
for Half-Life

15th May 2006

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3

An entry for the TWHL Competiton: Destructification!

Authors Note

“This is my first compo (Compo 20) entry i have submitted, hope you like it.”

Basic Details
  • Title: Earthquake
  • File Name: hl1-sp-earthquake.7z
  • Original File Name:
  • Size : 312Kb
  • Author: D_man
  • Date Released: 13 May 2006
  • Link: TWHL Thread
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Avoid It!
Think Twice
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Play It Now!

2 recommendations, average score: 2 (out of 5), standard deviation: 0 (what's that?)
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Think TwiceThink Twice


  1. Mel
    Think Twice

    No game here as such just ruins designed as an aftermath of an earthquake. Nice design but no play so can’t really recommend it.

  2. Think Twice

    “Destructification!” contest map for TWHL.
    This time it’s not that much to see after an earthquake, altho there are quite many details.
    Nonetheless it feels just “empty” somehow. But maybe that’s caused of that I just viewed another entry for that competition, named “Poor Kasperg”.
    When comparing these two entries, you’ll find out that “Earthquake” is not that detailed at all anymore. But there’s good mapping with nice lighting.
    Also ambient sound, you can hear water dropping off of somewhere.
    Not bad, but also not that interesting as some other entries.
    I like the deformation of the columns and the “red light district” 😉

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