This mod, along with the first episode is a horror survival mod. The images below are from both this episode and the first one (Thanks to HL Spain).
Basic Details
- Title: Survive in Catacombs 2
- File Name: hl1-sp-survive-in-catacombs-2.7z
- Original File Name: sic2.zip
- Size : 114Mb
- Author: Roman Rynda jr
- Date Released: 17 June 2005
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Longest: 1 Hours, 15 Mins by kary
Total Time Played: 1 Hours, 15 Mins
There seems to be a bug in the mod (at least on my machine(. sherrif walker gets stuck in the wooden door he has just opened after the gravejard battle. After that, it is impossible to continue the game. I think, the sherrif is supposed to open more doors, but he doesnt, he just keeps standing there. Cheets don´t work in this mod, so I cannot use the “noclip”. Are there any ways to fix that or has anyone else experianced this problem?
wish this was in english so I knew what the hell i’m supposed to be doing
Wow this one is harder than the first one is. I can’t figure out what to do once the train crashes,
As for the screenshots I can identify now that I have played the first one which screenshots are for which game. I’ll tell you which ones are which if you want.
no idea about the train either.i keep dieing at that spot.cant jump off either.
I figured it out. Once you turn the gage on the train run to the very last cart. Then it will crash which is what you want. Once it crashes kill EVERYTHING and a zombie police guy will open this gate and shoot at you. Kill him and jump in the hole.
Where I am having trouble now is a bit farther ahead. You come to this giant mansion and have a huge battle. Then a guy opens a door for you and there is another battle where you eventually have to blow a whole in the ground. Then there are all these coffins which eventually open when you get to last room, but I can’t figure out where to go. There are way to many zombies to kill and there isn’t anywhere that would open if you did kill them. THIS IS MAKING ME MAD!!!! }:[
i think your at the creamatorium.at least thats where I blew a whole in the door going into the ground.i ran around amongst all the rooms of coffins but none ever opened.then I found a broken stairway up.couldn’t seem to get up it so I noclipped up it :).now I killed all the zombies outside but am lost what to do.
heh that was easy to figure out.i allways forget I have tnt.
aw I dont wanna have to cheat but you were pretty much my only help =(
I’ll load it up again tonight and try it without noclip. this time I wont bust the box under the stairs and try and jump from it.
you cant move the box I tried. you have to go in the door right there and some scientist says something to you. then your here all this moaning and breaking and there is 1 zombie for every 2 coffins plus some random zombies. I tried going to the beginning of that area and it didnt work although a locked door was unlocked…there wasnt anything I could do in there though…maybe some ammo…
i started playing it there again and killin off zombies but it got boring so I tried to get the 2 guys that were locked up to go to the stairs.so far only one is there and I had to push him most of the way.i’ll play somemore later.
How did you get him upstairs? Or do you mean the ones you originally came down when Officer Walker was up there?
no the guys in the locked room.i didnt get him upstairs just to the stairs.the other guy is being a baby and i’m havin a hard time gettin him to follow.
oh maybe the need to go to the door Walker went through…when he runs away after you blow a hole in the ground to get down there in the first place…this is annoying.
its not annoying….its called a challenge.
do what I do(i got 150+ mods installed I just fire up a different mod and take my mind off the other.got through a few that way.
I hate having so many to do at once. I’ve tried that and it got annoyinh, and I still can’t #@$%ing beat G-man Invasion!
You figure it out yet?
nope.been playin a different mod.probably try that one again tomorrow or tonight
Figured it out. That was nearly the end. And depending on when this was made, there will probably be a 3rd one.
i have the same problem: think your at the creamatorium.at least thats where I blew a whole in the door going into the ground.i ran around amongst all the rooms of coffins but none ever opened.then I found a broken stairway up.couldn’t seem to get up it so I noclipped up it :).now I killed all the zombies outside but am lost what to do. what must I do.
i have the same problem at the crematorium.i cn`t go upstairs .what must I do?
and what do you do with the tnt
Go around to the gate and blow it open.(I think)I havent played it in a long time.
Thank you very much!!Sorry for my bad Englih.Im from Germany!!!
Thank you!!but it doesn’t works.There must be another way.
Where exactly are stuck?
I`m at the crematorium.Sherif Walker goes to the door of the big House.I went to the hole in the Ground.there was a room whis a men inside.Whe go to the broken stairs and I can not go upstairs.Later I go back to the big house.The door`s don’t go open.In hope you understand what I meen?TNT don’t open the door`s or the Gate.I hope you know what I have to Do.Thank you for your time.Greeting`s from me.
You need to get up the broken stairs.I pushed a barrel from one of the rooms over to the stairs and jumped up.
that doesn`t work`s.There is no Barrel in the Room.i serching long time.I think there is nothing to pushed.Are you sure that you make it like you say? Thank`s
At the bottom of the stairs when you first came in is a room on the left.There are barrels in there.There is also a room with 2 guys in it.I don’t remember if it had barrels or not.
When I goes to the hole in the ground and go down the first stairs,is a door on the left but it doesn`t goes open.I find only one room that goes open.There was only one man in it.In the Room standing Barrel`s but there is no chance to move them.I don`t understand that there must be a room with two guy`s.How can I open the door on the left? I think there are 2 door`s.One is the left after the first stair`s and the Second is the door with One man in the Room.Tnt dosen`t open the Door.
The door at the bottom of the stairs does open.I went in it and got the barrel.Try the “use” key or just walk into the door and it should open.
The other room has 2 men in it.One is in the middle of the room and the other is hiding in the corner.Those are the only 2 rooms down there.As I said in another post,I wasn’t sure if that room had barrels let alone being able to move them.
i think my Game must be crashed.i can not open the Door.When I trie the “use” key is there the same sound that make a pushed Barrel.But I can`t go into the Room.in the door in the Catacombs I destroy the wood at the door and open it.In this Room is only one Guy.
Thank you for your help,but I think there is something wrong with the Mod.I can’t make it like you do it.
Hi. To enter the first room in that catacombs, the zombies must be out of the coffins – then you can open the door simply. In that room, there is only one zombie and some ammo I suppose, and barrels (but I dont know if they could be pushed). The zombies go out of the coffins just when you get to the two men hiding in the second room. I should break the wood holding the door closed and you just get into it. But you said,that there is only one guy, I dont understand why, in my case there are two. They tell you to find some key, but I still dont know where to find it yet. I have also a problem with the broken stairs. Im going to try to solve this problem somehow, I hope in next few days.
Have fun with the hordes of zombies everywhere around 😉
Hello!!When I go to the room and break the wood and go into the room is there one man and on the floor is a the head of the second man.But I don`t kill him.The coffins doesn`t go open.I don`t understand that.You must Push a barrel to the stairs.Read the other Comments.
Yes you were right, I tried to push the barrel from the first room to the stairs and simply jumped up…
But that is realy bad that the coffins in your game remained closed. Im sure, that the map is triggered in this way (I have some little experience with level designing) – you break to the second room, listen to some (not much important) speeches of the two men, and when they finish, the coffins break and the zombies get out. But if one of the men is dead, he couldnt say anything, and the trigger in the map to reveal the zombies is aborted.
I dont know how you did open the door, but maybe if you used TNT (I used fork), it is possible that it killed him, or maybe there was a bug in the map that killed him if he stood in a bad place.
If you dont have any save before the man was dead, I can send it to you (for example via email). I thing it is realy worthful to have this catacombs (empty until then) filled with hordes of zombies and may struggle in this almost final battle. So if you want, just tell me which way should I send to you the save file (or two saves, for sure, one with closed door, and one in the room with two guys living and the zombies on their places). 😉
That where fine!!!
please send me the 2 save files.The Game is very good.And I hope I can make it to the end.Thank you for your help.Mail is [email protected]
Hello, I have just send it to you (with a little comment), but I only hope that the “1345678” in your address shouldnt be “12345678” (I mention it only for sure, because I dont like misunderstandings, so I better want to prevent them)…
BTW, I just played that part around that two saves, and I look at some circumstances more detailed… The head and the pool of blood on the floor in the second room is there also when both men are alive. And what is important, when you enter the room for the first time, one of the men is sitting on the floor in the corner of the room and he may be not well noticable, but this man is essential. You should go close to him, than he stands up, and he will give you the keys from the first room (so you open it normaly then), telling you that there may be something useful for you (dont forget that there is the barrel you will need, because the barrels in the second room couldnt be moved)… And then suddenly you should hear a great noise of breaking coffins and zombies roaring… (And I really love to make them silent with the fork :D)
From this part of the game it is very close to the end, so I wish you a successful finale 😉
Half-Life & it’s modalities forever!
Hello,I want this page about mods when I
try to find my lovely SIC 🙂
I don’t have much time now (I’m very exhausted)
In room with two civilists you get the key (guy in the corner, I think..) The key is for door in
begin of this map (under stairs, on the left)and barels inhere are pushable to get access on broken wooden stairs in bigger room… To open gates and doors
you must detonate more explosives near it. And
it will be finished (I hope)..And I hope You
love this mods 🙂
And sorry for my notvery good English ( I am czech )
Thank you ,i make it to the end and I love it!!!!Sascha
Are they going to make a third one?
I survived the bloodbath. just a zombie killin fool. great mod, the pushing of the barrel part was tricky. glad for the posts.
I do hope they made a III, maybe include some wolfs or other nastys.
This one is very much like the first. However there are differences. The maps are shorter, and the whole thing is shorter.It is also much harder. But it is also much better. Again it would have benefitted much by a translation. This time you can really get lost if you don’t speak Czech. Well, there is this forum to help you…
This is definatly one of my favorite mods, esp the first one.
I’m having a strange problem getting part 2 to load. I finished part 1, Sheriff Walker said something in Czech, the screen went dark, the credits rolled, then a black screen comes up and asks if I’m ready for part 2. At this point a zombie comes towards me, makes a few menacing gestures, then just stands there, weaving a little bit while nonrepetitive music plays in the background. No matter what key I hit the zombie just stands there–there doesn’t seem to be any way to trigger part 2.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
My next try was downloading “Catacombs”, the download linked to from this page–no luck with that either–it simply doesn’t show up in my “Custom Games” list when I open Half-Life.
*sigh* Never mind. I was able to download part 2 a second time, and this time it worked.
Were there any English translations for the voice and text for either of these 2 mods??
Now I’m having a problem similar to the one Railrock described in the first post of this thread. After the graveyard battle Walker goes to the wooden door in the ground, says something in Czech, and runs off. The door never opens, and there’s no other way to proceed from this point. Too bad. It’s a very interesting mod.
Hello shawn… Don’t worry about the problem with the door – I explained how to run through this situation in my comments above (from May 2007). It is not far from the end (and the final battle 🙂 ) of the mod, so I highly recommend to walk through it to the finale 😉 Good luck
… shawn, also look at comment of Roman Rynda himself (the creator of the mod!) from 14th June 2007… I notice now that he also explains it there.
P.S.: I recommend to kill all zombies there in catacombs with the simple fork – IMHO, this way was the most fun, clean, cheap and dangerous 😀
Good mod, but I enjoyed the first one a lot more. This one is better in terms of technical quality (better models, textures, prettier and less empty maps). Survive in catacombs (Sic) 1, did its own thing (it was a kind of dark, but funny zombie gibing simulator). Sic 2 tries too hard to be a proper survival horror a “They Hunger wannabe”, sometimes it succeeds and other times it fails.
There are some weird and kind of annoying design choices, like having to kill all zombies in an area so that another zombie can open a gate – well in my case I had to noclip because i threw dynamite over the gate and killed it before it opened the gate… Or having to push one fucking barrel to the other side of 2 light years long maze-like zombie infested crypt. Sic 1 simply has better gameplay (better puzzles, better weapons, the combat is more fun…).
Well this looks pretty negative… But thats only because I can’t help but compare it to Sic 1, with which I had a great time just a few days ago. In the end, this is still very much worth playing – It’s a horror themed Total Conversion with tons of new content and the best explosions you have ever seen in goldsource engine (perhaps even a little better than in Sic 1).
1 Hour, 15 Minutes