Archive for October 2001

Stargate SG2

for Half-Life

Basic Details Title: StarGate SG2 File Name: hl1-sp-stargate-sg2.7z Original File Name: Size : 19.4Mb Author: Stargate SG2 Team Date Released: 21 October 2001 PlanetPhillip Download Servers PlanetPhillip.Com Reader Recommendations Avoid It! Think Twice Maybe Play It Later Play It Now! 1 recommendation, average score: 1 (out of 5), standard deviation: 0 (what's that?)


Total Downloads: 1,09721st October 2001
6 Comments and 1 recommendation, most haven't enjoyed it

Lunch Lady Invasion: They’re Hungry

for Half-Life

Author’s Note: “Warning, this map contains shitloads of profanity (hehe). Oh yeah, and destroy lots of stuff. Not just because its fun! Also, the general plot is this. You are a typical American high school student (yes I know you’re not armed at the beginning, and everybody knows that all American school children are armed… Read More


Total Downloads: 1,4051st October 2001
15 Comments and 7 recommendations, 2 say "Play It Now!"