The Wrap-Up! – Map Labs Test Tube #10

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

This unique challenge allowed mappers to tidy up an unreleased or unfinished map – or make a totally new one – for any of Map Labs’s previous themes [even at the time, that was a whopping 23 themes to pick from!]. But being a Test Tube, time was really limited – this challenge only ran for 10 days.

Here are the wrapped-up and entered maps – enjoy the solid 19 maps in The Wrap-Up!

As always, if you’re interested in learning more about Map Labs and maybe even participate in their upcoming challenges, visit the Map Labs Discord.


Total Downloads: 7771st November 2023
3 Comments and 1 recommendation, most really enjoyed it!

Tune – Map Labs Atom #4

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Here is another “Atom” (24-hour map jam) run by Map Labs. This time, the prompt was simple: make a map inspired by a song.

Here are the entries – a massive 28 maps were received! Enjoy!

As always, if you’re interested in learning more about Map Labs and maybe even participate in their upcoming challenges, visit the Map Labs Discord.


Total Downloads: 42422nd October 2023
15 Comments and 3 recommendations, 1 say "Play It Later"

1,000,000,000 Units – Map Labs Test Tube #4

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Another Test Tube (short challenge) from Map Labs here. This one simply asked mappers to make a small map that would fit within one billion units. For non-mappers, one unit is roughly an inch, so this works out to a cube about 20-25 meters on a side. But the challenge was only for total volume, so making an incredibly vertical map with a smaller footprint was also fine. Similar to our 1 Billion Units EMC – but we certainly don’t claim to have invented the concept!

There were 13 entries, here they are!

As always, if you’re interested in learning more about Map Labs and maybe even participate in their upcoming challenges, visit the Map Labs Discord.


Total Downloads: 53024th September 2023
2 Comments and 2 recommendations, 1 say "Play It Now!"


for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Here is the second “Atom” (24-hour map jam) run by Map Labs. As hinted by the title (and unlike AlphabetVille), the authors were asked to pick a single letter of the alphabet and base their map on that letter – again fully open to interpretation.

There were 15 entries in this Atom – enjoy, k?

As always, if you’re interested in learning more about Map Labs and maybe even participate in their upcoming challenges, visit the Map Labs Discord.


Total Downloads: 35120th September 2023
7 Comments and 1 recommendation, say ""

The Boss LVL – Map Labs Presents

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

As a (semi-) follow-up to LVL2, here is a challenge that asked mappers to create a boss fight or climactic finale of some sort. It could even be a sequel to a previous Map Labs entry but wasn’t required. Think BossVille.

Here are 7 bosses to face in The Boss LVL!

As always, if you’re interested in learning more about Map Labs and maybe even participate in their upcoming challenges, visit the Map Labs Discord.


Total Downloads: 91417th September 2023
7 Comments and 3 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"

Blade – Map Labs Atom #1

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Only a few years late, here is the first “Atom” run by Map Labs in 2019! The Atoms are typically 24-hour map jams with a specific theme; this theme was “Blade” – interpreted however the authors want!

So here are the 15 entries in Blade!

As always, if you’re interested in learning more about Map Labs and maybe even participate in their upcoming challenges, visit the Map Labs Discord.


Total Downloads: 56912th September 2023
2 Comments and 1 recommendation, say ""