Published On This Date

This page displays posts that were published on this date in various years.

Playathon 2016
published: 2016

THE EYES! Don’t look into the eyes.

On Saturday 7th May 2016 at 12pm (that’s midday for those that keep forgetting the differences between pm and am) I will be starting a 12 hour livestream playathon on the RTSL Twitch Channel.

Originally, I was planning to play through all the Half-Life games but then I realized that I wouldn’t be able to do that in 12 hours as it took me over 11 hours to play Half-Life in my TREE event, so what shall I play?

I will only accept suggestions for Half-life games and their mods, so please don’t request other games.

If this event is successful, they I may expand the options for future events.

I’ll try to give plenty of games away, some donated by Aaron’s great website Steam, in fact I may aim for one game per hour!

I would love plenty of people to join me in the live chat, even if it is only for a little while.

Please make suggestions via the comments and we can begin to create a playlist.

2nd May 2016 23 Comments

Audio Interview with Alex Frazer and David Buckley
published: 2015

Project: Blue Room is a single player mod with an ulterior motive. It wants learn about how you play. Well, the mod itself doesn’t, but the authors do.

So, what better way to figure out what’s going on than to kidnap and interrogate them? Actually, there is a better way: call them on the Internet and chat with them, so that’s what I did.

Be warned, we talk for nearly 90 minutes, all of it fun and interesting.

If you have any questions, please post them here and you might get an answer.

2nd May 2015 No Comments