After the great Battle in the city, the Flying ship “Hypnose” picked you up, your mission is to defend the ship into a combat platform, and to get to the base C- before nightfall.
They’re coming…
In the map, there are 14 born signs (See above). To find these signs, you must check every corner, at every angle, destroy all crates or try to climb them, turn a crate around, there may be one sign on it, the signs can be ANYWHERE!
The map is kind of difficult compared to Half Life 2, so put the level of difficulty at max. if you want a challenge.
The first and third parts of the map are great battles, so they suffer from low fps, if you want the fps to be good, kill all the enemies as fast as you can! The use of bullet time can also improve fps. Press End Or Z to use bullet time in the game.
- Title: The House 2: Hypnose
- File Name: hl2-sp-the-house-2-hypnose.7z
- Size : 20.7MB
- Author: Mxthe
- Date Released: 05 September 2005
Screenshots Required!! Can you help?
Please note: These statistics are valid from December 2010
1Last 7 days
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61365 days
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 1 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 35 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 35 Mins by Hds46
Longest: 0 Hours, 35 Mins by Hds46
Total Time Played: 0 Hours, 35 Mins
i cant beat it
This mod was made by the same author of Underhell. I thought it was just a defense map at first, turns out there’s actual task. Infiltrate combine base and launch self destruction process. It has various areas such as airship where we start our journey, wasteland filled with antlions and combine base respectively. There’s a lot of scripting work in the map as well as nice combat music. There’s a friendly helicopter which is very rare in Half-Life 2 maps. Most of the areas are hard enough but the very hardest is combine base entrance which is guarder by combine apc with guided rockets, gunship, combine mortar, snipers, emplacements while being attacked by antlion horde and antlion guard. The only lowest point of the map is sometimes you just don’t know how to progress, where to go. Combine base hacking was frustrating and escape door was closed most of the time. I have to replay 5 times for this door to open.
35 Minutes