Basic Details
- Title: Xen Rebels
- File Name: hl1-sp-xen-rebels.7z
- Original File Names:,
- Size : 12.9Mb
- Author: Karl Jones
- Date Released: 11 March 2003
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Anyone managed to play this mod? I get it installed and it comes up in the customer menu then seems to click ok through the setting options only to kick out with a Half Life Launching error message.
Help, is there anyone out there?
It crashed during loading the first level. But I thought I played this mod someone before…
Tried everything I know with both files. No success at all. Have emailed the author for info.
Hello, Xen Rebels mod leader here.I just want to say that Xen Rebels was a good idea that never got very far. It had a few new features, but not enough to make it really interesting. And there were bugs in the code, grr.To be honest, I wouldn’t bother trying to play it.
I’m checking if it’s buggy or not.
Ok… It’s not buggy.
Crashes with every “new game” or “hazard course’…
Is that so? I never would have guessed from the previous comments and the authors own opinion.
It it singleplayer mod?
It’s not quite a singleplayer game, it’s a some kind of match against monsters. Fun to play a bit in singleplayer mode or in multiplayer. But for singleplayer game maps should be started manually via console. I have played it using Xash3D Engine and all works fine, only saved games can not be loaded, but it’s normal, because of the mod’s conception – you don’t need to save/load, just kill monsters until they haven’t kill you 🙂 (or until they haven’t destroy the fungus which you should guard).