Meat, Blood, Gun

for Half-Life

10th March 2001

Basic Details
  • Title: Meat, Blood, Gun
  • File Name: hl1-sp-meat-blood-gun.7z
  • Original File Name:
  • Size : 0.98Mb
  • Author: Michal3000
  • Date Released: 10 March 2001
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Avoid It!
Think Twice
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2 recommendations, average score: 2.5 (out of 5), standard deviation: 0.25 (what's that?)
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Maybe?Think Twice


  1. Mel

    ok as far as it went and no doubt part 1 of something that was never finished. Plenty of Grunt combat but not much else.

  2. Think Twice

    Yet another tiny and obviously old, unfinished minimod, more like only one map, as the 2nd and last is more like a instant dead end.

    -Interesting start
    -Lots of weapons, ammo and health + HEV batteries
    -Gruntfest at all times
    -Tactical combat because of enemies never are alone
    -Good balancing imo
    -Outdoor area

    -No story, no puzzles
    -Short playtime
    -Perfomance issues in 2nd room and outside
    -Sometimes stupid AI (2nd room) blasting theirselves up or being just steady in one position
    -Unfinished, disappointing end(?)

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