Archive for December 2016

Special Challenge 2018

Details of this challenge’s theme will be posted on the start day of the challenge. Please check the CALENDAR for all the dates and links to the event homepages.

18th December 2016 No Comments


for Black Mesa

Trapped deep underground in the Black Mesa research facility and beset on all sides by hungry aliens, failing systems and government soldiers determined to silence everyone involved with the project.

How hard can it be?


Total Downloads: 1,45817th December 2016
14 Comments and 8 recommendations, most say "Play It Later"

RTSL in 2017

See that cat above? That’s how I have been feeling the last 6 months. I just haven’t been able to get the energy to do any work on the site.

However, I have almost reached a decision to continue with the site BUT before I make that final commitment, I want to be sure.

In a few days, I am going away for the Christmas holidays and then on 4th January I am going for a holiday in the sun. I will relax, looking at the ocean and ponder life’s unanswerable questions: “Can Gordon talk?“, “Should I stop pretending to be a bad player?“, “should I extract all the modding knowledge from Don’s brain and become a mapping giant?“, and of course “Should I continue running the site?“.

I suspect the answer to them all will be “YES!“. So, let’s just assume that for the rest of this article.

16th December 2016 17 Comments

Hard!Ville AKA HardVille

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

UPDATE: A late entry was received and has been included in a patch and an updated file. It will not be entered into the voting system.

This Ville contains 6 entries, each with varying degrees of design quality, visuals and polish.

The theme was designed to encourage difficult gameplay and challenging scenarios.

You decide if the entrants achieved this.


Total Downloads: 3,19815th December 2016
63 Comments and 12 recommendations, 6 say "Play It Later"

Mesa Cup Challenge 3

Details of this challenge’s theme will be posted on the start day of the challenge. Please check the CALENDAR for all the dates and links to the event homepages.

14th December 2016 No Comments

Mesa Cup Challenge 2

Details of this challenge’s theme will be posted on the start day of the challenge. Please check the CALENDAR for all the dates and links to the event homepages.

14th December 2016 No Comments

Mesa Cup Challenge 1

Details of this challenge’s theme will be posted on the start day of the challenge. Please check the CALENDAR for all the dates and links to the event homepages.

14th December 2016 No Comments

Lambda Cup Challenge 5

Details of this challenge’s theme will be posted on the start day of the challenge. Please check the CALENDAR for all the dates and links to the event homepages.

14th December 2016 No Comments

Lambda Cup Challenge 4

Details of this challenge’s theme will be posted on the start day of the challenge. Please check the CALENDAR for all the dates and links to the event homepages.

14th December 2016 No Comments

Lambda Cup Challenge 3

Details of this challenge’s theme will be posted on the start day of the challenge. Please check the CALENDAR for all the dates and links to the event homepages.

14th December 2016 No Comments