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Opposing Force map releases. These can be installed manually or, in most cases, with MapTap.

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Night of a Million Zombies: Original

for Half-Life 2

This arena set in the back streets of an old industrial town is made up of 4 main alley ways that join together to form a square with 4 streets leading of each side. From down these streets come the zombie hordes that want to supple on you delicious organs. You can’t go down these streets, so stay off them, there is nothing for you there.

The arena has a number of nooks and crannies that are worth exploring because that is where you will find the weapons you crave so much. A couple of weapons can be found lying on the floor but the rest you will have to search for, which is quite hard when there’s a gang of zombies mobbing you. (apparently the gravity guy was delivered to that area in a very strong box, hint hint, nudge nudge)”


Total Downloads: 1,11918th August 2018
9 Comments and 7 recommendations, 2 say "Maybe?"

IT – Part One

for Half-Life 2

This is the first level to a three part trilogy, where you start out in my part of the map. Once you get into the other house, you are in the part Nubecakes did – but we take no credit for the outdoor area as that part of the map was made by Valve….well the brushes anyway, the entities where done by Nubecakes.


Total Downloads: 68217th August 2018
7 Comments and 6 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it

Night of a Million Zombies: Waterfront

for Half-Life 2

This warehouse by the waterfront was obviously a storage area for container crates and of miscellaneous storage crap before the infestation; now it has been converted into a stronghold by resisters, plentiful in ammo and weapons. It’s quite easy to hide from the hordes here, but in doing so you run the risk of running dry on ammo, or even worse, being a boring git.

You start out on the street with only you trusty crowbar to fend off the fiends, to the left is the canal, in all of its toxic goodness (swimming isn’t advised) to the right is the warehouse. In it there are a number of offices, a reception, and of course a few storage areas. The offices have been left almost intact apart from the holes in the weak walls.

The storage areas are mazes of zombie doom. The second floor is massively wide open, but be careful not to fall to the first. The platform up there provides easy transport across the warehouse. The yard is a loading and refuelling dock for the trucks that used to run through there.

To the west of the warehouse is a small garage plentiful of stuff to smash Zombies: Waterfront with. To the east are the gutted remains of what used to be some offices. Finally south of the warehouse, across the street, is loading access to the canal for loading small boats.


Total Downloads: 1,22116th August 2018
10 Comments and 7 recommendations with no significant bias

Simple Etape

for Half-Life 2

You start in a small storage room and have to work you way out.

There is a larger outside area where you battle Combine soldiers and a hunter-chopper, that takes a lot of hits to bring it down.

After that you are off for a jump puzzle.


Total Downloads: 1,20814th August 2018
29 Comments and 17 recommendations with no significant bias


for Half-Life 2

“Similar to Super Gordon Bros, this time Gordon somehow manages to get to Dracula’s castle. Of course, it’s full of zombies and Gordon’s duty is to cleanse the castle of this filth.”


Total Downloads: 8946th August 2018
6 Comments and 6 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it

City 13

for Half-Life 2

You find yourself in what seems to be a deserted city – City 13.

There is a prisoner you have been sent to rescue or kill.

Find him and eliminate all resistance.


Total Downloads: 1,16030th July 2018
23 Comments and 9 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it

Hill Valley 2015

for Half-Life 2

You have a task. Kill Breen. The place you find yourself feels like something from an old movie.

It’s not pretty but it is functional.

The layout requires careful observation to get where you need to get to.

Don’t forget about Breen!


Total Downloads: 1,00229th July 2018
14 Comments and 9 recommendations with no significant bias


for Half-Life 2

A straightforward map with a series of rooms that finish with a final fight with 3 Rebels.

You are taken through a few different styles of rooms and encounter zombies and Combine.


Total Downloads: 1,16527th July 2018
20 Comments and 13 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"

Experimental Fuel

for Half-Life 2

As Month Python used to say, “And Now for Something Completely Different!

This map has NO combat. There are NO puzzles.

So why the heck have I added it then? Because it’s fun, that’s why.

Take a Koke bottle into space. Really.

Go enjoy it.


Total Downloads: 1,13526th July 2018
27 Comments and 12 recommendations with no significant bias

Drew Mobley’s Prison Break

for Half-Life 2

So, the plan is real simple, Gordon. You and Crazy will charge in, grab some guns, and let us out of the cells.

Once we’re out, well…we’ll figure it out from there.

Talk to Crazy when you’re ready, he’s probably watching the zombies again.

Good luck…we’re counting on you.


Total Downloads: 2,81025th July 2018
28 Comments and 22 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"