There are 78 releases tagged with “Story”

Maps and mods that feature a story.

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2009 EB

for Half-Life

This mod is in Russian and features a story-driven exploration of parts of Black Mesa never-seen before.

The voices are all in Russian and you will need a lot of patience to play through this.

There is no fighting or action.


Total Downloads: 1,35924th March 2015
8 Comments and 3 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it


for Half-Life 2: Episode One

Pervasive. Literary. Brutal. Experimental.

MINERVA, by Adam Foster, takes you to a remote island under the control of Combine forces. Something is going on here. Your goal is to uncover what that is and destroy it. Oh, yes – and try to survive.


Total Downloads: 10,97722nd March 2015
176 Comments and 75 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"

Hazardous Materials: Episode 2

for Half-Life

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

“You are Gordon Freeman…

It was a normal working day. Scattered Xen aliens were hiding even in the rear corners of the Black Mesa research facility.

It slowly return normality in everyday work. The old not been destroyed buildings have been modernized slowly.


Total Downloads: 2,7588th December 2014
11 Comments and 9 recommendations, most say "Play It Later"

Steam, Tracks, Troubles and Riddles

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

After the Cuban Missile Crisis, humanity is wiped out and only machines are left.

This is a vision of a possible future.

In this adventure mod, your task is to solve puzzles and move the Handcar along the tracks until you can go no further.

Let the “robot” guide you and pay special attention to his head!


Total Downloads: 2,05923rd September 2014
19 Comments and 7 recommendations, 3 say "Play It Now!"

The Gate 2

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

The story continues from where The Gate for Half-Life 1, finished.

The TimeGate will take the player to amazing new worlds in distant galaxies.

It features, new weapons, new enemies, a full scripted story, professional voice actors and a full classical music score.


Total Downloads: 3,50824th August 2014
76 Comments and 5 recommendations, 2 say "Play It Now!"

The Citizen Returns

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Set in both the heart and outside of City 17, “The Citizen Returns” contains the final chapters of our citizen’s story, as well as an updated version of Part II.

The story takes place shortly after a failed assassination attempt on Dr. Breen leads to the first ever use of the Overwatch Broadcast system by The Resistance, represented by former garage
owner Larry Soderstrom Jr.

The Combine forces decide to capture him and try to use his public repentance and execution as a means to appease the emergent rebellion.

The Citizens of City 17 however have other ideas in mind. Larry is now a symbol for the rebellion and a key asset in a bigger plot to deal a fatal blow to the Combine and its grip on humankind…


Total Downloads: 12,64823rd June 2014
127 Comments and 20 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!