A simple linear map where you simply have to follow the instructions on the screen. The design document seems much more detailed than the released level. I’m guessing that it was part of a larger plan.
- Title: The Cage
- File Name: hl2-sp-the-cage.7z
- Size : 3.98MB
- Author: Bill Adams
- Date Released: 26 March 2007
The design document as well as the .vmf file are included in the compressed file.
Copy the “thecage.bsp” file into your maps folder:
C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\YOURUSERNAME\half-life 2\hl2\maps
and open the console and type “map thecage”, press enter, enjoy.
Download directly into MapTap [4MB]
You MUST have MapTap installed before using this link.
You can still use it with MapTap once you have downloaded it.
Click on the thumbnails below to open a medium size image. WARNING: The screenshots may contain spoilers.
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This is not a bad little map. I quite enjoyed playing it but would have prefered not to have the text message instructions. The tunnel sequence was a little longer than I would have liked but I understand what the author was trying to accomplished.
As part oif something larger it could have flowed nicely and unfortunately you are not particualrly rewarded for solving the puzzles. Unless you consider the solution a good enough reward, which, in this case, I don’t. If you want around 20 minutes of shooting and swimming then this is for you.
Five Word Review
Puzzle, swim, shoot, jump, Disappointment.
Playtime: 20 Minutes
Rating:C (71%)
This Power plant was created with puzzle in mind which doesn’t mean that design or fight are forgotten in this release.
Design is quite interesting in a simple way. Use of texture is well done and the general design is not too squary… you progress in a not linear way in order to solve several puzzle (on text message) to make you progress further. Environment isn’t repetitive from indoor to other including a sewer part.It’s neat but not being excellent especially regarding the outskirt.
Gameplay is the interesting part of this map it’s just a succession of small puzzles (jumping, activating,moving,…) that will canalized your progression some fight will take place but even if your not an experience player they will be easy to survive. The gameplay is in my opinion well balance and only lack some good music triggering a little bit more challenge according fights.
A not so old map that shines one more time from the guildhall community, it’s puzzle oriented not perfectly designed but shurly enjoyable for a really small part of you gaming life.
When I read this was another map from The Guildhall I got excited and downloaded it immediately. What a disappointment it turned out to be. There’s nothing new in this map and some of it feels positively HL.
If the author went back and expanded on what is there and added some more atmospherics then it might be worth a higer recommendation but as it stands I can only give it a
Not sure if it’s as bad as Jumbles makes out.
It’s short but interesting with set design and textures being good and a nice balance between puzzle solving and combat. It also looks to be part 1 of a game, so maybe we will get some more atmospheres. If you don’t like wandering around in dark murky waters then “Avid It” otherwise “Consider It’
Five Word Review
Murky waters and more puzzles.
It’s not bad but it is very bland. Just a generic hl2 map, run around, kill everyone, solve puzzles, that’s it. To make this more boring is that it is just an ordinary canals map.