Archive for January 2005

Seeing in the Dark

We had another brief power-cut last night, which reminds me I need to buy a UPS, and as I was walking around the flat I was reminded of how the human eye has better light perception at 30/45 degrees from the centre. Meaning if you want to see things in the dark it’s better to… Read More

31st January 2005 No Comments

Seeing Without Vision

Introduction Although I wrote this piece moments after finishing Seeing in the Dark they are not really connected. One of the reason I prefer science fiction or non-reality FPS games is because it gives developers a chance to experiment with the player’s perception. Unlike a World War 2 game, they don’t have to make everything… Read More

30th January 2005 7 Comments

More Interesting Puzzles Please

A while ago I made a post about a film and game tie-in idea. The post made two points: 1. Make the storyline different but connected, so that somehow the game needs the film to get the full story. (But not the other way around) 2. Make the game require information from the film. Examples… Read More

30th January 2005 1 Comment

Vortigaunt Revolution

for Half-Life 2

Introduction Several weeks after the destruction of C-17 the Vortigaunts who were relieved to be free from the rule of the Combine had begun fighting off the Combine wherever possible, soon, cities, states and countries all started to return to Earth’s control. Its time for revenge. Resources: Vortigaunt Revolution Homepage Reader RecommendationsCurrently there are no… Read More

Total Downloads: 028th January 2005
1 Comment

Renegade X: The Dead 6

for Half-Life 2

Introduction Renegade X: The Dead 6 is not only an expansion on the story of the Dead 6, but is also an expansion on the C&C universe, brought to you only how game fans can. With the playability of C&C Renegade bundled with a brand new game engine (Source Engine) it is sure to appeal… Read More

Total Downloads: 028th January 2005

Replayability and Difficulty Settings

Introduction I don’t replay games – ever! But if I like the theme and gameplay then I will seek out mods and maps for it. That’s the main reason I play PC games instead of console versions. There are many factors that effect replayability but in this article I will only focus on difficulty settings.… Read More

27th January 2005 No Comments

TG- H Physics SP

for Half-Life 2

Basic Details Title: TGH Physics SP File Name: Size : 3.7Mb Author: ThAtSgOtTaHuRt Date Released: 26 January 2005 Download: TGH Physics SP at FilesNetwork Reader RecommendationsCurrently there are no recommendations

Total Downloads: 026th January 2005
1 Comment

ThAtSgOtTa- HuRt’s Physics

for Half-Life 2

Basic Details Title: ThAtSgOtTaHuRt’s Physics Map File Name: Size : 227Kb Author: ThAtSgOtTaHuRt Date Released: 25 January 2005 Download: PlanetPhillip Server Reader RecommendationsCurrently there are no recommendations

Total Downloads: 53625th January 2005

The Voice – Mod Story Idea

Introduction This story was inspired by a track from the I Robot album by The Alan Parson’s Project calledThe Voice. It got me thinking about hearing voices inside your head and if that happened to you or me would we listen to them? Imagine waking up one day and feeling fine, no paranoia or other… Read More

24th January 2005 5 Comments