
for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

This mod features 17 individually created entries to play, each using the idea of combining at least 3 themes from the list below.

They are set in a variety of locations and have multifarious gameplay ideas.

This could be one of the best Villes ever!

This was August 2020’s Classic of the Month mod.


Total Downloads: 9,33022nd December 2017
34 Comments and 14 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"

The Lambda Cup, The Mesa Cup, Experimental Mapping Challenges, a Special Challenge and the Calendar.

Much, much later than expected or hoped but I am pleased to announce exactly what is happening next year regarding the mapping challenges.

I will give a brief summary of each event and a link to that event for everybody interested to read the details.

It’s been a lot of work and there are still plenty of things to finalise but I am sure it will be worth it.


Right, let’s start with the overview. I have created a calendar (which took WAY longer than expected), which contains all the events. Each event has a link to the main page as well as the individual challenges of each event, except for the EMCs.
Homepage: CALENDAR

Lambda Cup

The Lambda Cup is the new name for the Hammer Cup. I changed it because I wanted more flexibility. It’s more or less the same as this year, but the points, prizes and judges have been improved. The Suffix for these events will continue to be “Ville”.
Homepage: LAMBDA CUP 2018

Mesa Cup

The Mesa cup is a series of 3 mapping challenges built for the retail version of Black Mesa. The Crowbar Collective will official support the Cup, but more details on that soon. The suffix for these events will probably be “Zone”.
Homepage: MESA CUP

Experimental Mapping Challenges

Hereby now known as EMCs, the challenges will last either 50 or 72 hours and be focused on very specific ideas and concepts. The suffix for these events will probably be “Ism”. The homepage for these events does not contain much detail yet. The calendar also has “potential EMC dates”, in cases modders want a weekend mapping objective.

Special Challenge

I can’t say much about this yet, but you will see from the calendar that it is the longest mapping challenge of the year. Stay tuned for details.

17th December 2017 7 Comments

Operation X

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Escape. A simple word but one with many possibilities.

In this old school mod, you simply have to escape.

Don’t expect beautiful views , clever puzzles or rewards for careful exploring.

Expect some fun shooting enemies though!


Total Downloads: 2,82510th December 2017
17 Comments and 13 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"

Half-Life 2: Aftermath

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Lever Software brings together leaked maps and specially created demo maps (by them) into one pack.

It’s not a story-driven experience, maps must be loaded manually via the menu (NOT console, don’t worry!), some maps do not even have combat or interaction, but others do.

All in all, it’s an interesting experience but do not expect a mod in the traditional sense.

Please note, this is NOT the same release as Jim Partridge’s Aftermath, it just happens to share the same name.


Total Downloads: 1,7349th December 2017
23 Comments and 6 recommendations, 2 say "Play It Now!"

Operation Rosenberg Demo

for Opposing Force

At the end of Blue Shift you escape with a few scientists. Dr. Rosenberg is one of them.

In this mod, you continue that story.

You are Corporal Timothy Collins, an HECU marine sent from Black Mesa to the mysterious Area 99.

Your mission: recapture Dr Rosenberg who escaped from Black Mesa and go to A-99.


Total Downloads: 1,7233rd December 2017
44 Comments and 2 recommendations, 1 say "Play It Later"

December 2017 – General Chat


It’s December already – where did the rest of the year go?

I’m hoping to finish everything related to the mapping challenges for next year, plus I also hope to start a new updating event, similar to 100 Summer Days of Nostalgia but smaller in scope and commitment.

I’d also like to start a discussion about the possibility of creating a story-based RTSL EP2 SP mod.

Anyway, what have you got planned?

1st December 2017 49 Comments

Lunar Descent

for Half-Life 2

“Lunar Descent is an action-adventure game, set on the Xterrier Lunar Colony. It mixes brutal combat, exploration and resource scavenging. To stay alive, players must be careful when dealing with enemies and ever mindful of their limited supplies.”


“It is set in the same universe as Dissolution, but is a totally standalone campaign. There is a heavy emphasis on both setting/location and survival (in the sense that you have to scavenge for supplies in order to survive). Combat is intense and enemies can only be bested if you gather the necessary supplies.

Lunar Descent features a totally new setting for players to explore with a rich backstory to become immersed in; an original soundtrack to complement the atmosphere; and an engaging plot told with the help of various talented voice actors from the community.”


Total Downloads: 2,15726th November 2017
29 Comments and 11 recommendations with no significant bias

November 2017 Classic of the Month Livestream

I am ashamed. Ashamed I haven’t played nearly as many Half-Life 2 and Episode 2 mods as I should have. So I’m trying to rectify the situation bit by bit.

So November’s Classic of the Month is Mission Improbable by Magnar Jenssen. Yes, I’ve never played it but come join me for my first time through!

I’ll be streaming Sunday at 11am Eastern US Time (4pm in the UK, 5pm Central Europe).

As usual the stream will be on the RunThinkShootLive YouTube Channel. See you there!

25th November 2017 5 Comments