About An entry for the TWHL Competiton: Destructification! Authors Note “Here is my entry to competition 20. Its in mini format so just extract it to your root HL directory. The splash screen is set up for WONHL only and is not compatible with Steam. Special thanks to Muzz for helping me with a leak.”… Read More
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The Citizen Returnsfor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
Set in both the heart and outside of City 17, “The Citizen Returns” contains the final chapters of our citizen’s story, as well as an updated version of Part II.
The story takes place shortly after a failed assassination attempt on Dr. Breen leads to the first ever use of the Overwatch Broadcast system by The Resistance, represented by former garage
owner Larry Soderstrom Jr.
The Combine forces decide to capture him and try to use his public repentance and execution as a means to appease the emergent rebellion.
The Citizens of City 17 however have other ideas in mind. Larry is now a symbol for the rebellion and a key asset in a bigger plot to deal a fatal blow to the Combine and its grip on humankind…
Total Downloads: 12,65523rd June 2014
and 20 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!
Test Lab 16for Half-Life
This short map won TWHL’s Test Chamber Mapping Competition back in November 2005.
Here is the original brief: “For this competition, you must build a functioning and original test chamber, similar to the one in HL where everything goes wrong. There should be a specimen of some description being tested, and then everything should go horribly wrong (again). You can include other sections in the map if you wish, but you shouldn’t let that detract you from making a detailed and original test chamber.”
Total Downloads: 2,3577th October 2013
and 7 recommendations, most say "Play It Later"
Name Game Status Filename Link Brief Notes We’ll finish this list one day, we promise. Click the column headings to reorder the list. Bugstompers HL1 To Add bugstompers.zip Blendogames.com A good one; dust off point = gangway/elevator from ‘Aliens’ + Mega-snarks! The Puppy Years HL1 To Add puppyyears.zip Blendogames.com Amusing stealth mission + puzzler, you… Read More
21st May 2013 No Comments
The Citizen 2for Half-Life 2
Previously in The Citizen you had taken control of an important combine message relay, making the most of a failed mission to assassinate Dr Breen. It was located in a large conference building situated near a rebel safehouse – the Spare Time Cafe – from which your assault was originally launched.
Total Downloads: 11,04424th December 2010
and 20 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!
New Update Breaking New and Old Mods?
I have basically copied all the replies from a forum thread started by JM Kasperg, a well-known modder.
Essentially, the latest update from Valve, has caused some mods to stop working. It’s the same for some mods in development. His original post explains things.
27th May 2010 37 Comments
Poll Question 131 – Should reviews always help the author?
Let me clarify that this question is specifically is interested in community made maps and mods, not retail games, films or other forms of entertainment. Now, with that out of the way my answer is No. Reviews are reviews not feedback or beta testing responses.
That said a lot can be learnt by the author if they listen carefully.
11th July 2009 15 Comments
Random Questfor Half-Life 2
This mod features some intense action scenes, but most of these come later on, much of the earlier parts of the mod are focused on adventure and storytelling.
Total Downloads: 3,5681st June 2009
and 28 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!
SP Mode: Clearance
In the past I have suggested new gameplay modes for single player mods (An SP and MP Mix, Chase and Reach Me), well today I’m going to do it again. However, this time there’s a twist because there are hundreds of maps already available. Curious? Read on…
21st September 2008 3 Comments
Total Downloads: 96115th May 2006
6 Comments and 2 recommendations, 1 say "Maybe?"