Basic Details
- Title: Timeline 2: Iced Earth
- File Name: hl1-sp-timeline-2.7z
- Size : 15.00MB
- Author: Ross Smith
- Date Released: 09 June 2001
- Related: Timeline
- Related: Timeline 3: Heart Of Darkness
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A walkthrough for this mod is available. It is in PDF format. You may be able to open this directly in your browser, depending on which one you use and its version or alternatively you can download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader
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Total Time Played: 29 Hours, 25 Mins
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Longest: 10 Hours by fleetlord
Total Time Played: 29 Hours, 25 Mins
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An excellent sequel to the first Timeline mod. The Iced Earth levels are very nice and got my imagination going. The rocket ride and space station were also very enjoyable. The mapping quality improved much (in my opinion anyways) since Timeline I. Though you don’t need to play the Timeline I to enjoy this, I’d recommend it.
wish I could play this.have downloaded from 3 different places but I still get a message saying something is not a client and then it doesnt load
This is the BEST half life map pack (I know it appears to me a mod, but this just have a liblist.gam).
And have the precious challenge of “no so many ammo, buddy” making it more tactical and challenging in a intersting way, no with the european difficulty.
In seaching the review you can found a fix to the 1108 up to 1110 Half Life version.
i downloaded that patch from hlspain 9 times and it was corrupt each time.i gave bad cause I like the series.
I tested the download and also got an error. I searched my archive but don’t seem to have the patch. A google search produced nothing either.
I don’t know whether this makes a difference but I found this: and it has a different file size to the one listed above. It’s possible that it contains the patch, although I doubt it.
nope that one didnt work either.actually had less files than the other one I had,although the dates for the files were all the same.
Fear Not! Mystery8 has kindlly sent me a version that he says includes the 1108 patch. I am uploading it to the server as I type and will give you a link ASAP.
thats great!thanx Phillip and Mystery8
Mystery8 deserves 99% of the credit. Thank You Mystery8!
Glad to help someone else enjoy one of my favorite SP mod series 🙂
very cool mod.thought I had finished it and theres a second part lol! thanx again you two
where is the first epsode located at ?
Did you search PlanetPhillip?
Timeline 1
ok got it,thanks phillp, now was wondering if all of them can run in steam?
I don’t know about Steam, but I just replayed this series about a year ago using my old Half-Life install (which I keep around for older mods since Steam can be a pain sometimes) and it worked fine on that.
Also Phillip, don’t know if you’re interested, but I have Walkthroughs of all three Timeline mods. I and II are from Ross Smith’s (the author) website and III is from Hanger 16.
I’m definitely interested but I want to get permission to publish them first.
How can I get a copy of the walkthrough of time line all of them.Its a great game and am stuck in t/line one.
How do I fix the error mssage “PF_setveiw is not a client”? My console gives me that error message and won’t load the mod. Any fixes?
If you got the file from the link at the top its allready patched for that error.If not I’m not sure if this one fixes that error as I cant read the readme
Wow, the Xen part rocks
Xen rocks
Awsome mod, quite an improvment from the first timeline.
Start average (not many ammo)
In the middle of the game it gets Hard
The ending is INSANELY Hard (four me don`t know four the others)
But above all this mod can offer great action, clever puzzles (especially that wit the key card I needed walkthrough four that one)and nicely done maps
I say
ditto Timeline I, but even better with some very unique sequences.
It’s a great mod!!!!!but it’s long and difficult too
Updated the post to include a working link.
The link works and the it downloads, but the mod doesn’t start! It just freezes on the loading screen. I have half-life WON and every other mod works!
Please help, I played the first timeline and really want to play this one too!
I think I’ve figured out the problem: No maps! It wouldn’t start when I hit new game, and the console didn’t find “ice00.bsp” so I searched for it in folders and it doesn’t exist! I’m wondering, however, why it’s not in atomic gamer’s exe… I also tryed downloading it from fileplanet, where it’s “”, no dice. Did anyone else have this problem? If so how did you fix it? Does it only work on steam? Please Help!
I’ve done a little testing and here are my results.
The file works in my Steam installation. I copied the timeline2 folder into my Half-Life folder, started Steam. It was listed in the My games tab and starts perfectly.
I also tried it in a non-Steam installation and it never got past the laoding screen. Timeline 3 was made for Half-Life version, and my non-Steam version is, so it may have never worked anyway.
Lastly, there’s no .bsp files because all the map files are in the pak0.pak file. Are you using a normal Steam version or stand alone of Half-Life?
maybe too late for you, but for everyone stubling across this mod, directly opening ice01.bsp by console command bypassed the intro scene, but allowed the game to load.
ie. “map ice01.bsp”
you could just edit the lblist.gam file and change the startmap to ice01 (easier)
whatever floats your boat. Enjoy!
Stand alone, non-steam version So there’s no fix for it? Great… 🙁
Is there a reason for not regsitering your Half-Life on Steam? If you can/do it should work then.
I’ve tried but it says I have a duplicate product key, and it’s already been used. Which I’ve never used it so…
Thanks phillip!
Wow, I just finished playing this, and it is a lot better than the first, which was also great! It was a medium sized map, plenty of stuff to kill, but I ran into a couple of problems, like an area where I had to fall down, and I didn’t have enough health to survive the drop. It got very hard towards the end, with not nearly enough health, but that was a good thing in my opinion, it seems that players are rarely close to death when playing. All in all, Play it now.
I was really getting into this mod but I keep dying in the capsule. It moves for a bit, gets stuck and my health just drops till I die.
I even reloaded a few times and looked for a broom or something to sweep off the track.
Anyone had this happen?
If I remember correctly, you need to keep barney alive through all the assassins. When he gets within range of the capsule, he’ll immediately get on, and provided you don’t get on with him it’ll set off the trap so the story can progress without getting you killed.
The game is vary good but only one problem, there not enough hp stations for me. I end up having to start over if I can’t go backto a hp station. Remember the tower, I had not enough hp to surive the water and kept dieing.So I started over if I’m missing any hp stations around the tower tell me, I need help.
I say play it later untill there r more hp. stations
Replayed this a few days ago. Still in love with it. Ammo did seem to run low a number of times and I encountered a few bugs probably due to HL updates over the years but I was able to get around them and complete it 🙂 Highly recommended.
Timeline II: Iced Earth is, of course, the sequel to Timeline by Ross Smith, itself a well-executed HLSP map pack. Definitely better than its predecessor in nearly every way.
The single most notable aspect here is the continually impressive all-encompassing level design. As far as mapping goes, architecture is of the Unreal dimension – stately and nicely detailed (sometimes at the expense of r_speeds, though). The clearly ambitious set design only makes everything that much more epic, with the awe-inspiring skyboxes only helping out.
Then there are the set-pieces. The general lack of tidy setup (as compared to Half-Life itself) is more than made up for with an amazing number of them more often requiring the standard puzzles approach rather than a brain-dead combat tactic. Indeed, they run the gamut from enabling power to a rocket (with multiple subtasks that could each be called a set-piece in themselves) to an adrenaline-packed rush of sprinting among assassins to get inside a subway train.
There is a bit of imbalance, though…combat starts slow but accelerates rather quickly, offsetting the pacing. But the fights themselves are nice and challenging with a healthy (if irregular) interchange between aliens, Marines, and assassins. A variety of (or more, in cases) intriguing gameplay scenarios and battles could have been staged to keep the epic theme balanced instead of decidedly lopsided.
A few minor flaws also get in the way, but nothing too serious. In the first few maps extensive backtracking is necessary to get all possible ammo. Interaction with objects is lacking, as are scripted sequences, side-area exploration, and a story to keep it all intact. Plus not a single music track on the HL CD-ROM was played for ambient effect.
But nothing really gets in the way of the experience the author intended, because at its heart Timeline II: Iced Earth is a complete package and truly enjoyable. It may not have the polish of other releases, but there’s a lot of fun to be had here, especially with the various vehicles throughout (the third screenshot provides a hint to one of them).
This review is republished here by permission and was originally published Monday, 9th July, 2001 by Calyst.
This review was originally posted on the Ten Four Website, which is now offline. Permission has been granted to republish the full review and more details can be found on the About page.
one minor complaint, unlimited spawning at a couple of points. Otherwise the mod is BRILLIANT, play all three!!!
10 Hours
Better than the first part, but not by much. Generally I feel the Timeline mods haven’t aged very well. This is partly due to their average graphics, but mainly due to how they fail to actually tell a story and create atmosphere. For a mod of this length (and personally I found this second part too long), there’s just too much of the usual fighting and button pressing routine, with yet another Security Override and yet another Power Generator. Fighting is challenging, but becomes tiresome because Alien Slaves and Grunts (with their hard to dodge long range attacks) are overused.
There are several places with endlessly spawning enemies (which is something I generally hate), places where damage is inevitable (bad design, too, IMO), and (just like in the first part) some really hard to spot ladders. Especially annoying was the part at the end, where you have to lure the Gonarch to the middle of the bridge, because you simply don’t know you are expected to do. The gonarch doesn’t simply follow you, when you are going over the bridge, but instead stops at the bridge, erratically moving back and forth, left and right. Then he’s running away, you’re following him and luring him back to bridge, but again he’ll refuse to follow you on the bridge. Terrible.
Of course the Timeline mods have a certain quality, but I found storytelling just too weak and gameplay too much routine to rate this better than PIL.
8 Hours, 10 Minutes
The Best HL mod (along with its sequel and prequel), its only shortcoming it’s fairly short.
The environment in this game is really REALLY good, some very impressive places and setpieces.
However it can be hard to know what to do next and the game doesn’t give a lot of ressources making combat encounters pretty challenging.
3 Hours
Now this entry has its own uniqueness as well, which is better because it is completely different from the first one. Rather than time travelling, it’s going to a parallel universe. I love the dystopian vibe of the campaign, just a simple Ice Age and Xen won. No need for the combine to invade that universe. Unfortunately some combat is unfair and unbalanced imo such as infinite waves of enemies. Please don’t pull off something like that, it’s cheap and annoying af.
Another great episode to play. I slide over the ice over 100 km/h and never fall away from the corner. That’s nice, the board has 100% grip power over the track and it is quite fast to the point I am getting dizzy, so many corners. Inside the plane I vomited over my pants, the gravity kills me so many corners inside mountain cliffs, that’s quite dangerous to fly like this, one wrong turn and you are crashed like the burning oil in the mountain. How on Earth can someone walk over the ice in a very thick ledge on the mountain? I mean even if you lie down you could easily fall down and never return to life. It’s crazy those cliffs. Even without ice on the ground it is dangerous to walk over there. I mean you don’t have enough grapple points to able to move like this. And after all that suffering there’s even a jump from the ice. Is this really possible to jump from the ice??!!
2 Hours, 15 Minutes