“You start out in what you only know as home, a Combine Prison deep underground in the mountains of Western Europe. Your goal is to escape and meet with your brother to help him in the battle for humanity and against the many alien races Gordon is sure to encounter in his journey. Once you escape from the cell, there is no turning back. You will wind through the tunnels of the heavily fortified Combine Prison, making your way to the outer areas where you can plan your escape. Set in a cold, snow covered environment, you’ll be faced with many choices, but be sure to choose your path wisely, and you could find yourself two steps closer to freedom. To summarize, you need to survive, and to survive you need to get out, fast!”
- Title: Combine Survival Beta
- File Name: combinesurvival.exe
- Size : 23.46Mb
- Author: jenkins_08
- Date Released: 28 August 2008
- Source: modifikace-hl2.tym.cz
- Run the executable file and ensure the path is correct.
- Restart or start Steam.
- Combine Survival should now be listed in your Library tab.
WARNING: The screenshots may contain spoilers.
Click on the thumbnails below to open a 1024 pixel wide image.
Please also note the order of the screenshots got mixed up again, sorry.
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I am going to be pretty rough on this but I do it because I care, no really!
Firstly, I was annoyed right at the beginning because when you run the executable file (which in itself is a mistake) you see this:
“>By clicking Accept I hereby agree to follow the rules of the EULA (End User Liscence Agreement) > >This mod was created and released by jenkins_08 (a.k.a Xer2k8) >Any unlawful editing or unpermitted distibution will have full legal action taken out towards them. > > > > >Click accept to continue.”
Now, beside the fact that it’s pointless (Do you really believe the author has the ability to chase you through the courts if you steal his work?), there is no EULA for me to read! If you are going to make something sound professional and serious do it properly. (Let’s not even talk about the English).
Next, this is labeled wrongly as a beta because really it’s just one level from the mod, rather than the true sense of the word BETA as used in the gaming community. That’s just a simple mistake and doesn’t really matter that much.
Now, this “beta” is very old and I apologize for posting it so late but I only recently learnt about it. One of the (many) reasons I used the Avoid It recommendation image is that I am sure it has changed significantly, hopefully for the better, so playing it now may spoil the final product for you. In fact that’s one fo the reasons I am not hosting the files myself.
Onto the mod itself.
The story is a little weak, in fact it’s not a story at all just a starting scenario. Again, no problem, 99% most have the same and yes there is a difference.
Once the mod starts your first impression is one of straight lines, block and squares. The areas are bland and amateurish. They don’t make much sense or have any realism. The coloured lighting always reminds me of beginner maps and this mod is no different.
The combat is both terrible and fun at the same time. Enemies stream out from the same place and as image 1 shows you end up killing them in the same place, always a bad sign. Some of the Combine Elite Guards have their AR2 replaced with shotguns which I believe is a mistake. Changing things like this may seem like a good idea but generally it’s not.
Images 2 and 3 look like I took them in the same place but I didn’t they are in opposite parts of the mod. Of course, something like a prison could be expected to have repetitive designs but that doesn’t always work.
Overall, the author needs to focus on details of the level design rather than worrying about changing fire rates and lightning etc. Wait for the final version but if this is anything to go by the mod would have to have really improved to make it worth playing.
5 Words Or Less Review
5 years behind the times.
Very disappoimting. For the curious only.
I got this from somewhere else a few weeks ago.
Phillip has it right in comment 1 so I’ll not bother to repeat.
This is not worth releasing at all. There is nothing to test and it will turn many players away when/if its released.
Very Very Very short — hardly worth the effort of downloading.
In fact it took longer to dowmload than it did to play!!
And I agree with the comments about EULA! What a crock of !!!!!!!!!!!
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No more than an acceptable opening encounter for some thing that I am sure will never get finished. There is not enough here to warrent a download and play.
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This modification Combine Survival is not very good. It only has 1 map, and all things considering this doesn’t fit my list that I would even call a modification.
The only 2 good things that I could really pick out of this, so called “modification” is it has a custom start-up video and a custom background. But that is more decoration rather then playability.