You been sent in to infiltrate a base and get a disc from the computer deep within the base.
You MUST use STEALTH until after you have the disc.
NOTHING else will work.
Take your time and move carefully. Good Luck.
The last map doesn’t load and I had to load it manually. To be honest, it’s not as much fun as the first three.
I’d like to thank 23down for sending me the file.
- Title: Mission Impossible
- File Name: of-sp-mission-impossible.7z
- Size : 1.64MB
- Author: Richman
- Date Released: 17 February 2002
Download directly into MapTap [1.64MB]
You MUST have MapTap installed before using this link.
You can still use it with MapTap once you have downloaded it.
- Copy the maps folder into your gearbox folder.
- Launch Opposing Force.
- Open the console and type “map mi5a”
- Press enter or return.
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Click on the thumbnails below to open a 1024 pixel wide image.
WARNING: The screenshots contain spoilers.
0Last 7 days
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114365 days
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 1 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 1 Hours, 9 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 40 Mins by MisterAddy
Longest: 1 Hours, 45 Mins by Hec
Total Time Played: 8 Hours, 5 Mins
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This was a bit of a surprise. At first, I thought I hated the damn thing. Thinking it silly that every time I was seen Black Ops appeared from nowhere.
But as I got into it, I found it quite fun. I saved more times than I would like to admit but felt it was necessary.
You have to get into the base and retrieve a disc.
I cheated in two places: once with the triple fans, where I couldn’t get past and once in the elevator section where I kept getting stuck and then dying.
The first is probably my or the author’s fault, whereas the second is an engine issue.
Once inside the base, you must remain in stealth mode and avoid all contact with anybody.
All in all this offered a challenge and had some interesting design ideas.
I recommend you play it, but make sure you don’t rush or give up too soon.
Using Gauge
1 Hour, 20 Minutes
The creator of this map was Richman (the same guy woh made Hazardous Course).
This was a nice change of pace, especially for someone who is sometimes guility of running and gunning without thought for tactics. Despite an extremely frustating introduction, I loved the requirement for stealth here; it is difficult but fun. The graphics are nothing fantastic, but the gameplay alone holds your attention. There were a couple of annoying parts, such as an elevator shaft which you have to get through – there were far too many incorrect routes for my liking, including a hole at the bottom which makes you fall back to the top! In fact, the weakest bits are where it moves away from being a stealth game.
I agree with Phillip, don’t give up at the first hurdle because this one is fun when you get into it.
Using Gauge
40 Minutes
@Phillip: Yes the Author is Richman please make sure to add that.
Like usual I agree with Phillips assessment of the situation. This short map pack has it’s moments. And it’s true that the introduction is kinda hard to accomplish. You can estimate at least 10 tries before you figure out the right combination & way how to deal with the guards at the very beginning.
After that it’s actually rather simple except for the shaft sequence which was in my opinion unfinished. I doubt that this was the way Richman, the author of this map pack intended it to be as he is an expert german mapper.
Anyway be it as it is. Once you’ve crossed that part you’ll get some sneaky stealth action awaiting you till you finally find the disk. After that you need to escape the complex and fight your way out. Unfortunately the map pack as it is… Is unfinished some sections look unfinished & empty. The author himself said this was a project he abandoned and never finished. Pity because the potential for this is epic. I hope some day he may continue this and perhaps even finish the story line what is on that disk & why is it so important and more importantly who are you working for?
All in all it’s a decent map pack above the usual average level and still not very spectacular due to the fact that it’s unfinished. It should still offer you a some fun once you have overcome the frustrating parts like the intro map.
1 Hour, 35 Minutes
This kept crashing for me right after the 23rd screenshot, but I think I played far enough to get a taste for it.
Stealth never really worked well in Half-Life maps/mods but I think this pulled it off pretty well (the only HL mod I can think of that pulled off Stealth decently was Tactical Espionage Action). Sometimes you would get caught for no discernible reason but those moments were far and few between.
I did have to cheat at the part with the fans. I was able to luck my way through the first fan but I had to noclip past the second one.
The game loaded and I saw “MI5_MISSION1” writing. This made me think that once again titles.txt doesn’t work, but I didn’t find this file in of-sp-mission-impossible.7z folder.
After about a minute, blackness of the screen finally dissolved, revealing a cliff with two rope ladders on it. Upon climbing there, we see nice overview of the base, then four Black Ops appear out of nowhere.
Soon it becomes clear that we need to shoot Black Ops in the guardtowers before they press a red button, which is tedious and annoying task, because they see us right when we see them and quickly rush to buttons.
Next task is easier – to stay out of sight of Black Op near the entrance we just need to approach the base from the left side.
Front door is locked, so we go into ventilation. First map ends with a nice cutscene which shows us descending.
And then there’s a bad puzzle – jumping through the ventilator requires trial and error, and I didn’t see any way to guaranteely get down without being gibbed.
If you decide to get back into ventilation after recharging, it will be tedious and annoying.
Soon the design gets worse: we are in the monotonous primitive corridors with blue and white walls and turrets, and have to avoid the sensors. [spoiler]All doors are locked, so upon reaching the dead end we have to break a wall.[/spoiler]
Then poorly designed corridors contrast with well made elevator shaft. When we jump into the hole in the bottom of it, we will be teleported few floors up, right to maintenance room where we started. This is nonsense. And then there’s ventilation ducts which make you think that you’ve finally found a way out, but no, it’s just a secret cache with some ammo. Uurrgh, annoying! Eventually I used noclip to speed up the search.
When we finally steal the data, explosion blows and alarm sounds. Now we need to escape, while fighting back Black Ops. Then we enter the elevator, and the game stucks in a cutscene. Time to manually load the last map, mi5d and take weapons with impulse 101. This last map greets us with fullbright. Great. It is also unplayable, because outside we meet with crowd of Black Ops and indestructible rapid fire automatic turrets.
There’s also no ending, at least I didn’t find one. There is a green helicopter at the landing pad, but if you climb there, nothing will happen.
This mod has too many annoyances and poorly designed places to recommend it. The fact that it’s unfinished also doesn’t help. And it’s a shame, because it has interesting ideas and progression, and could be a great mod if the author removed annoyances, improved the design, finished and released it.
Using Gauge
55 Minutes
I generally hate forced stealth in non-stealth games, and this pack both confirms my hate and also showed me that there could be a place for it when handled right. But overall there are too many rough edges and annoyances to recommend this pack. It has its interesting parts but overall it’s just frustrating and unfinished.
What I did like is that much of the mission isn’t quite instant-fail if you’re seen. You have at least a second or two as the soldier runs to the alarm switch to kill him if you’re quick, and that will save you at least for the moment. It’s still slow pickings, you have to plan your route in the opening area very carefully and some of it is just trial and error.
The stealth part I did like is when you’re in the ventilation shafts and can see the guards from above. Pick them off before you jump down and it helps you a ton.
And then there were major annoyances like the triple-fan “puzzle”. Did anyone actually get through this without cheating? Is there any method other than pure dumb luck? Not really a shining moment for an expert mapper.
The last map, as others have said, is not completed and needs to be loaded manually. But it’s not worth it, it’s just more of the post-stealth shoot your way out combat. I didn’t really find this section fun either, it just throws tons of Black Ops at you with multiple alarms blaring.
In all, this pack has nice ideas and may be worth a play depending on what you’re looking for. It’s not your ordinary Op4 pack but just the same, I think it’s only for die-hard HL/Op4 fans.
Using Gauge
50 Minutes
An interesting but flawed idea!
This is one that I have returned to a couple of times and its not that I don’t get the concept, it’s just that from the start it is unrealistic. (yes I know its just a game)
OK, bear in mind there are alarm buttons at ground level as well and some Black Ops and they are not deaf!!!
The generic Sniper rifle you use would, for the ranges of the far towers, fire a round that travels at supersonic speeds, therefore generating a shockwave that is a sonic boom, that is additional to the initial report of the rifle being fired (it did not have a suppressor!) So the Black Ops would have heard every shot and raised the alarm. PLEASE NOTE: that’s as short as I could reasonably make the gripe!
Rather than rambling on, if you like stealth mods then play this one, although it takes liberties with the definition of stealth.
Using Gauge
1 Hour
Well for me, this one had some parts deserving a Play it Now, especialy at the beggining, the siniper riffle is a great companion for this hectic and all time challenging scenario.
Then I feel the dificulty starts to rise untill the end is almost unbeatable whitout cheating, once you are out of the facility the zone is literaly swarmed with black ops grunts all over the place, 2 apache choppers and one osprey delivering grunts whit no rest at all!!!!!!, is just stupid to think adrian shepard or whoever it is could survive in the map whitout cheats, to me that detail was really flawed and is like a bad joke.
I mean the main argument in this mappack is to get the top secret info inside the facility and then escape with that valuable info!!!!!!, so is just a great imbecil detail actually to be unable to escape from there!!! I tought I had to get to the landed apache up the heliport but even when you get there the mod didn’t came to an end.
I usually like stealth missions, BUT, only when they are definetely well made, and this layout is really poor, CS Condition zero had a cool stealth mission but that’s a professional game and the layout is right and perfect to beat.
Using Gauge
1 Hour, 45 Minutes