Description Mission Briefing – for the eyes of Col. Freeman As you may be aware, our government has been conducting sensitive and highly secret research into extra-dimensional travel for most of the past decade. For security reasons, and for the safety of our citizens, the principle research center is located at Station Alpha 6, a… Read More
Archive for August 2005
Voice Acting for the Masses
Introduction I’ve been writing Mod Stories for a while now and they nearly all rely on characters within the story to explain the reasons and motivation for certain actions. Can you imagine Half-Life and Half-Life 2 without voice acting? Of course it’s possible, and recommended, to have subtitles at the bottom but a large part… Read More
30th August 2005 6 Comments
Chemical Existencefor Half-Life
About Story Chemical Existence puts you in the role of Reece Max whom simply is in the wrong place at the wrong time. He gets mixed up with fighting gangs, evil corporations and mutated creatures… Gameplay Chemical Existence will be based on fun rather than realism; (like we said before… so many other games do… Read More
Total Downloads: 1,82428th August 2005
and 3 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!
Red Alertfor Half-Life
Description The Red Alert expansion is set in the well-known Half Life universe. The main hero is Hordon Freeman, who has come to snowy, cold, dangerous Syberia to stop teleportation experiments being conducted by Russian scientists. The mod features unique cold-war crisis atmosphere, strong and interesting storyline, lots of features and totally-conversed gameplay. Features list:… Read More
Total Downloads: 2,21927th August 2005
and 5 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
Doki Doki Panicfor Half-Life 2
Very Brief Description! “This is a single map for Half-Life 2. So many enemies spawn on the narrow platform. You don’t have any weapon. Survive by using traps effectively. Try to kill all enemies.” Reader Recommendations Avoid It! Think Twice Maybe Play It Later Play It Now! 1 recommendation, average score: 3 (out of 5),… Read More
Total Downloads: 027th August 2005
and 1 recommendation, say ""
Times Of Troublesfor Half-Life
Story It is nearly the same story as in Half-Life, but with a few differences. As Gordon Freeman you jumped into a teleport in the Half-Life level ‘Lambda Complex’ and entered the world of Xen. Reader Recommendations Avoid It! Think Twice Maybe Play It Later Play It Now! 11 recommendations, average score: 4.64 (out of… Read More
Total Downloads: 48323rd August 2005
and 11 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Assaultersfor Half-Life 2
About As with some other Russian Mods and Maps, I can’t tell you much about this map! Below is an online translation(!!!) of the review at City 17: Modes on the theme of taking by the assault of the fortress of kombinov, which consists of many cavities and other auxiliary accommodations. At first glance subject… Read More
Total Downloads: 24922nd August 2005
and 1 recommendation, say ""
AMES Research Center – Real Theme
Founded in 1939, NASA AMES has evolved into one of the nation’s premiere research labs in support of NASA missions and the nation’s Vision for Space Exploration.
Located in California’s Silicon Valley, NASA Ames has created partnerships with leading universities and high-technology industry leaders, brining the scientific and corporate communities together in efforts to advance human knowledge and explore the unknown.
15th August 2005 2 Comments
Guilty or Innocent?
Introduction I have been playing around with this idea for a while and I thought I'd share it in its early draft form. It needs a lot more details but it may get your creative juices flowing! Enjoy
15th August 2005 2 Comments
The Andromeda Strain – Sci-Fi Theme
Introduction The Andromeda Strain was a book written by Michael Crichton in 1969, it was then made into a film in 1971. It tells the story of a group of scientists assembled in one of the coolest looking laboratory ever, to study a virus that has seemly killed an entire town. This virus was bought… Read More
14th August 2005 2 Comments
Total Downloads: 1,50331st August 2005
17 Comments and 8 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"