
    great stuff!!

    I’m the maker of the mod, and I made these NPC’s myself.

    And I had to remove the flashlight due to script errors – Sorry.

  9. splatzone

    If only I had Episode 2 🙂

    Looks pretty amazing though, I’ll need to remember to download it once I get EP2.

  10. Yochanan
    Play It Later

    Fun mod, but it’s so dark the flashlight doesn’t even help in a lot of areas. I’m stuck fighting the helicopter with no more rockets. I may be missing something since I can’t see anything.

  11. Bill



  12. Mel

    Thanks for the translation Bill.

  13. MattyDienhoff

    Note to modders: Garry’s Mod is not Half-Life 2, single player mods do not belong in Garry’s Mod.

    Why not? The reasons are numerous, but include: altered weapon damage, physics anomalies, no movement bob on most of the weapons, altered movement speed, no difficulty levels… etc.

    The third video doesn’t look too bad, that appears to be running in EP2, not GMod, but the gameplay in the first one is a mess.

  14. I have unzipped the file. I put the two folders (gamemodes and models) into steam/steamapps/username/garrysmod/.
    Then I am supposed to do what. I open Garrys Mod through steam. Once Garrys mod is open, I can find anything related to this mod. Where am I going wrong. I am new to this, so be kind. Joe

  15. Yochanan

    It goes in Steam\SteamApps\\garrysmod\garrysmod. I did the same thing first, then investigated the garrysmod folder and realized where the mod folders went.

  16. SPY

    thanks Marnamai, when you really don’t need it yourself, or have someone else in mind for it then I would love to have it, (thought of buying the orange box, but having games twice was for me the reason to not buy it, even when the prize is low). but, again, love to have/play it. but, how do we do this?

    and that Russian guy Тимофей, I assume its Russian, was that a joke, or did he think we all could read it, still, funny, haha!!
    i first thought HUH?! (do I need to install some languages program??)haha.

    o, and Marnamai, don’t know if you meant with;

    “Those npc’s are from HL1, The hand with flashlight is from Doom3.
    This mod is just a hacked together ….”

    that he shouldn’t have done so then I don’t agree. most wonderful would be when he had made it all by himself, but sometimes that is simply impossible. and as long as the maker clearly states that he has not made it himself, but took it from another game or mod, (with those mod makers approval)then I realy don’t see a problem in that. in fact, our new Strider Mountain mod has new weapons that we didn’t make ourselves. we used a weapon mod for it, with the makers aproval (!)
    Beside the sniper rifle, that was totaly made by Cubedude89!

    that leaves us with the remark of the maker Silverlan ;

    “,,, and I made these NPC’s myself.

    I haven’t played HL1 (i know, shame on me,lol) so I couldn’t say. does anyone else knows this, because that wouldn;t be right. saying you made something you didn’t.


  17. Silverlan

    that leaves us with the remark of the maker Silverlan ;

    “,,, and I made these NPC’s myself.

    I haven’t played HL1 (i know, shame on me,lol) so I couldn’t say. does anyone else knows this, because that wouldn;t be right. saying you made something you didn’t.

    I didn’t make the NPC models, but I did make these NPC’s completely by myself!
    They’re completely made in Hammer, and I did not port anything from any other mod (Besides that would be impossible, because I would have to edit the source code of gmod).
    Here’s what the bullsquid for example looks like in Hammer:

  18. Chris Fox

    [quote comment=”146057″]
    I didn’t make the NPC models, but I did make these NPC’s completely by myself!

    So you didn’t make them …. but you did make them?


  19. Chris Fox

    Man the quoting system on this site is crazy.

  20. Silverlan

    [quote comment=”146060″][quote comment=”146057″]
    I didn’t make the NPC models, but I did make these NPC’s completely by myself!

    So you didn’t make them …. but you did make them?


    You didn’t read what I said.
    I said I didn’t make the MODELS, but I made the NPCs!
    That’s a difference.

  21. Chris Fox

    So your new npc’s have their own entity classes?

  22. Silverlan

    So your new npc’s have their own entity classes?

    No, as I said before, I made them completely in Hammer.
    This picture explains it I think:

  23. Chris Fox

    I mean no offence, but by my standards you have not created the NPC’s yourself.

    You have used already existing npc entities, and manipulated their behaviour using other entities. This is not creating an NPC yourself. Sorry.

  24. Chris Fox

    PS. you can’t create new types of NPC’s just by using Hammer.

  25. Silverlan

    PS. you can’t create new types of NPC’s just by using Hammer.

    There’s an entity called monster_generic.
    It’s an entity which has a really basic NPC behaviour, but it does nothing by itself. It just stands around.
    I used it as a base and added all the stuff needed for every NPC.

    So, well, I would say I have created new NPCs.

  26. marnamai

    @ SPY/Leon, I ‘ll need the email adress you used to create your steamaccount. (email it to me “marnamai-at-hotmail-dot-com”)

  27. Maybe?

    For Yochanan: There are more rockets on top of building to the right before the ruins about where the big hole in the ground is. There is a ladder on the ruins side to get you up there and a sheet metal wall to protect you from the helicopter guns. It takes one heck of a lot of rockets to bring this baby down.

    In general, the game concept was good, not excellent. But the game was way, way too dark. I adjusted the gamma to the lowest setting and still too dark. Even when outside in the sunlight the flashlight was needed, go figure.

    It was OK but poor lighting got in the way of it being a great experience for me.

  28. Yochanan

    I actually got past that part by finding one more rocket in the far right corner from where you start in that area, and using the getcurrentammmo cheat. Thanks for replying, though.

    I’m now lost in the area with the big pyre in the middle of surrounding buildings. I even used noclip to fly around and though walls to see if I missed something. There’s a few areas that you can get to, but they all lead back to the middle courtyard.

  29. SPY

    i understand what you mean with having made the npc’s in hammer, but I also wouldn’t call that having made them in hammer. better you could say that you used HL1 npc’s and made them work in your mod or so. or leave it out in total, because it speaks for itself that you have made them work in hammer, just like you had to make everything else in hammer.

    and a shame it seems that it is all to dark, I also get anoyed when maps are to dark, and I always ask myself why the mapper did this? was it to camouflage mapparts (because when it’s dark you don’t have to add much detail) or was it because you didn’t know how to make the lightning so that it would add something to the map?


  30. Silverlan

    and a shame it seems that it is all to dark, I also get anoyed when maps are to dark, and I always ask myself why the mapper did this? was it to camouflage mapparts (because when it’s dark you don’t have to add much detail) or was it because you didn’t know how to make the lightning so that it would add something to the map?

    Well, yeah, sorry about that.
    I’m currently completely remaking part4:
    Image 1
    Image 2
    Image 3

  31. No need to be sorry.Anyone who can do this does not need to apologize.I myself cant do it and am gratefull to those that can.If there are problems I will mention them and maybe they get fixed or maybe they dont.I didn’t have to download it.

  32. David Hill
    Play It Now!

    HELP I,m having some problems installing this mod I have all the the required games hl2,e1,e2,css,gmod. I put the gamemodes and models folders in C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\name\garrysmod\garrysmod and when I start garrysmod and I hit the tide key ~ and enter gm_sp_lvl1_trainstation during the game nothing happens what now can someone please help me

  33. Count_de_Monet

    Well, it’s already a drag to be tied to steam for hl2, now you have to buy garry’s mod (not really fit for sp games) and then you can’t save your games.
    It’s a good mod overall but I hate the uselessly dark setting and the dire lack of rpg to bring that flying sucker down. I even bumped in the walls for lack of sight. I would really appreciate an upgrade with more light and an F5 quick save.
    I’ll stop whining now.

  34. Count_de_Monet

    man, I can’t even spell my name anymore…..
    Is there any sp games for Alzheimers?

  35. man, I can’t even spell my name anymore…..
    Is there any sp games for Alzheimers?

    Yes, but I have forgotten its name.

  36. Count_de_Monet

    who’s on first?

  37. Count_de_Monet

    That’s what I’m asking you…

  38. AI

    That’s an old “Abbott and Costello” routine!! Very funny!

  39. Count_de_Monet

    Stand up comedy is the major american contribution to western civilization. This does NOT include Pdt G W Bush. I include former Pdt R Nixon for his most celebrated one-liner “I am not a crook”.

  40. Play It Later

    Looks like a few of us had the same problem figuring out where to put the mod (C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\name\garrysmod\garrysmod). If I read the posts first I could have saved a lot of grief

    Is there any way to save when playing Survival Project? There are no F6 or F9 keys. I tried to esc save game but that didn’t work either. I keep going back to the train wreck. What gives? After getting a little ways into the mod I find it’s not too bad but I still can’t get used to not saving.

  41. Yochanan

    Survival is a Garry’s Mod mod, which does not allow saving.

  42. Jackson
    Play It Now!

    Good mod,i played its a long time,on hard level,its too harder but good job,anyways.

  43. Jigron

    lame why should a mod require all of these games, I have all but c:ss

  44. Has something happened to this mod? I can’t find it to download anywhere and Google just turns up dead links.

  45. Could sign up here and see if the place is anygood.It lists the files……..

    Edit:Don’t bother its a pay site and they probably dont have it.If I get time over the next couple days I’ll see if I have it kickin around and upload it.

  46. I can’t find it to download anywhere

    Strange, it seems to have disappeared. I am uploading it again and will post another comment once I have corrected the link.

  47. FileFront now available, with AtomicGamer to follow

  48. Unfortunately when I try to extract the files I get an error…

    Data error in “gamemodes\Survival_Project\content\sound\ambience\rain.wav’. File is broken

    Any ideas?

    1. I just tested my local copy and it extracts fine.

      The MD5 hash is: 80cb78fcb87f3f951039ab7e9cd1064d

      Try comparing that with your copy. If it’s different I can only suggest try downloading it again. If you still have trouble I’ll download it from the upload I just made when I get home later and see what happens for me.

  49. I’ve tried three times now and no joy. The MD5 hash I’ve got has been the same each time but it’s wrong 🙁

  50. Testing download……..

    survival_project_1.3.rar: Unexpected end of archive

    Its bad.Phillip will upload another when he’s home from work.

  51. AtomicGamer server now available. FileFront uploading again.

  52. Download is good. Let’s hope it was worth it!

  53. FileFront now online too. I have downloaded and extracted it with no problems.

  54. I’m only five minutes in and I’m stuck! I’ve just encountered an Antlion Guard (in the area in picture 2 above) but now there’s a gaping chasm and there’s no way across. I know I could noclip across but I don’t like cheating unless there really is no other choice.

  55. Can anyone help please? I stumbled across this elsewhere and dowloaded. I cannot get it to play.
    I have all the games and more and Garrys Mod v 9.04
    I followed the instructions and put the folders into GM – no go.
    Should I be putting the individual files into the relevant folders of GM?
    Any help will be much appreciated

    PS. I know how to use the console

    1. I can’t be sure but this might need the retail version of Garry’s Mod. Has any PP reader managed to get it to run with any GMod under version 10?

      No need to copy the files into the individual folders, just copy the foldfers into your gmnod folder, as per the instructions. In fact, that’s a point. Did the file you downloaded from the other site includ the readme file?

      Lastly, what happens when you try to run it? Do you even see it in your Gmod menu?

      1. Thanks for the rapid response PP.
        Yes there is a read me file and no it doesn’t appear in the Gmod menu. I think you may be right and I need v10. I’m going to transfer the individual files to the v9 folders – v.tedious. If that doesn’t work then delete v9 and spend a few pennies on v10. V10 is quite inexpensive now.
        If I do get it to work with v9, I’ll post how I did it here.

        1. Jasper

          Thats a no go. It may be possible technically but, wow, what a lot of work and you don’t know that it will work when your done.
          Garrys Mod cost just £5.99, around 7 Euros and 8 US dollars.
          Stopped being a cheapskate and I’m downloading V10 now

  56. Dark & dreary. Combat gameplay is very hard (good) but there is no point in saving because you can only reload from auto saves.
    When you do reload, any arms, ammo & power ups that you collected are not restored. When changing levels you loose all the lovely ammo you had in the previous level ie each map is separate.
    No recommendation image because I found it too frustrating and threw in the towel in the Traptown map.
    Where’s that damn cat, I need cheering up.

  57. Think Twice

    You need all the games listed and the GMod version must be version 10 at least ot it will not play.

    I don’t like to leave things unfinished so I came back to this and got to the end.

    So much promise, so disappointing.
    Well mapped and great Combat but with loads of buts.
    Far too many “buts” to list. If you are curious, you need to play it but don’t be surprised if you find you want to stop like I did on first play.

    This has got problems. I’m not alone, see previous comments.
    You cannot quick save/load. When you go back to an auto-save you are stripped of your weapons.
    You have to play in a single session and not die.

    If GMod had been dumped and this mapped and played as EP2/CS:S then it would have been worthy of a PIL minimum.

    Brilliant ideas, badly executed. Pity.

  58. Personal Favourite

    This was the bestest gamemode yet I played in GMod. I played it with a best friend of mine. We all loved it. It was so fun!

  59. Unknown

    All the links for this modification seem to be gone. If possible may you provide one, please and thank you?

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