
for Half-Life

15th May 2006

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3

An entry for the TWHL Competiton: Destructification!

Authors Note

“Since there are many other Compo 20 entries in the vault, I figured why not… I included the rmf too, for anyone who’s interested.”

Basic Details
  • Title: Orb
  • File Name: hl1-sp-orb.7z
  • Size : 616 kB
  • Author: SlayerA
  • Date Released: 14 May 2006

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1 recommendation, average score: 4 (out of 5), standard deviation: 0 (what's that?)
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  1. piledriver

    This is very amusing to watch. Short but sweeeeeet.
    Download, install, turn the sound up and launch this one.
    Which map won compo 20 anyway? Hope it was this one.
    If this idea and some more like it was incorporated into a mod, then original it would be.
    I know it’s only one map but I’ve got to give it 4/5

  2. Play It Later

    Possibly by far one of the best things I’ve ever seen in Half-Life. Seeing this you truly wonder whether this is actually Hl1 or not.

    But be advised it’s more some sort of interactive in game walk and run video than offering game play vs monsters.

  3. Damn! The download link doesn’t work on this one.

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