Author’s Note “As a single player, you will enter an alternate level in the Half Life 2 universe. Your objective is to reach the scientist that the Combine is holding. As the player, you will have to traverse through a zombie infested sewer and destroy the combine in order to get to your objective” Reader… Read More
Archive for November 2007
Text Interview with Germano Guerrini
A while ago a mod was released called Riot Act and it was warmly received.
I contacted the author and requested an interview. Like all people who are good at something, he was quite busy and we only recently found the time to chat about the mod and some other stuff.
30th November 2007 10 Comments
Poll Question 059 – What is your favourite style of Half-Life series location?
Following last week’s question about favourite weapons I have decided to continue the theme. This time it’s locations.
Here’s this week’s question:
What is your favourite style of Half-Life series location?
30th November 2007 11 Comments
Zombie Streetfor Half-Life 2
About “The player begins in a hotel lobby looking out into a street filled with zombies. When playing Half-Life 2 I felt the most enjoyable gameplay was destroying zombies with various physics objects. In my final Directed Focus Study I designed a map with this gameplay as the entire focus.” Reader Recommendations Avoid It! Think… Read More
Total Downloads: 81329th November 2007
and 5 recommendations, 1 say "Play It Now!"
Poll Question 058 – What is your favourite type of Half-Life 2 enemy?
I’m a manhack lover. WAIT! That didn’t come out right. Allow me to rephrase that. I love fighting Manhacks. Of course not everybody does and I certainly prefer to have a projectile weapon to do it or the Gravity Gun. Here’s this week’s question:
What is your favourite type of Half-Life 2 enemy?
23rd November 2007 25 Comments
Resistorfor Half-Life 2
A small to medium mod with the player in the role of a Metrocop. Your objective? Escape from the base after all the Combine turn against you. You start with a four-person squad and face mostly other Metrocops.
Total Downloads: 1,32817th November 2007
and 23 recommendations, 10 say "Play It Now!"
Poll Question 057 – Do you think Mod Delivery Systems are a good idea?
Having a mod delivered directly to your game folder and being able to simply start the game and play it is obviously a great selling point. Steam has done it for games and CrosuS is trying to do something similar with mods. Here’s this week’s question:
Do you think Mod Delivery Systems are a good idea?
16th November 2007 22 Comments
Poll Question 056 – Would you prefer new enemies or new weapons in a new Half-Life 2 SP mod?
I often see complaints that new mods don’t include new content, such as textures, modles, sounds etc. Personally I’m not too worried about those things because I prefer to have a great map and gameplay than new things just for the sack of it.
So, this week’s poll question is:
Would you prefer new enemies or new weapons in a new Half-Life 2 SP mod?
9th November 2007 18 Comments
Survivorsfor Half-Life
About You start the game with a group of survivors who have barricaded themselves in. Work your way through the corridors until you meet…. Wait and see. Reader Recommendations Avoid It! Think Twice Maybe Play It Later Play It Now! 8 recommendations, average score: 2.75 (out of 5), standard deviation: 0.19 (what's that?)
Total Downloads: 1,0234th November 2007
and 8 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"
Chained Together
About We value freedom when playing games. That’s why if a developer can remove the illusion of a level being a linear game it is often considered good. (I disagree, but that’s for another post!). What if a game developer took a different approach and said “The player is going to have much less control… Read More
3rd November 2007 5 Comments
Total Downloads: 76530th November 2007
8 Comments and 5 recommendations, say ""