There are 117 releases tagged with “Phillip Says Maybe”

Maps and mods where Phillip says Maybe.

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City 14

for Half-Life 2

Life in City 14 is less user-friendly than in City 17. Civilian Protection are more and more oppressive, and civilian beatings are commonplace.

You are teleported into a weird building and you have lost your memory.

Your awakening and arrival will cause some events that you need to deal with.


Total Downloads: 1,57728th July 2018
34 Comments and 12 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it


for Half-Life 2

A straightforward map with a series of rooms that finish with a final fight with 3 Rebels.

You are taken through a few different styles of rooms and encounter zombies and Combine.


Total Downloads: 1,17027th July 2018
20 Comments and 13 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"

Experimental Fuel

for Half-Life 2

As Month Python used to say, “And Now for Something Completely Different!

This map has NO combat. There are NO puzzles.

So why the heck have I added it then? Because it’s fun, that’s why.

Take a Koke bottle into space. Really.

Go enjoy it.


Total Downloads: 1,14126th July 2018
27 Comments and 12 recommendations with no significant bias

Silent Room

for Half-Life 2

“In Silent Room, you play as just another average citizen of an average city. On a certain day, you and Quinn, a friend of yours, were invited by Danny, your paranoid friend, to party in his home. As it turned dark, you got too drunk to even stand up and so had to lie down in Danny’s bed. You fell asleep… and woke up at midnight only to find the door locked… which is when your ordeal begins.”


Total Downloads: 85321st July 2018
11 Comments and 7 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it

Fallout Vault 7

for Half-Life 2

You seem to be on a train or plane. Things begin to shake – something is not right.

You wake up after crashing, outside a tunnel that leads to vault.

There is only one way forward.

Good luck!


Total Downloads: 2,18320th July 2018
16 Comments and 12 recommendations with no significant bias

Vexko International

for Half-Life 2

“Somewhere outside City 17, near the coast, our intrepid hero has fallen through an unsecured vent in an effort to escape the closing security forces.

Guide Gordon through the underground offices of Vexko International in this player-made single player level for HL2.”


Total Downloads: 1,50419th July 2018
21 Comments and 16 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!

Unforeseen Circumstances: Episode 1

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

“You play as a anonymous, lone rebel, woken up by the combine’s threatening movement through the forest, with no memory whatsoever of how you got there.

You’ll go through the forest and find your way to City 17, and drive through to the other side of the City to find a way to get to The White Forest base, with or without help.

In this mod you will explore and traverse many environments and locations, including (and still might change in development) : White Forest, City 17, and possibly The Coast.

This mod takes place not too long after Freeman has just been taken out of stasis.”


Total Downloads: 1,04916th July 2018
24 Comments and 13 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it

Quiet Rehabilitation 2

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

“Localized on the other side of the Coast, the Combine used to run one among other abandoned sections of the block cells as an area to detain citizens who were determined to be a threat to the Combine action. Later on, these cell blocks were left behind, including countless prisoners and citizens who tried to escape by their own through vents, old offices, maintenance facilities and sewers.

After a successful escape from the cell blocks in sector A5, you’ll find yourself still wandering in the sewers on another side at Nova Prospekt looking for an exit. Continuing your journey as a leftover prisoner attempting to stay alive at all cost. Keep low and dark. The Combine is still in alert of your escape.”

Be sure to check out Quiet Rehabilitation too.


Total Downloads: 1,93710th June 2018
26 Comments and 17 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!

Dark Forest

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

“It is sometime after the events of HL2:EP2 (where have we heard that one before!?)
An early morning mission sees Gordon assaulting a facility overrun by zombies.
The Combine are thin on the ground, they are forced to leave some strategically important assets undefended.
Rebel intelligence has identified one such location, a Combine dark energy reactor retrofitted inside an abandoned Soviet missile base.
A crack team of Rebel special forces was sent in but are assumed dead because we have not heard back from them since.
Be careful, there is only one viable way in and out.
You are to go in, find access to the reactor, thought to be on the lowest levels of the facility and find a way to destroy it.
Intelligence suggests that a series of beams keep the spheres stable, so disabling these should eventually lead to a core meltdown.
Once you have disrupted the reactor, make it back to the extraction point.
We are counting on you, Doctor Freeman.”


Total Downloads: 1,06131st March 2018
14 Comments and 8 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"