Monthly Review Giveaway

1st September 2017

As I was laying in bed this morning, trying to go back to sleep but knowing I couldn’t, I had this idea.

At the beginning of each month, I will randomly select one review posted in the previous month and send the author a free Steam game.

The game won’t be AAA and it might not be very good but it’s free!

The winner will NOT be able to select the game and if they have it already or don’t want it then they can pass it on t a friend.

My thinking behind this is NOT to encourage people to write reviews because they think they might win a game but to say thank you for supporting the site.

The community and reviews set this website apart from other websites. Imagine I simply had a list of download links instead of what we have. I don’t think it would be very friendly and inviting website to visit.

The winner will be chosen using the Recommendation Wall page, which is currently partially broken, but will be fixed soon. This means that a review MUST use a Recommendation Image. This also means that this giveaway is only open to registered members of RTSL.

I will announce each winner in the monthly General Chat of the following month. So, the winner for August 2017, will be announced in the September 2017 General Chat and Twitter.

I have plenty of games to giveaway, but if you have spare ones you want to donate, please email me the details and any credit you want.

As always, if you have any questions, comments, suggestions or complaints, just let me know.


  1. Just had the following games donated for the RTSL Monthly Review Giveaway.
    Gamers are a generous bunch!

    Donation of games for Monthly Review Giveaway.

  2. JamaicanDave

    Damn, Alien: Isolation is a brilliant game. I found it so tense I only managed to play through it once. Such a wimp!

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