As a citizen of one of many Combine occupied cities, you are a member of the city Rebellion (CR) organization. Your numbers are small, but you all have a dream of a free city. It is your job to electronically spy on the Combine, to relay the information you gain back to the CR HQ.
These outposts tend to be stationed in old buildings, neglected from another life time. The lifespan of these operators tends to be short, with only a single mistake leading to a Combine raid to permanently close the outpost.
You are assigned one such outpost in an abandoned warehouse at the edge of the city. It is just a normal day until….
- Title: City Rebellion: Chapter 1
- File Name: hl2-sp-city-rebellion-1.7z
- Size: 930.39kB
- Author: Eric Flynn AKA Goat
- Date Released: 22 June 2007
- Extract the CityRebellion folder into your Sourcemods folder
- Restart or start Steam.
- City Rebellion: Warehouse should now be listed in your Library tab.
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Click on the thumbnails below to open a medium size image. ALL images and text taken from the Author’s homepage. Some of the images have some HUD issues, this was due screen resolutions issues are are not part of the map.
Please note: These statistics are valid from December 2010
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44365 days
Direclty download it and had a mixed feeling even if everythings start correctly with a background map, well used background music, and on text message, the gameplay is quite limited and all hope of something massive (looking to the size of the map we couldn’t except more),felt down just after the first restricted door combat and didn’t give any enjoyable surprise after…(it will took between 5 to 10 min to play)
looking to this small piece of work the author is defenitly on the good way and should continue mapping (hope he gets feedback since he seems to b looking for work)
Seems a very small download, it is worth a play?
Not a lot here, however, if you like a quick Combine shoot-out, then this may keep you on your toes for 5 or 10 minutes.
I should probably say more, but just can’t find any words other than extremely unimaginative.
Hey guys! I’m the author of this little project, and I appreciate the comments, positive or negative.
The first level is small, however with this new release there are three additional maps of larger playable size. This is what I consider to be actually episodic, which you get an hour of gameplay from 4-6 weeks development (as opposed to some “episodic content” which takes a year or more to release and gives you 10ish hours of playtime).
Try to think of it more as a TV show, where each chapter expands the story, but they’re compartmentalized so that each part is a short story in of itself. You download it (at ~20 MB on a fast internet connection it should only be a few min DL), pop it in, play it for an hour or so, and then go on with your lives until the next episode comes out. You then get to post on your favorite website how much you loved it or hated it, and that feedback gets incorporated into the next chapter. In my mind, this is much better than the behemoth mods you see that are in development for years, and then it’s finally released (if it ever does get released), you download some large file, spend a while with it and that’s it. I don’t know about you, but I’ve seen several mods like this for HL1 and HL2, where I feel like I wasted an hour or more d/ling it off some public website, and then struggle through hours and dozens (or more) of potentially boring levels.
This is a work in progress that you, the gamer, can help shape by giving feedback. On top of it all, it’s free!
I agree completely.
I would hope that the next release is a compeltely stand alone release. Personally I don’t like it when one episode is included with the next one, like Minerva. I feel you are forcing people to download stuff they already have. Even if the previous level has been updated and bug-fixed, I still feel it should be seperate. I don’t know how small the original release was, so in this case it might not have made any difference.
I agree with you as well, however it also has some problems, mostly technical. My every intent for Chapter 3 is for it to be stand alone, but that might change if there ends up being duplication in assets. This would just be redundant and make each chapter independently larger than if they were put together. So I will have to wait and see.
Good points. Of course you could always offer the complete set AND the indiviual episodes. For me that would be the best option. New playes could get everything in one file, whereas other players could just get the leatest file, even if it is a little bigger than it needs to be
In spite of some of the previous criticisms, Eric has shown some good ideas and ingenuity in this mod. I think of the mod as being a “tortilla mod”, meaning that it is something Eric can keep building upon, layer by layer, while keeping a cohesive story.
Would appreciate more action, guns, ammo and medkits along the way. Being that the Combine has occupied the town, there could have been a lot more of them and their equipment – and not so many empty hallways and rooms.
Its a good start and hope for more!
Thank you for your comment senator33. My intended approach has been to make it difficult, while also it is suppose to be slow, and perhaps even boring at moments, then a few seconds or minutes of intense, hard action, pushing you to the limit. After those moments, it is suppose to return to a duller, exploratory mode. It’s my hypothesis that the emotional roller coaster from a progression that excites people the most.
I know the action scenes can be pretty hard, I usually die once every 5 times through, but it does use ample amounts of auto saves, and I hope people are learning from their mistakes!
Of course, my timing and action “amplitude” might be completely off, so I do very much appreciate the feedback.
Voice acting is nice, good level design, although there were some bugs i’m gonna give it a play it now
oh and I liked the new hands skin.
It was play tested a fair amount, but if you do encounter any bugs you encounter, if you wouldn’t mind sending me an email (found in the readme.txt) with what happened so I can see about fixing them or helping you through them. Thanks.
I am not worried either way about merging episodes, I know it may mean unnecessary large size downloads for some, but on the other hand it’s nice to have all the episodes loaded with the in-game menu. When this is the case I normally play through episode 1 again any way.
Playing through the first part again, reminded me of the lack of gameplay and how this was no more then a quick shot out with the barest of trimmings. Interested in see how the author approached the 2nd episode, I was more then pleased to find a playable mod.
Whilst there is plenty of scope to talk on the negative side, at least the maps have some thoughtful structure showing a good attempt to build story, gameplay and flowing content.
Most of the design is plain with uninspiring textures, furnishing and incidental content is sparse with a vary large amount of newly laid concert. The sequence with the gas bottle and wire-short was ingenious but very pains-taking to complete.
What I like the most about this mod, is the way the author as gone about doing things his way. You get the feeling that these are his ideas, all you see is his work as conserved in the authors own eyes. I think this will make for some future good work building from these early mapping experiences.
Will look forward to the 3rd episode, now you have shown you can produce a playable mod hope you can build on this, to now add some quality. Play it now to give the author feedback.
I wasn’t a huge fan of Release 1 as it was merely a Combine Shoot-out. With Release 2 it’s becoming a proper mod.
The mapping has some very interesting ideas – I really like the underground caverns – and there is a clever puzzle to work out.
There are only a few things I would like to see improved in Release 3: The action is a bit sparse and some areas of the mapping could do with a variation in the texturing and a few more atmospherics.
Keep up the good work. I look forward to your next release.
Minor review from me for now;+ New voice acting. Always a plus to make the release feel more fresh.
+ Replacement hand texture, you feel like a rebel.
+ Interesting puzzle in that small room
+ Rebel canverns/caves – I actually had this idea for my own mod (except different)
– Design is lacking in a majority of areas, especially in the later parts of part two, bare rooms, and simple texturing.
– Lighting could be improved, sometimes too dark and relying on the flashlight is a pain at times.
– Fights were rather dull, especially those in the first part – make them flow more interesting and add some variety. Seeing the same Combine everywhere gets old.
I’ve closed comments on this post because I’ve decided to create a new post for it.
The reason is that because the update contains new levels I want to have separate entriess for each episode.
I will add the new post later today. I know I should do it immediately but I have to go out and I don’t want lots of new recommendations which related to the new levels – Sorry!
Comments have been re-opened. However, if you comment relates to the latest release, whcih includes Chapter 2, then you should comment here:
City Rebellion: Chapters 1 and 2.
Okay, I’ve reopened the comments. However, I have also created a new post that includes Chapter 2:
City Rebellion: Chapters 1 and 2.
I would recommend posting there.
The Game? Artificial Gir- I mean, Half-Life 2
The Mod? City Rebellion: Warehouse
The Author? Eric Flynn (didn’t he die of cancer?)
Is It Good? Uh, maybe
The Score? 2 out of 10
Give Us A Story There, Bub:
Stuff happened. You are a squrriel, and your hatred for coconuts has been evident since the day you were born. You wake up in an empty room with a painful headache. Rising from your slumber, you cast your memory and silently scream in horror as you remember the past. Yes, you forgot to tape The Simpsons. Life is looking rather bleak and that nine millimeter is looking attractive.
Or, you are Anomymous Citizen No. 1138 and a mysterious person named Chandler (He was the one with the third nipple) proceeds to rule your life by mentioning that those incessant Stormtroopers, the Combine, are arriving to your establishment, apparently bored of committing suicide on Gordon “My silence is a defense mechanism, I’m afraid of commitment” Freeman’s sexy, yet pasty feet. Despite having a HEV suit, Chandler (he’s the homosexual one) doubts your ability to massacre entire lines of transhumans and sends Anomymous Citizen No. 5582 to save your stupid behind.
The Good:
It’s small, there’s weapons and no kittens were harmed in the making of this modification. The biggest room on the first floor is rather well done.
The Bad:
Object placement is either random or non-existant. Rooms are uninspired or empty. Combine have a tendancy to freeze up outside of their entrance.
The Ugly:
It’s short. How short, you ask? Well, imagine a rabbit chewing through the skull of a small reindeer in the plains of Alaska. By the time you finished reading that sentance, you would have already completed the modification twice. This mod is so short that it actually took more time to load the game then to finish it.
In Other Words…:
This review would be longer and more intense if it was, well, longer. You could review this map in three words: Short, Barren, Messages. I would recommend this mod since it practically takes you ten seconds to beat it, but it takes more time to find the mod, download it and install it then it does to actually beat it.
Although short it wasn’t that bad.
Not very inspired combat situations
Just finished Chapter 1 and 2 and really like it. It was too short but it was well done. Good flow to it. The action could have been more intense but the lighting and story were really good and I hope he keeps putting these out.
Stuck! After I jump down into the tunnel a rebel is standing near the part of the tunnel as it begins to narrow and I can’t pass neither walking or crouching! She won’t move or follow! Help! I’ve reinstalled and that doesn’t help. How can I edit her script or remove her totally?
It’s ok.
Recommendation was removed, you have to at least write a reaction or basic thoughts on the experience.