The Lambda Cup 2018 Winners

The Lambda Cup 2018 consisted of five mapping challenges, each with a different theme.

Entrants received points for each challenge they enter.

At the end of the event, the best 3 points totals from the challenges they entered were added together for each entrant. These totals decided who won the Grand Prizes.

Read to find out who took the top 3 prizes – and we announce a couple of special prizes!

2nd February 2019 7 Comments

RTSL in 2019

Let me get straight to the point – I am leaving the site, the Half-Life community and gaming.

I have been running this site since September 2003 and have been heavily involved with the HL community since around 2005.

It’s time for me to move on and do other things. I am disappointed I never “finished” the site, but I really need to change my focus.

I would love to think that I will create some GoldSource maps/mods, but I think it highly unlikely.

I would like to thank everybody who has helped me over the years, and there are a lot of people, too many to mention them all by name.

Don AKA Unq will be taking over the site, BUT it will be more or less in maintenance mode. This means that Don will moderate the comments, add certain/major releases and update some posts, specifically the Villes with missing screenshots.

Don has a message below.

There are still some things to discuss and decide but effectively this is my last post and I will withdraw completely. I won’t check the comments, I won’t be posting new videos on the RTSL YouTube channel or tweeting on the RTSL account, although I may continue tweeting elsewhere.

I wish everybody a bright and creative future.


A Message from Don

I hope you recognize me from assisting with the RTSL site and events over the last 7 or so years, particularly the Classic of the Month streams. I don’t intend to take over the site and make it my own; I simply want to maintain it as the awesome single player Half-Life site that Phillip built over the last 15 years.

So don’t expect too much to change. As Phillip said, I aim to post major releases and do some fixing up here and there.

There may or may not be more Ville challenges in the future. There definitely won’t be anything like the Hammer/Lambda Cups we’ve had over the last 3 years.

As this transition takes place, I hope you all join me in saying a heartfelt “Thank You” to Phillip for his hard work, vision, and his support of the Half-Life community over the years. And best of luck to him in his future endeavors.

And thank you all for being a part of the RTSL community – you’re why we’re doing this!

31st December 2018 68 Comments

The 72-Second Experiment

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

For this Experimental Mapping Challenge, entrants had to make a map that lasted just 72 seconds, but they only had 72 hours to make it!

A lot could happen in that time, so don’t think it will be easy.

In addition, you might need to learn the correct route, actions or sequence before you can actually finish it.

There are 12 official entries and 1 bonus entry for you to play.


Total Downloads: 2,64315th September 2018
20 Comments and 8 recommendations, 4 say "Play It Later"

50 Sourcey Days of Summer

It is with some trepidation that I announce the 50 Sourcey Days of Summer!

For the next 50 consecutive days, I will be adding new maps or updating older maps. All will be Source based, mostly Half-Life 2.

I have created a special page for the event, prosaically and rather obviously called 50 Sourcey Days of Summer and it is similar to the 100 Summer Days of Nostalgia event, which believe it or not I ran 7, yes, SEVEN!!! years ago.

It’s linked to on the second menu, under the header images.

I hope to post screenshots etc and even my review, for each map or mod I post or update. I plan to update quite old maps, so don’t get too excited. There will be new releases added too though.

I should tress that I will do my utmost to not miss a day but I seem to be much busier than 7 years ago, so I won’t make any promises.

I have already posted NostalgiaVille for today’s release.

Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions regarding the event.

15th July 2018 9 Comments

Half-Life Posters – A RTSL Fan Art Event

The Posters have been added to the bottom of the post.

A while ago, Maki suggested running an art challenge. He said it because, as you may know, I try to post a Half-Life art image every day on the RTSL Twitter account.

So, here is the first of hopefully many Fan Art Events.

Now, let me clarify. Just like the Fan Fiction Events, they are not exactly challenges. Certainly not in the same way that the mapping challenges are challenges. There are no winners. There are just favourites. I give random Steam games to my favourite and to the readers’ favourite. The games tend to be quite old and not very expensive. I want people to enter the events for the fun and experience, not because they think they will win a AAA modern game.

Right, so with all that said, let’s talk about the event itself.


As the name suggests, I would like you to create a poster. The poster can be about one of the Half-Life games, one of the characters, weapons, locations, events or even a mod.
The style is up to you. It could look like a movie poster, an art-form (water-colour, oil, abstract etc), photoshop screenshot – the choice is yours.
The style can be serious or joking.
Text should be kept to a minimum unless the style demands it. If text is used, it should be in English (sorry).

A quick look on Deviant Art shows some possibilities.

Entry Deadline

Please send your entry, via email, either as a jpg or png attachment, to [email protected], no later than 11:59pm UTC Sunday 8th July 2018

14th June 2018 11 Comments

The Beautiful Indoor Experiment

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

For this Experimental Mapping Challenge, entrants had to make a map that most would consider beautiful.

Of course, beautiful is generally considered visual but in this case, the atmosphere was also important.

It was hoped that some would even try environmental story-telling.

The mod contains 7 official entries and 3 bonus entries.

This mod requires the Source SDK Base 2013 Singleplayer “Upcoming” beta branch activated.


Total Downloads: 2,54210th March 2018
15 Comments and 9 recommendations with no significant bias

The 1 Billion Units EMC

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

For this Experimental Mapping Challenge, entrants had to make a map no larger than 1,000,000,000 Hammer Units. In the real world, that would be a cube about 20 metres long, wide and high.

The actual proportions of the map were left to the mappers. The limit was the cubic capacity.

This limitation forces mappers to think about how well they use the space.

The mod contains 13 official entries and 3 bonus entries.


Total Downloads: 2,84911th February 2018
19 Comments and 8 recommendations, 4 say "Play It Now!"

The Hammer Cup 2017 Winners

The Hammer Cup 2017 consisted of five mapping challenges, each with a different theme.

Entrants received points for each challenge they enter.

At the end of the event, the best 3 points totals from the challenges they entered were added together for each entrant. These totals decided who won the Grand Prizes.

Read to find out who took the top 5 prizes – and we announce a couple of special prizes!

31st January 2018 2 Comments

The Lambda Cup, The Mesa Cup, Experimental Mapping Challenges, a Special Challenge and the Calendar.

Much, much later than expected or hoped but I am pleased to announce exactly what is happening next year regarding the mapping challenges.

I will give a brief summary of each event and a link to that event for everybody interested to read the details.

It’s been a lot of work and there are still plenty of things to finalise but I am sure it will be worth it.


Right, let’s start with the overview. I have created a calendar (which took WAY longer than expected), which contains all the events. Each event has a link to the main page as well as the individual challenges of each event, except for the EMCs.
Homepage: CALENDAR

Lambda Cup

The Lambda Cup is the new name for the Hammer Cup. I changed it because I wanted more flexibility. It’s more or less the same as this year, but the points, prizes and judges have been improved. The Suffix for these events will continue to be “Ville”.
Homepage: LAMBDA CUP 2018

Mesa Cup

The Mesa cup is a series of 3 mapping challenges built for the retail version of Black Mesa. The Crowbar Collective will official support the Cup, but more details on that soon. The suffix for these events will probably be “Zone”.
Homepage: MESA CUP

Experimental Mapping Challenges

Hereby now known as EMCs, the challenges will last either 50 or 72 hours and be focused on very specific ideas and concepts. The suffix for these events will probably be “Ism”. The homepage for these events does not contain much detail yet. The calendar also has “potential EMC dates”, in cases modders want a weekend mapping objective.

Special Challenge

I can’t say much about this yet, but you will see from the calendar that it is the longest mapping challenge of the year. Stay tuned for details.

17th December 2017 7 Comments