Start in a lobby and explore the Black Mesa Research Facility.
Of course, you will find plenty of enemies and obstacles in your way, so move carefully and pay attention to the signs.
Only the smart and fearless will succeed!
I was lucky, I waited until HL, OP and BS were released, so I could play them straight after each other, thereby living through each story in the right order.
These minor details are very important to me. As many readers may know I HATE spoilers, even the smallest detail is a spoiler to me. However, I do recognize that many people don’t really care that much.
27th December 2009 26 Comments
There doesn’t seem to be a story but the objective is fairly clear. Get the HEV suit, find more batteries and use the elevator.
There are two puzzles and plenty of action, which should leave you wanting more.
Reach the vortigaunt for a mini-speech and the map ends.
Total Downloads: 2,01627th December 2009
and 15 recommendations, 7 say "Play It Later"
Starting in a prison cell, you need to make you way to the surface.
Once there, things get a little more interesting, in fact, your whole world is about to change.
Combine Mountain Complex is a fun and challenging first release.
Total Downloads: 2,69424th December 2009
and 19 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
I know a lot of players get bored with the standard assets of the games, but I am not one of them. As long as the modder knows how to use them wisely, them I am a happy headcrab.
Given the choice I much prefer a mod team spend the time on making more maps and therefore more gameplay for me. Of course, the usual It Depends rings loudly in the air, but these polls are just for a little fun and we must assume that the quality of the new content is the same as the new maps
20th December 2009 25 Comments
Starting in a dead end of a square, you need to follow the path to some rebels being held captive.
Of course, there are lots of Combine trying to stop you, so relax, the day is just starting.
The level features non-standard HL2 weapons but no new enemies.
Total Downloads: 1,47720th December 2009
and 5 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
Full disclosure: I am not a level designer. I have started the slow path to becoming one, but this article is based on my knowledge and experience in a non-gaming environment. Secondly, I am publishing this earlier than I planned because Kyouryuu mentioned this exact same thing in his comment yesterday and I didn’t want to seem as I was stealing his point.
20th December 2009 13 Comments
Yesterday I wrote about six things I wanted to see in mods in 2010, today I write about 6 more.
Some of the things I wrote about yesterday could be quite hard to implement properly, but that’s the point. If the things were too easy then we would probably have already seen them.
What I really want to see is something that is challenging for the modder and something that is new and exciting for the player.
There must be hundreds of possible ideas and these are just a few of mine.
20th December 2009 17 Comments
Starting in an underground prison cell, you need to fight your way to the surface.
Once there, you will find a train station and hopefully a train will lead you to your next encounter.
The final challenge is a Combine chopper, that won’t be easy to destroy.
Total Downloads: 2,34819th December 2009
and 8 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"
At this time of year I normally write some sort of wish list for the following year (2007, 2009 (not sure what happened to 2008!)), but this year I decided to be much more specific. This year I am going to talk about what I would like to see in mods.
I have decided to split it into two articles, so that we can discuss each point in greater detail. So, without further ado, here are the first six.
14th December 2009 29 Comments
Type your search here:
Total Downloads: 2,50929th December 2009
48 Comments and 9 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"